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Show Award winning routines Bountiful Stars dance to national drill team title ' . The Bountiful Stars dance team, made up of 84 Davis County and six Salt Lake County girls, has won its first national drill team title. The Stars beat 17 other teams from five western states to win the competition held at West High School in Salt Lake on March 28. The girls performed a routine called MTV Hot Rock Videos, a show designed primarily for halftime entertainment at basketball games. Stars director Teresa Perkins says the dance depicted six of the Former Davis and Current BYU basketball player Brian Taylor, left, recently held a basketball camp for youth in Kaysville. He is shown with fiance Jill Featherstone of Sandy, and his father, Lowell, who also coordinated the hottest camp. Former Davis star holds basketball success camp KAYSVILLE Former Davis high basketball star Brian Taylor is helping give something back to the community which was the foundation for his early basketball success. e at Davis High, is now Taylor, who was a continuing his basketball career at Brigham Young University where he just completed his junior year. For the past week, Taylor came back to Kaysville and conducted a basketball clinic for the third time in five years. Only a two-yeLDS mission prevented Taylor from holding the camp all five years. Taylor named the camp Shooting for Success. Over the five day stint, over 60 boys and girls were attracted to the Sam Morgan Elementary gymnasium. Brian conducted the camp with his father, Lowell who served as Last Friday night from p.m., the two of them conducted the last day of the camp and handed out numerous awards to the kids. Recognition went to youth who excelled in freethrow shooting jump shooting, speed dribbling, ball handling and other areas of the game. Brian and Lowell also recognized kids with Mr. Determination, Mr. Hustle and Mr. Enthusiastic awards. It gets more fun each year we do it, said Brian, The kids really respond to the camp atmosphere, the enthusiasm is at an e high. We even had three girls in our camp this year and were thinking about coming back and doing a girls clinic later this summer. Brian will be getting married this Thursday to Jill Feather-ston-e of Sandy. Jill was also in attendance at the camp and helped present awards and keep things organized. two-tim- 3-- all-tim- : ' videos that came to life out of a huge, big screen stereo prop TV." The team consists of girls aged five to 16 divided into six groups costumed to match the video each performed: guitar players, ballerinas, Egyp- tians Solid-Gold- " dancers, school kids with shades and mini-Stawearing TV head costumes. Its the first time Ive seen them perform this routine with such precision and enthusiasm! said Perkins. Everything jelled that night rs at the championships. all-stat- er ar . MTV-styl- e Besides winning the top award, the Bountiful Stars also won five of nine judging categories including costume, originality, execution, props and theme. Last year the Provo Stars won using a cheerleader-football player routine. Next year the finals will be held in Phoenix. Under the rules Bountiful cannot compete again for a year but will perform an exhibition dance in Arizona at nationals. The '87 national title is Bountifuls first. But the group has performed at several major events in the past few years, such as two Freedom Festival appearances, halftime performances in Salt Lake, Hawaii and Los Angeles and a stage show at Disneyworld. Both PM Magazine and KSLs Prime Time Access have done pieces on the Bountiful Stars. The Stars organization was founded more than 20 years ago by Pat Rhodes Christopher of Clinton. There are now nine Utah groups and clubs in several other states. Several other (non-Stagroups also compete for the national title. Perkins says she began choreographing this years winning show more than a year ago. I went into deep seclusion and worked on it from 6 a. m. to 9 p.m. for two weeks in a 5x8 choreographing room. She said it took only three weeks for her girls to learn the routine and r) several Saturdays to build the props. Perkins runs the Bountiful Stars as a small business enterprise, working at the job full time. Over the years shes taught over ,000 girls the fundamentals of dance and stage performance. One of her graduates, for example, is Jill Schwen-dima- n of Woods Cross, on tour in Europe with BYU. Many have gone on to be Aggiettes, Cougaret- 1 1 1 tes, Utahnas, and members of other collegiate drill teams. Most of the girls join in order to make a high school team or merely to gain performing in front of a group, Perkins says. Stars season ends The April 25. Clinics for next seasons team run April 23 to May 7 with tryouts slated for May 8 and 9. Perkins says about 200 girls try out for the 80 positions on the team. 86-8- 7 Spring turkey hunt slated May 2-2- 4 Utahs spring turkey hunt is slated for May Division of Wildlife Resources Upland Game Coordinator Jay Roberson says he expects the hunt to be about the same as last year. According to Roberson, turkey populations have stabilized on the East Zion, Boulder and LaSal units where most hunting occurs, but the over-wintsurvival rate is believed to be good. Turkey permits are sold at all Division of Wildlife Resources offices. Applications are accepted by mail or in person, and applicants must first purchase a small game or combination license. Cost of the permit is $5. Hunters should also uppick up a copy of the 1986-8- 7 land game proclamation before going afield. Proclamations are available at Wildlife Resources offices. er Hen turkeys may not be hunted during the spring season, although they are often seen in groups with toms. Male birds are distinguished by their longer beards and by dar- ker, barred feathers on their breasts. Toms also have a bluish cast to their sparsely feathered heads. They may be hunted only g with rifles, shotguns from 10 to 20 guage, or archery tackle. muzzle-loadin- Members of the Bountiful Stars were walking like Egyptians during national championships recently. Members of this routine were Misty Trump, Melinda Shelby, Kris Rich, Jenni Hammond, Kristen Geary and Staci Randall. g routine from the Bountiful Stars was Ballerina Girl, which Another featured, from left, Angie Ellis, Erika Chambers, Tammy Addington, Donna Day, J. J. Davis, Melissa Day and Lisa Butler. award-winnin- 99 CAMP CHAMPS I : ' SUMMER GYMNASTICS REGISTRATION Sat., May 9th, 1012 Noon These two different age groups were among the 60 in-- ; dividuals who successfully : it The Gymnastics . completed the five day camp. Players learned all types of skills and received j basketball a number of awards for enthu-:- . siasm, hustle and determination. Photos by Keith :! Duncan. .; Company . 454 NORTH FLINT STREET WEST KAYSVILLE Come and see our new facility mat Olympic size floor-ex- . SAVnEFdSs STILL THE BEST WAY TO HELP YOUR BUDGET Our strong bank IS your best security" and we can assist with all your savings needs. Weve been doing just that since 1891 ... so call or come in and see us soon. Boys classes Girls classes Ages 3 12 Teens Call OUR STRONG BANK IS YOUR BEST SECURITY Since 1891 546-477- 8 99 33 SO. Main, Kaysville, Utah on Fridays Monday through Thursday and Dnva m Monday through Friday FULL SERVICE BANKING MEMBER F.D.I.C. |