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Show TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR RENT TORRENT TWO BEDROOM VERY CLEAN upgraded FOR BEDROOM $200 TWO BEDROOM by Colonial Square. $200. Approx. 2600 South 500 West. Close to bus and leave 7 message. 421-5- 7 shopping. 292-715- BEAUTIFULLY redecorated 2 bedroom, air, free rent for a month. Large rooms $270.00, AC, carport, pets, 542 West 3200 hookups, no $315.00. South, 6144. 414-51- 4 CUTE, CLEAN, ROOMY 2 BEDROOM WD New drapes hookups. FARMINGTON washer dryer, off road parking, quiet street. East side location 421 430 and paint, convenient location. Close to leeway shopping and schools. No pets. One child ok. Jon Before 2:30 p.m. and weekends $225.00 z98-249421-5- bedroom 1 ONE BEDROOM 7 stove, fridge, carpet, drapes UNFURNISHED bdrm., cable TV storage, district, markets, 295-233- 1 hookup, cable, cooler. No pets. 267 So. 425 W 2 APT. air, gas heat, hookup, carport close to bus banks, church, $325 mo. Call or Mgr. C4. 292-770- 421-42- 9 ONE bedroom & water apts. Heat furnished, 10 So. Mam, 3 or 295-846NSL 195-20- 421-42- 9 yard, garden spot, upstairs. Really nice walkout Bountiful townhouse, 3 bedrooms, family room, deck, extra to close parking, shopping, church & school, air, 1 V baths. East of Orchard Drive on 3200 S. $450 apt. 414-5- sale or rent" Many sizes 295-481- 6 FOR basement 298-810- AREA LAYTON SEVERAL Apartments for rent. Large 1 bedroom $275. Nice 2 bedroom $300. New 2 bedroom townhouse $355. Call NEW FARMINGTON Apts, two bedrooms, dish- disposal Nice covered parking. super neighborhood, clean units 8 message and for leave 421-5- 7 URGE ONE APT., large hookup, quiet Bountiful area. $225 mo. plus utilities, central air and new carpet, stove and 298-396- dryer hook-up- LAYTON NEW LUXURY 2 bdrm., all See to appreciate. Call after 6:00, carpet. 422-43- 0 414-43- 0 JUMP INTO SPRING AND FINE LIVING AT.. ORCHARD LANE APARTMENTS NOW GIVING FREE RENT And 6 Month FREE Storage in Unit Nearby WD Hook Ups Free Cable TV Dishwasher Fireplace - Laundry Orchard Lain Is Coawaateatly Located to... Downtown Salt Lake Airport And Much Morel)! Shopping ' convenient paid. bedroom basement apt. 295-528- 9 $325 , 428-43- MANAGER for 10 apartment units. Part rent. Maintenance skills necessary. Two bedroom WANTED: $270 LOVELY Immaculate 2 bedroom, carport, one level. THE EM water-bed- . Park Village. Central air, pool, free cable, weight room, etc. $150 month, $300 deposit. Call Larry 428-2- MONTH. IVi rates TWO bedroom, very large, super clean, new decor, carport, drapes, carpet, lease, 428-43- 0 $285. 292-869- 2 SIDE by side upper Val Verde, 3351 DUPLEX TWO dining. smoking. bedroom, Kids disposal, No O.K. mall Deposit 298-363428-52- 1 DUPLEX laundry facilities. semi- 2 LARGE, Btfl.NSLC. Hook-upcarport, very nice. $285. call 544-220- 2 bdrm. apt. City. New 1119 storage, washer-dry- Main, nsL 295-102- ONE NO washer dryer carpets, 428-3- 0 WD Hookups - Sauna, hot tubs, rtc. room and fitness room Families Welcome Ceuta 2984302 Art for 55 Springwood W. Roger and Brian Springwood Apartments 1230 South 500 West 298-761- 4 for details W.l Call tEASEBDR" BUYTNEWTDR AJSECnT:STYOUR Gary, 295-182- . 140 West Steel doors, most self storage, located at 166 S. 500 W., Bountiful (west of Joanies Cafe). 12x26 with 10 foot wide doors. Spacious access roads. 295-294- 2 after 10:00 a.m. 428-52- 0 SECURE 544-869- 5 CHOICBTE ASEfOR' BUYTNEWTDPrUSECn 400 CARS IN STOCK AND COMING y IMI S IF D 0 Cl P-U- S HDlnI 3 t 74 -a- SS-sshs , 5 OOq YEARS OF SERVICE! 1 UNLESS YOU SELL FOR LESS!. YOU CANT BE YES! YES! YES! IT HAS TO COST YOU LESS! 1987 MAZDA 323 HATCHBACK t 2 C IN UTAH! X7001 LINCOLN MERCURY SALES Per Mo. U LUXURY s6,585 SALES SERVICE AFTER SALE No Down Payment LYNX 3.9 FINANCING 6219 1987 PONTIAC GRAND AM. $128 1987 COUGAR Powar Sida Window Spat d Control o Tut Whaal o Automatic Ovardrtva TranoNMion o o Air Conditions Interval WindahliM Wipar Light Group o Whito Tiro o Etoctric Light Group o Eloctrtc Amt Window Dofrotr o Stoortng wnol o Standard V EngMa a Oual Mundnatad Vtaer Vanity Front Carpal Floor Mat Mtirera tldW Per.Mo. AS LOW AS M3, 396 DISCOUNTS FREE AIR UP TO 2,500 PACK 600 OR 4 WHEEL DRIVE PLUS UP TO 1987 MAZDA B2200 6194 .ocGRAND Full-Siz- $87 e Luxury M7044 Per Mo. No Down Payment t aMmnt 219. SO mo nd Imm, cp col $7,015. r $2,104, 12 mo of SI tax Im (cult portion) 48 mo cioaad and Wait cap cost $1 2.203 ra$ $4.51512mo of 12B tax $ aasaasmant It (cut! portion) 48 mo. oM97 lax OAC, $1.744. 12 mo ol 87 $7,675 r tn $ aaaeiameni lee, (cutt portion) 48 mo ol 128 tax. OAC rs "fr h u Til ra 14,995 r: Original MSRP 24,328. 1 You Pay a Low a 2,787. 11,541 86 TOWN CARS Lease For As Low As SABLE 3A0 O 275 Par Mo. PHia lax, 0 mot. financing PLUS DISCOUNTS UP TO 1,550 SPECIAL PURCHASE BUY BACKS 85 TOWN CARS Lease For As Low At 250 Par Mo. Plus tax, 44 mot. MARK VII Low Miles. Includes Incentive IRlOlNITilFAlCOMrAVZIDJAl TOWN CARS 85-8- 6 SAVE oil 19 70 tax, OAC. 71880 80 mo 8194. mo closed end Mas. cap coat CASH MARQUIS S707 535 So. Main TOPAZ C7044 No Down Payment 2 dr. Coupe, 71680 ckd 428-43- 0 BOUNTIFULS Inv. Co. Lakewood OVER . 5x18 $25.00, 47-5- 300 South. $50. 295-407- 428-3- 0 O 9x9 BOUNTIFUL, quiet Kaysville. Country kitchen, 12 baths, large patio, luxury extras. Direct from builder. air dishwasher, disposal, storage. $305. property 428-42- 9 hookups, condition, 4 0 2 HOME, bedroom, double garage, dishwasher, hookups, child, no pets, smokers, drinkers. $385. 295-106- 5 r washer-drye- your $15.00, $20.00, RENT TO OWN NEW 3 bdrm. twin home In FREE RENT TILL MAY15TH 428-3- 428-5- 6 298-123- protect 5x9 428-43- 0 $225 GARDEN spot, fridg., stove, carpet, drapes, fireplace, garage, brick, washer and dryer completely fenced yard. Close to high school and hookups, couples only, no smokers.no pets, one jr. high and city park. child welcome. 1667 Only $425 per month. North 200 West, 295-970775 N. Chapel Drive (125, 0 -- OLDER paid. 2 bedroom basement apt. $325. 295-528- NICE 2 BEDROOM BOUNTIFUL location. 2 bedroom, finished $475. See 1400 North. 299-272- UILITIES ALL BOUNTIFUL, 428-5- 6 428-5- 7 Minutes from town IDEAL apt., extra storage, Bntfl. covered electric, parking, nice yard, 4 - Tree Cable TV 428-5- 7 basement. 248 West of WEST BOUNTIFUL STORAGE WEST BOUNTIFUL storage located at 72 S. 500 W. in Bountiful has a security guard house at the entrance to better hook-up- drapes, 295-376- freeway. Please call anytime. 1 bath, garage. No smokers or pets. $500 per month. 295-870- east Convenient; EAST BOUNTIFUL NICE TWO new paint, Vi No patio. garage, smoking, no pets $195. ENCLOSED STORAGE ANO R.V. SPACES $8.00 PER month and up. 428-43- 0 514 basement Bountiful. Range, refigerator, STORAGE FOR RENT 428- - DEPOSIT BEDROOM 428-52- 421- - 295-237- 2 bedroom large yard, garage, $360 per month. Call 298-221- North Park Village. Central air, pool, free cable, weight room, etc. $300 month, $150 deposit. Call Larry BEDROOM apt., er a.m. ROSEPARK: condo, 428-5- 6 H.U. Carport, large yard, air cono. 755 N. 125 West (open) $295.00. 298-123- 2 bedroom qrts. In Bountiful. Estate aterlO 295-294- 2 430 TWO WEEKS FREE RENT LARGE TWO bedroom 428- - 486-046- this 4 IVi bath full Has rambler. basement, fenced yard & Is close to shopping 8. Real schools. Dawson 428-52- 544-424- BOUNTIFULS most SECURE self storage located at 166 S. 500 w' oi Bountiful (west Joanies Cafe). 12x26 with 10 toot wide doors. Spacious access roads bedroom 428-5- $225 housing subsidies. One bedroom, includes heat, storage. Near bus, shopping. 197 North park and swimming pool, contwo . bedroom temporary BEDROOM Kaysville, RENT $500 home with w-- d hookups, yard, $325 No month. no smoking, pets 421-51- 3 ALL UTILITIES paid, Irg. 2 SENIOR CITIZENS (DEALLOCATION BTFL. QUIET Neighborhood - next to city 2 bdrm. apt. near schools and shopping. Must have 1 or 2 children. No pets, no wd hookups. $239 dishwasher, Fireplace, pool, clubhouse, covered parking. 2860 So. 200 East. 60, Salt Lake Far- 428-3- 0 Showtime Great amenities. Very affordable See everything A Springwood Apartment offers. Ten minutes from downtown. ONE 2 BEDROOM 3 home, baths, bedrooms, 1J stove & refrigerator, double carport. Call tor 546-448an appointment. 295-214- 1659. EAST SIDE SALT LAKE hookups, big yard, geat $325. OR 428-5- 7 9 view ilBO BountifuTs Nicest pets or smokers. 1800 So. 200 West, Bountiful. 295-105- $325.00, No baths, V KAYSVILLE bdrm. private patio, no kids. No pets Hookups, air, carport, near bus carpet, dish washer, disposal, air, cable TV bedroom, carpets, Free ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS closets, redecorated 1 421-51- 3 LOCATION LUXURY new i storage. No pets or smokers. $340 month & gas & lights. Deposit or $150. Call bedroom BOUNTIFUL apt. New front room carpet, cooler, laundry hookups, storage, heat paid. $295.00 $225 deposit. 2 NEWLY air conditioning, double garage, sewer & water paid. $370 mo. $150 deposit, 544-915- 0 after 6. 428-42- new Clean, paint. Appliances include washer dryer. Large rooms, NEW KAYSVILLE 3 bedroom main level of home, w-- duplex. - 520 295-120- mington NORTH PARK VILLAGE 428- $349 3 BEDRM. 2 full baths, Iv. rm. , dining rm., Kitchen, walk-i- n 428-2- covered 428-42- duplex, carport, view 860 East 200 North Kaysville, $425. No smoking. 428 29 townhouse bedroom , SPACIOUS FRUIT HEIGHTS deluxe 2 washer-drye- r 428-51- 3 298-797- BEDROOM ONE LG. 2 bdrm. upstairs, close to & mall. ApHAFB to UTA per month. $450 area, garage, basement. Walk to church, yard, 6 nice view $50,900. 421-5- 7 evenings LAYTON, schools, 295-524- 6 NEW 2 6R townhouse Centerville, Farmington 428- - parking $310 mo. church, storage shed, fenced 298-064- 5 yard, quiet corner, 421- after 4 p.m. 430 30 close wstdrage, carport, basement, 4 plex, very 6 large and nice. Call hookups, bedroom, dining, fireplace, swamp cooler, huge living, 2 BEDROOM pliances, three 422-42- CENCOMFORTABLE TERVILLE 4 home, finished bedrooms, basement, family room with fireplace, nice yard, BOUNTIFUL $550 GRANADA 428-43- 0 LARGE apt. $275. WD hookups,, low utilities, covered , p.m. 414- - 298-123- HOMES FOR RENT FOR RENT FARMINGTON ONE BEDROOM house whookups. No smokers or pels. $200 per month 8 Call alter 6 429 4 $230.00 HAS A Summer house with hoi tub, large yard, custom decorated In pastel colors, fireplace, fridge, stove, garbage disposaL, quiet neighNo borhood. pets, smokers, children. $175 leave deposit. 298-448428-52- 1 message. or appliances, drapes, extra storage, carports. 4100 South 869 West and 889 West, Bountiful. Call 428-56.- 4 BEDROOM carport. and theatre. required. Call hookups, disposal, dishwasher, central air conditioning. Lots of closd space. basement. All utilities paid, no smokers $260. 2247 So. 150 East, Call about our low 3 baths, to 1 r washer-drye- 428- - parking, minimum one year lease, no smokmg.nopets, one child O.K. Call Available July 422-51- 4 L Close townhouse W.) APT. BEDROOM 1 $350 THREE BEDRM. in Air, hookups, $290! Wall paper, air, quiet area. Covered 2924327 covered parking, washerdryer hookups, complete kitchen, 429 paid. South, $225. LARGE TWO WEEKS FREE RENT Large two bedroom condo, Bountiful. $450 PER bedrooms, paid. apt., and schools near shopping. Must have one ortwocholdren. No pets, no WD hookups. 292-632- COOL 422-42- 9 423- - stove. BOUNTIFUL IDEAL location. 2 bedroom, fireplace, garage, brick, completely fenced yard. Close to high school and jr. high and city park. Only $450 per month. 775 N. Chapel Drive (125 parking. Water 3M East 200 Covered 428-43- 0 298-06750th West. South Landscaped yard, atCLEAN 2 BEDROOM tached garage with Genie, storage room. Condo, WD hookups, cable TV, carport, extra Two bedroom, wall to wall carpeting, apstorage, good location in Bountiful. No children or pliances, sprinklers. No 6 tor" pets. $360mo. $175 pets. Call 428-42- 9 428-5- 6 deposit. 295-456appl. 428-2- large yard, carport, $220, 330 So. 100 E., -- C!l ll!l pets, Bountiful, Utah -- Nsw Os aad Two Redraowi FateiUws Walcoaia 292-979- 1 425 N. Orchard Drive North Salt Lake No Near 5 Points 453 W. 1500 S. 422-5- MARRIED ideal 1 bdr., YOUNG SINGLE, UTILITIES 514 421-43- 0 $285,292-8672- 295-182- 428-43- location, 292-891- 1 very large, super clean, new decor, carport, drapes, carpet, lease, dishwasher, North $295 per month. school across street. Shopping Center 4 blks. swimming pool & city park 4 blks. Three min. to Hill Field. All this and no crowds. Call me at 544-8- 1 23 for more Refrigerator, 428-52- TWO bdrm; private storage, parking, cable, r washer-dryehookups," fenced yard, large LOCATION In Layton. 2 Bdrm. 4 plex apt. - Bus stops in front garage Ii-bath- disposal, storage. $305. Call one AC, extras storage. $425 mo. includes heat water. No smokers 451 428-51- 4 2085. f HOMES Iforrent ATTRACTIVE in bedroom 428-5- 7 2 UILITIES LARGE OR hookups, condition, Large disposal, CENTERVILLE 4 PLEX TWO bedroom, and new hwasher, SUNNY ONE bdrm. $220. Hookups, garden spot, 2 patio. (days). 423-43- 0 Ask tor Dave. TWO LARGE2 BDRM. CABLE, hookups, kids ok, lg. yard, off street parking, clean, $295. apt., 422-42- trig 298- - r air T,.j FARMINGTON duplex, 2 bedrm KAYSVILLE hookup, dis- WD apt. dishwasher yard, 414-51- 2 RENOVATED DUPLEX, WASHER 422-43- BEDROOM 421-43- 0 info. leave 4 message. BEST 421-42- 9 416-52- 1 washer, - 298-493- fireplace, hookups, air, no storage, cable, children, pets. $350 month $175 deposit. disposal, 10 mm. Irom airport and downtown Salt Lake City. 3527 So. Highway 89 in Bountiful. No smokers or pets 295-822- 9 - 3 BEDROOM ALL W-- appliances, storage, apartment $350 month carport, drapes, see to reduced rent for yard $315. Gary appreciate work and, or house Lakewood cleaning. No children, 421-43- 0 Inv. 295-574- 5 Call smokers, pets. before 8 am. or LAYTON AREA 4 alter 9 p.m. SEVERAL Apartments for rent. Large 1 bedroom TWO BEDROOM basement $275. Nice 2 bedroom and den with apartment $300. New 2 bdroom storage. Large window, townhouse $355. Call 544-556- 8 livingroom carpeted and leave $345.00, all utilities for message 421-5- 7 paid. $200 cleaning deposit. Non smokers. MOVE IN TODAY! "TRAILER Range, Nice washer-drye- ALL $360.00. 909 W. 4100 423-5- 6 S. No. 4. 422-51- 4 patio, dishwasher, 7417. utilities FURNISHED, paid, two bedroom, $300 mo. 244 E. 4th South. We do not ever raise the rent Call after 8:00. 414-43- 0 Air Carpet, drapes. FOR RENT 428-52- REDUCED BOUNTIFUL 2 bedroom, 3 BEDROOM $379. IN ALMOST new 4 plex. Back off road. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FREE RENT TILL MAY15TH 2 bedroom, private patio, no kids, no pets, hookups, air, carport, near bus, $325. 2 pm. 421-43- 0 dryer cond. - bedroom, sewer, garbage paid, $315 per month. Call 451 0083 after 5 utilities, large grassy yard. 107 E. 2250 S., Bountiful. Call 487-182- APARTMENTS FOR RENT 428-3- BOUNTIFUL, 2 BEDROOM Apt. $270-mo- . Large rooms, low & 421- 295-237- LUXURY LOCATON NEWLY REDECORATED 430 421-52- 1 Washer hookups. RENT. Estate Covered Convenient parking. location. Open Monday through Saturday 850 N. Hwy 89 NSL 298-744- APARTMENTS ' FOR RENT This 4 1 V bedroom bath rambler full has basement, fenced yard & is close to shopping & schools. Dawson Real Beautiful apartments. W-floor plans. hookups, dishwashers, air conditioned. Energy fridge, 2 BDRM., fireplace, large LARGE W-- $500 PEBBLE CREEK NEW 1 & 2 bedroom family 295-430- APARTMENTS FOR RENT RENT efficient. 414-43- wd COZY APARTMENTS APARTMENTS TWO unit $295. Utilities furnished. No pets. Call 295-309- APRIL 28, 1987 BROWSE ON SUNDAY Original MSRP '2l,lt3. fou Pi, law M '1SAO& SAVE 9,093 BUY ON MONDAY lOUKTirUL LIM-MB- Y 'sftwa-U364-199- 1 2773 SO. MAIN, BOUNTIFUL TASffORTBUYT NEVTOFnjSED'1T'SVOUR CHOICETLEASETOR 292-720- 1 BUYtNEWnORmJSEEW t |