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Show HELP )F interest SPECIAL t. CONSTRUCTION contracts. Must read blue prints. Memorial Estates 1987 expansion plans and new otfice require 10 additional lady counselors. Prefer bidding 298-374perience. Ph. work, too tired to do your housework, a wedding coming up, baby on the way or just need a break? We can solve your problem. We do commercial cleaning, empty and full houses, wash windows, clean carpets and painting. Give the Moore's a call at 428-5- commission first year. product and service ladies are oomtortable A US Construction (all Drivers, phases), with. ettective and hours fit family Flexible schedule. HIRING NOW AND Overseas. Machinists, Welders, HE0, Electricians, Airlines, Mechanics. Some level entry TOP PAY. Call positions. Transcontinental (308) (303) Training, proven lead system, medical ins. retirement and fun. For interview Phone Mrs. Chorn 298-156331-43- 0 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE EXPANDING gardening business is seeking to the tram right person to Fee. Only estimates. carpenters,' millwright, managers, drivers, project train 9 MARKETING firm expanding in area. Are you satisfied with your income? Openings for management trainer. Full or part-timmale or female. Must be 21 or 6 older. Call between community 401 So. 400 East, between the hours of 9a.m. and 2 p.m. Ph. Hospital, 421-43- 0 p.m. for appointment. BNTFL. DENTAL OFFICE CAPABLE, HONEST, mature person needed. Someone willing to learn. Must be congenial with I public. Full time. Salary j nego. Please call 295- f 9580 for interview. 421- r 430 3 I , 1 j 1 a r " I ) ' ARCHERY i . 6775. ? J MODELS 1 '! j I children, 520 ' sod, Call j; V; .'j I i : grading hauling, asphalt and pat- 428-52- 8 SPRING CLEANING or cleaning has routine house can helpl Call Teri - I 298-339- 415-42- 1 AERATMG POWER RAKMG SPRING 0 CLEAN-U- crocheting or Call 451 2694 415-52- 7 COSMETOLOGIST . NEEDED. Part time or full time. Booth rental. Ph. 298-287- 428-5- 7 0 PAINTING AND TEXTURIZING SPECIALIZING in quality interior & exterior. No job too small. Guaranteed workmanship. Call Scott 298-257- 2 and I will save you hundreds of dollars!!! All work is guaranteed. Free CALL 6 bid. 428-5- 7 apartment complexes, commercial, residential, weekly ground maintenance. COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE SYSTEM SPRINKLER install or repair. New or relandscape. Sod or seed ties, lawns, fencing, tree and shrub planting. ANDYS CLEAN ft HAUL UNDER ANYTHING HANDY the sun, clean basements, haul lots, garage, construction debris, concrete removal, garage, etc. old WE DO IT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REFERENCE for all your yard care and landscape needs. Call at no Estimates 47-5- 7 obligation. PAY WHY high shop prices. Electronic Tech does work in home. Quality work, reasonable rates, VCR, stereo, radio etc. Layton, Utah. trimming, S OIL change and lube at the convenience of your home or office, only $39.95 to $44.95, guaranteed, call Richard TUNE-U- 421-43- 0 31298-476- grading work. Also hoe 421- - design, IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY in CONCENTRATES of 1986 Amnesty Bill lor Aliens andor Employers. Initial Consultation Free. Bob Warnick, 3760 Highland Drive, SLC (801) 278-231- Q oQD(sEEI!B!B52SE excellent Workreferences. xturing, manship guaranteed. Clean, fast, dependable. Call Kim, 295-413- IN CLEAN-USPRING power raking, pruning tree trimming, fertilizing maintenance weekly hauling, Dennis Me WATCH ft CLOCK REPAIR Licensed Free Estimates References 298-570- 3 262-410- 8 298-543- 0 A DIRTY? Top Bprlog downing One Urn or regular baate . Each employee la Doeneed. o bonded and ineured lor your protection. rsody salL We slaaa sad repair blawn-o- n aad "Hour Look-U- p Vicki 292-737- 7. TYPISTS s Vo 6 ASPHALT SPECIALTY MUST MOVING, sell, 15,000 down and will All contract. carry WILL contracts equipment, and contacts 75,000. 451 0083 or BEST PRICE IN TnuN COMPLETE r CONCRETE work, landscaping, spring cleanup, tree HOUSECLEANING SPRING CLEANING. We'll WINDOW CANYON HORSE BOARDING and rentals, full service and owner care. Mountain Club, Riding Rod TWO GENTLE t deposits Ph. 298-339- TWO 428-43- 0 HORSE 428-2- PRECISION HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE INCORPORATED OFFERING THE best in Work guaranteed, 12 yrs. experience 1 5 percent discount on contracts before May 292-400LAWN CARE FOOO' Mato an catch on a high conditioning system and gat financing or up to $100.00 cash afficiancy Lannox air interast-fra- back from Lannox! Lannox air conditionars are built to last, season after season. And your participating independent Lennox dealer has the right unit for your home, plus interest-freor up to $100.00 cash back. So take financing the field and call the Big Leaguer your participating Lennox dealer today! shrub, haul sod, flower bed. Free est. Call 486-244- 423- - 527 PAINTING INTERIOR AND exterior. Brush, roller or spray. Call or Joe, 298-205- 3 428- Mike, 266-823- 5 . 521 credit only Offer professional Em- housecleaning. removal from 298-467- 8 rabbits. showers, -- minilop and show and Cages Pet quality. 47-5- 7 supplies. FOR INFO on LEGAL SECRETARIES DATA ENTRY BOOKKEEPERS All other office skills needed Immediate openings for day, week or longer term assignments. High wages paid for the same week worked. NO FEES. Benefits available. Work when and where you want. For interview call now. SWAMP COOLERS 7 WEEK OLD kittens need good home. Siamese. Call 428-43- 0 F9I Types of Topsoil Materials - Sand Gravel, Etc. Radio Dispatched I 553 LOj 2928811 JmtJmti a b rtm g b a a rg'trtnrtnmV oooo inmnra JOB OPPORTUNITY 328-816- 0 Downtown Location 56 East 800 South (Plenty of free parking) Office alo located in Murray, Ogden and Orem tate sales. welcome experienced Real Estate Salespeople as well as new starters, come, and we will train you. We At. Advantages: Charlie Fuller Group training room. Member Salt Lake and Ogden Multiple Listing Service. Located so we have OodenSalt Lake local calling. Worldwide Refer lRelocation Service. Member of o 7. Celebrating 30 years In business. 8. Office has a local touch. 9. One of Davis County's older and respected Real Estate offices. Mata experience andpew a comfortable feoowe." For a confidential interview call Jim Brough. 'We beJp rou hare a pleasant Neal ImUd Brough Really 1 544-340- 7 544-830-4 iwni Warranty Repair On - Zenith - Mother 428-3- All 360 S. 200 W. Sylvania -- Philco 5 Off Labor Coupon 5 colors, several famous breeds, closed banded at 422- birth. 428 YesI We are not Just widening our walls. We ore building a brand new office building! Designed exclusively for Real Es- 3. 4. 5. 6. cost GUARANCANARIES, TEED singers, choice 5 Off Labor Coupon 1. Individual sales rooms. Your own private office. 2. Every Individual has their very own desk. low spay, neuter. Call or 451 5878. Yours or mine. Quality work. $100 over cost. Ph. LOPS. Purebred Pedigreed toilets, and faucets. Now scheduling deep spring cleaning with a crew. Also can clean on a one time or maintenance basis. Carpet steam window cleaning and cleaning available also. In business 5 years. 298-448Bondedinsured, copotkminq e hkatino Terra-Wes- t LOVABLE professionally ployees trained. We specialize in hard water deposit TOPSOIL LENNOX 9 PETS SECRETARIES TELEMARKETERS trailer, excellent condition, new paint. $1095. 298-146- satisfaction is our krnmoss" Young quarter horses. Also two yearling running quarter horses. house. 428-2- 9 and repairs, automatic manual conversions 298-1220 Slightly higher for storm windows. 30 years professional service to Davis County. Ph. 295-595- con- CREEK STABLES WASHING average STOCK im service, top, trim, flower bed, shrub trimming, removal weekly lawn mowing maintenance, weeding, all type fence. Free Estimate. Call Ron or Mike, 428-520- - HORSE Wt Trained, sxpartancad. raHaUa workart. Wa apadaMza in ramming hard wafer die ooeeaetled eelllage. Call Must assume lease, please call it interested. 9 421-43- 0 after 6 p.m. 422-51- TYPES of concrete footings, retaining walls, foundations up to 6'. Replace driveways,, patios, sidewalks, etc. Licensed 20 yrs. Service m oil Bakes oi Heatiag, Air Cnartitlnalng aad BaMgerotlea and TO opportunity. design and install quality lighting to enhance your yard at reasonable rates. Free estimate. Ask 428-52- 8 lor Kevin. Boeatilil299-345- 4 Quality Cloaaina oi Home. Office a BuekwMM and LIGHTING WE ALL 2M Rerih S00 West Eaerald Duck Housekeephg Co CEZLnvas Lawrence UUUtUIJUUUUULUJLUJLU HELP illness we are forced to sell our local gift and jewelry store. Cheap, super business DUE LANDSCAPE Clean-uresidential. hauling, weekly yard care. Call for free 0 estimate 298-141- LAWN SPRINKLER COMPLETE Installation am The ftsdsoorattag WORD PROCESSORS Altypos BUSINESS 422-52- 8 to buyare with approved Financing avallaN aspire June X. 1S67. Roofing & Remodeling Vlaardlngerbroek 3552 So. 800 W., Bountiful year Osttlng to hosts Temporary Service A Deserved Luxury 4 Father and Son SPRAYED Utahs Largest -- 414-55.- 4 OPPORTUNITIES electrical contractor. Call 7 Dave or 544-488- 292-952- edge, weed, prune, rake leaves, 7 and Free tree service. estimate, free Licensed estimate. mow, Expanancad Dspsndabia Bonded - Insured edging, hauling trimming, work, 428-5- YARD Free estimates. 47 428 Res. remodel GENERAL clean up. Trim, PALMERS raking leaves, weeding, mowing, 428-52- 8 tractor. Mike Dahl, resid PERFECT PAINTING COMMERCIAL Residential Quality Work. Call ROCKY'S CLEAN UP SERVICE GENERAL CLEANUP, Rocky. construction, WHIPPLE LA WNCARE ft MAINTENANCE AND COMMERCIAL Country Housecleaning 295-975- ENGLISH Housecleaning. $5 an hr. time only). (limited Experienced in England and America. Joan, 292-651- 4 ELECTRICAL NEW INSTALLATION, 421-5- 7 421-52- 0 Call Ramona M.J.V. Construction, available. 7 by licensed contractor. Free strainers. exteriors. Guaranteed work. Call Dave 295-221- 0 421-5- 7 for estimate. 428-5- Financing WATER SOFTNERS SALES AND Installation PAINTING EXPERIENCED painting, 298-838- Hig ley CONCRETE WORK fast. Reliable, 298-769- FINISHING A basement? For free estimate call Con WALLS, FOOTINGS, curbs, drives, quality office overflow, spread sheets, merge mailings, manuscripts, and 973-272- Licensed plumbing, contractor free est. Big License clothes, custom-fittingifts, alterations. Reasonable rates. Call REMODELING PLUMBING PHASES quality work. work. weddings, kids Serving the Layton, Clearfield, Kaysville 8 tor a area. Call 428-52- 0 lift day or nite 0 WORD PROCESSING EXPERIENCED Typist, Prom dresses, 428-43- 0 FOR hands with great looking nails, call me today!! ask for Mar-n- i. 421-5- 0 SEWING QUALITY in- PM TAX CAB SERVICE NOW open for business. 24 hr. service. STYLE BEAUTIFUL Al 428-43- anything big or small, maintenance, ground weekly, monthly, quality work, lowest price. Free estimate. Call anytime, te- HANDS Robert Call cleanup and hauling PAINTING QUALITY INTERIOR, 414-43- 0 Free xperienced. estimate. basement residential, Al plumbing, plastering, Epainting, repairs. stalled and repair, new lawn. We do condos, apartments bricklaying, tiling, and system sprinkler $30 416-51- 4 trees carpentry, Remodeling, shrubs shaping, topping, removal fencing, r.r. ties, chain link, cement wood, block, work, new driveways, 415-5-- 6 295-193- 4 cutting, trimming, pruning, edging, weeding, MAN HANDY GENERAL CLEANUP, lawn edging and trimming. 20 percent off the first month. Sharp yard care. painting, 428-43- 0 YARD WORK CARE FERTILIZING, LAWN QUALITY 295-563- systems, MOWING, help 428-52- 421-5- 7 HOME remolding, basement to attic by Remarkale Creators. Call for tree estimate. Also upon request design consultation py Vivian. GEORGE'S COMPLETE LANDSCAPING ANO clean walls, your windows and carpets for a low reasonable rate. For free estimate Call Ron 295-7- 1 17. 47.57 carpentry, no job too small. Call Gary 428-52- QUALITY 295-936Tammy, Routine cleaning also. References. retaining walls, decks, and much more for a free estimate please call Dan Loveland at 298-183- im- migration planting, sprinkler Al Big energetic, spring-cleanin- contact Licensed contractor. SOME FOR LandPROFESSIONAL scape Architect would like to help you with your We needs. landscape specialize in all facets of including landscape WATER HEATERS Increase REPLACEMENT, size or add another to plumbing Free est. hr. $5.50 Ph. 428-52- 295-221- LOVELAND LANDSCAPE 520 system. otter, experienced, enthusastic est. Big TRACTOR WORK BACK FILL rough grading - back - finish Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 year business. Sharon 414-5- Rocky. ALL TUNE-UP- ceiling and spray texture removal. Call Darrell, 973-272- 4 414-5- 6 MOBILIZED HOUSECLEANING Spring cleaning: general Introductory cleaning. and Free hauling tree service. estimate exterior ALL PAINTING edging, mowing, SERVICES SALES RESIDENTIAL, interior, work. exterior custom Also new construction, 423-53- 0 47.55.4 Working Temporary My Be The ANSWER! 422-51- 4 . 0 . Donald lawn weekly maintenance, mowing weeding, misc. yard cleanup and hauling. Call for free estimate, Ron 295-711- 7 .47.57 E. GROUNDWATER PROBLEMS knitting) 428-5- P weekly yard care. Fertilizing, trimming, hauling. s. We do it all. Free Call R&M Maintenance 298-585- trimming removal, SHAPING, pruning, topping, removal, for a free estimate and free hauling and clean up. Call Karl 298-041- 3 or 9 full 423-3- professional 2 and shrub COUNTRY-WES- T CRAFTED items needed for consignment in Country Stores, (no ; SPRING TREES AND SHRUBS 422- - BtfL Fer- YARD CARE tree CLEANUP, LAWN FARMLAND SOIL, courteous experienced 2 will deliver drivers yards. Pickups loaded. Use your Mastercard, Visa or American Express. Call Terra-We298-467Serving home owners and landscape contractors. Financing 47-- 5 available. ching and paving. Call Al 5 or Bob Kink HAND - 47-5- 7 596-074- A spraying. service Jim. monthly care. TOP SOIL BEAUTIFUL DARK TOP SOIL Custom time delivery of plants and flowers order packing. Also basic knowledge of area from Logan to in Riverton. Apply person, 85 W. 300 S., guaranteed work. We beat any price. Free estimates. Bountiful Lawn Care, 414-5- 5 pest Foundation control. leaves, raking hauling, , time cleanup. tilization and edging, trees, top and trim, flower bed, new LAWN AND GARDEN BEAUTIFICATION FOR work- Expert -' manship. LARKIN LAWN CARE PLUG AERATION OR POWER RAKING WEEKLY.YARDcareor one SPRING GENERAL CLEANUP ft MAINTEN. PROFESSIONAL ALL type of weeding, mowing, I PERSON as service fertilize, edging. We condos and 421-5- adults, 265-153- 414-56.- 4 mowing, raking leaves, weeding, 0 WORK TERNATION AL arrived! Now accepting Models and Actors. No experience, con- ...The Clipper Publishing Co. done at reasonable rates. WANT GREAT N 15hr., POWER RAKING and tilling 428-42- 9 0 Center, 1450 West 400 Bountiful. North, West Apply in person. 422-42- 9 1 WITH A Troy-Buil- t, $1 5min. 295-860- rent. Maintenance skills necessary. Two bedroom 428-3- 0 apt. UNIVERSAL EQUESTRIAN i 7 repairs, automatic. Sprinkler Anderson Service, DEPENDABLE needed. i- tree ROCKY'S CLEAN UP SERVICE GENERAL CLEANUP, 416-51- 3 0 422-42- 9 May to version more convenient for our valued Classified customers! 47-5- 7 CUSTOM WANTED: Manager for ten Part units. apartment 421-42- 9 - by 1987. or CHILD QUALITY care needed for 4 year old and 2 year old Mon., Wed. and Fri. from 8:00 till 12:00. Call 292- - 298-778- INSTRUCTOR, received American Home Toy Parties 5138 Westmoor Salt Road, 84117,-277-475- Gerry, In- 1 modifications, We hope this will make it a Call professional touch. $3. 35hr., must have related experience and must have a high levl or skill in the sport of archery. Apply at the Personnel Offics. 437 N. Wasatch Dr., Layton, Ut. All applications must be earn e 295-154- IRONING IRONING WITH must have related experience or education. TRACK & Field Instructor, $3.35hr., must have related experience or education. Gifts. Lake City, Utah Clinic ncluding all shrubs, complete 42-5- 7 $3. 35hr., structor, written pay, good resume required. Ap- pointment . Call 295- - and TEAM DRILL Top commission selling guaranteed line of Toys j Anderson - positions. inCHEERLEADING structor, $3 .35hr. , must have related experience or education. attendant 30 hrs. week. Must be flexible and out of school. $350 hour to Klean start. Apply Machine Five Points Mall (west side). 298- 421-43- 0 9845. licensed sumer following 4 i PLUMBING REPAIRS AND installation, CITY on Noon, Friday for Tuesday; 5:30 p.m. Mon., for l7od.-Th- .; 5:30 p.m., Tues., for Thurs.; 0 interview is accepting applications for the LAYTON LAUNDRY TOY Demonstrators 298-514- affordable, plumber. SERVICE power-rak- trimming, services, REPAIRS EXPERT WEEDING, hedges, SPRINKLER SYSTEM 3 different deadlines! troweled texture, water damage repair, painting, interior, exterior. Call SUMMER RECREATION ACTORS ACTRESSES all ages. Fun part time, i CEILINGS SPRAY TEXTURE removal, 428-5- 6 IBM Computer, reasonable rales, Jerl, 4 (after 5:30) or 414-5weekends. Now you can place your Classifieds in 3 different editions with 0 546-437- PROFESSIONAL TYPING DO any WILL typing on CILASSDFOED WOTDGE! Cleaners, LARGE Davis 299-272- 414-51- 4 Pay Sunrise guaranteed. Carpet HELP needed. Please apply at South ' PROBLEMS: CARPET ANO UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SATISFACTION 28-2- 9 , KITCHEN ) and Preference will be given for Burroughs experience. Applications accepted in room 210, Farmington Courthouse, through May 8. EOE. 4- - some positions. Top Pay! Job Transcontinental Search (303)452-2258- , fee. perience. or LAWN CARE REPAIRS CARPET Instant back your debts thru Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Farmers: Chapter 12 bankruptcy can save For free your farm. information call Embry Aand Associates, 420-5- 4 ttorneys at 756-363- 0 three (3) years experience with Micro or PC's. Computers welders, 421-42- 27 3 298-886- tree landyears ex- LARGE scaping. Brian, by call types of systems, FREE ROOF INSPECTION DON'T WAIT lor leaks to have your roof checked. Residential or commercial, ask for Bruce 47-5- 7 MONEY science computer sheetmetal, (308)382-3700- AND 972-261- 9 49-5- 5 also installation landscape architect Lindl, ANDY'S LANDSCAPINGS HAULING PROMPT SERVICES WHERE QUALITY COUNTS GO WITH this familiar and dependable name in the Davis County area. SPRING CLEAN UP OUR SPECIALTY HANDY GARAGE jffii SERVICES LANDSCAPE DESIGN and sprinklers all kind of yard and landscaping service. 19 We years experience. break down old garages, break driveways, new driveways, retain wall, cement work. New sod, sprinkler, tree service, brick retain, fence any kind. Maintenance big or small lawn care, weekly-monthlTop soil. Free Estimate Call Joel or or 485-296Fmau, 364-815- HOE BACK 331-43- 0 MICROCOMPUTER PROGRAMMER ANALYST HIRING laborers, Oil Free fertilizing. is guaranteed. Call Vicki or 47-5- 5 1 Janet at 292-66- 1 Landscaping. IMMEDIATELY! Will satisfaction tree and shrub sprays, 3.09hour. Requires bachelor's degree in plumbers. 292- - 331-42- 8 ARBOR CARE PRUNING, DORMANT $1 masons, hour. Sharon, 428-3- 0 McDonald, PIPEFITTERS, introductory business. 6514. reliable child and oriented individuals need apply. Call for Appt. 298-444- Mr. performance. ironing, attendant position. the respon-sibilite- s managing and operating our Salt Lake will Branch be Pay commensorate with your skills, experience and of CLEANING, offer: $5.00 an Limited time only. licensed, bonded and insured. We also offer gift certificates, a unique gift to give for those special occasions to someone love. Your you HOUSE CLEANING needed. assume using SERVICES FOR YARDS CARE WE DO Each and every employee of the is trained, company reliable, SPRING YARD industrial chemicals. 331-42- 8 0428-2- CARE DAY CLEAN homes and businesses, on a regular e or a basis. We work for you, doing what need done! We you specialize in removing hard water deposits WE $ SERVICES LANDSCAPING ft THE EMERALD OUCK HOUSEKEEPING CO. INC. CLEANING ex- RQi SERVICES DO YOU $20,000 over Average SERVICES WANTED SALESMAN women. mature HELP 0S WANTED Bountiful Call Us .298-141- 4 0 |