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Show APRIL 28, 1987 L. Sheriffs office slates 4-- 8 tours May facility CHS honor roll noted Michele D. Stevens. Lynda Thorne, Tisha M. Students named to the honor roll at Clearfield High for the third term include: Senior, high honor roll, Melanie J. Archambeault, Kristi L. Lynn Ann Christensen, Katrina J. Clarke, Holly M. Curtis, Jill Davis, Korlynn Dennis, Tecia Finlinson, Jeffrey A. Gimby, Jared F. Glade, Sharilyn M. Grant, Barbara Hittle, Amy I. Hodge, Curtis R. Hulse. Kevin R. Johnson, Radene Jones, Karen Kuralt, Linda G. Leigh, Jill M. Maw, Shannon Chat-terto- nifer Alder, Natalie Bangerter, Lisa M. Barnes, Jennifer Bouy, Darren J. Carpenter, Daylene Clarke, Lisa L. Earl, Chad lows, Jeffrey L. Hahne, Jeff Johnson, Beverly Maestas, Charlene Maw, Michelle Monson, Heather Schulz, Sabra L. Smith. Michele R. Spangenthal, Rodney Stout, Wendy Talbot, Nicole Thur-goo- Gordon S. Nishimoto, Michelle Nordenstrom, Lisa Paice, Yamira Parker, Lynne B. Reading, Brian Richardson, Paul S. Speirs, Darrin H. Starkey, Michele E. Steed, Waite, Scott Warner, Charity Whipple and Angela Williams. Warner. Honor roll, seniors, Kristine Jen- Ashworth, Richilyn Barney, nifer Bateman, Diane C. Bates, Stacey L. Banz, Brent G. Berkley, Taunie Bitton, Brian M. Bon, Stephanie Bouy, Roy H. Carlson, Charles A. Cearley, Nathan E. Chandler, Heidi A. Clauson, Kristin K. Cook, Ramie A. Crawford, Janae Cunningham, Troy Dalla, Camie D. Daugherty, John P. Elbrader. Craig J. Fraser, Drew Fronger, Douglas V. Gailey, Scott R. Gill, Julie Goodrich, Dionne Hamilton, Gayle A. Hansen, Jeffrey Hill, Shari L. Hodson, Sherise Hodson, Amy E. Houston, Pamela Hunter, Kyoko Inaba, Penny Jacobsen, Virginia F. Jarvis, Jeffrey P. Johnson. Lisa Kashawlic, Dawn Kawaguchi, Randy J. Kendell, Lisa Knudsen, Carma F. Lokeni, Carla I.- Lowder, Chad M. McBride, Amy L. Moss, Wendi L. Oleson, David S. Olsen, Thomas B. Price, Russell Reading, Caryl A. Snow, Rinon Spencer, Michelle Stamm, Tami Stanger, Shelley Stark. Jaren F. Taylor, Tanji M. Joy Trussel, Melanie Turner, Todd VanBuren, Karla John A. Walters, Todd C. Wangsgard, Bridgett Wayment, Tiffany Wheeler, Leon O. Wilcox, Shauna U. Wilson and Terri - d, z, Zaugg. High honor roll, juniors, Mark A. Adams, Keith Bangerter, Shan-de- e Beddes, Deanna D. Bergevin, Chris H. Bodily, Patty A. Cearley, Shu M. (Joe) Chang, Jason Izatt, Susan James, Michael W. Johnson, Catherine Kelsey, Mark B. Knudsvig, R. Scott Larsen, Diann M. Millikan, Marci Robinson, Darrin K. Sanders, Bradford D. Smith, Troy D. Smith, William Spangen-tha- l and Heather D. Walton. Junior honor roll, Debra R. Laurie Andersen, Kimberly Anderson, Mark D. Austad, Julia Bain, Jodi Bambrough, Jeffrey S. Aar-dem- a, Barlow, Steven L. Bateman, Kaylin Bingham, Christopher Blockston, Loni M. Bryson, Lorie Burnett, Trisha Byington, Stacey A. Campbell, Matthew M. Child, Tamara L. Child, Shirlayne Com-eaAmy Cook, Kristen Cragun. Charlene M. Davis, Sheri Davis, James Deluma, Benjamin L. Duffy, Teresa J. Duran, John W. Edwards, Kelly C, Egan, Kristina Fellows, Mark A. Flinders, Tamra Flint, Lisa Francom, Tricia Fraser, Marie B. Gallegos, Timothy Gardner, Cathy Garrett, Deborah Gibbons, Lori Gledhill, James C. u, God-fre- Sophomore honor roll, Lisa M. Anderson, Shana A. Archibald, Connely K. Baldwin, Sarah Banh, Julie Bannister, Mary Beazer, Donald J. Bill mire, Benjamin M. Brimhall, Jennifer Brimhall, Lisa Child, Matt Chowning, Joel G. Cook, Alan B. Crane, Sharee R. Cunningham, Camille Dalla, Jana-li- n Davis, Darin Dennis, Gwen A. Dickamore, Nicole Draayer. Paige A. Earl, Tammy Edwards, Rhonda Erickson, Cathy M. Evans, Steve Evans, Sheila J. they have chosen and the significance of the challenges facing them. In April 1984, President Reagan signed a bill recognizing correctional operations and personnel throughout the country. This month Governor Bangerter plans to sign a proclamation recognizing National Correctional Officers week by the State of Utah. And on the local level, Davis County Commissioner Harold Tippetts, chairman of the Davis County Commission will sign a proclamation recognizing National Correctional Officers week at the county C. Marten, Jason McBride, d, Gab- - Merianne Montgomery, David B. Neal, Carrie Nebeker, Wayne W. Nielsen, Michael W. Norton, Suzette Olds, Marilyn Packham, Jeffrey M. Painter, Sheri A. Park, s, Ranolla J. Penrold, Brian J. Monte V. Poll, Rachel Potter, Krista A. Presnell. Brett K. Roskelley, Deborah S. Rutherford, Melissa A. Sackol-witLisa Schofield, Jason C. Shi-bSteven L. Sorensen, Jeanette L. Smith, Kevin J. Smith, Matthew R. Smith, Mat S. Smith, Trevor J. Smith, Brenda L. Stanger, Brent Steed, Susan R. Stone, Adam D. Strong, Brandon M: Taylor, Tess D. Walker, Michelle Wayment, Karen Wilcox, Tamie Winchester, Terri L. Woeppel, Wendi Wood, Carina L. Woodruff and Ryan T. Wotton. Students named to the honor roll Junior High include: Seventh grade, high honor, Elizabeth Finlinson, Lynette Freeze, John Gardner, Brett Nelson, Jeff Olsen, Patrice Oviatt, Catherine Packer, Amy Stackhouse, Anne VanDyke, Elizabeth Isakson, Chad Bartlett, Lanae Farr, Loren Hulse, Natalie Jones, Heather Owen, Kirk Dorius, Bryan Tew, Ronda Tippetts, Kevin Wilson. Courtney Kane, Megan Nelson, Christy Parry, Julie Pratt, Lori Ras- Nearly 2,255,574 families across the nation are effected by having a member of their family incarcerated in the 3,500 correctional institutions across the nation. Each year 5,850,000 individuals are incarcerated in a correctional institution for crimes ranging from failure to z, a, The term "honeymoon", it is said, originated with the ancient German who, after The North Davis landfill is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Sundays until further notice. The Dump cards issued by the individual cities are still valid at the landfill. These cards entitle North Davis residents to use the landfill free of charge. If a person has lost his dump card, a new one can be obtained at the city hall where the individual resides. This system will not change when the Solid Waste Management District begins operating their waste to energy recovery plant later this year. Citizens should be reminded that the law requires all loads of debris be covered and-o- r secured. A stricter attempt to enforce this law is being implemented. mussen, Erika Roberts, Julie Stephenson, Tamera Erickson, Jill Lewis, Coranne Petsche, Amy Schlutz, Clayton Fullmer, Matt Meldrum, Treva Platt, Tamara Potter, Paige Cheney, Rebecca Dono-hRyan Jenkins, Bo Poulson, Jennifer Neilson, Katie Covington, Shad Crookston, Susanna Eden, Shawn Elison, Teresa Freeze. Steven Gardner, Robert Larkins, Michael Cook, Hawley Halliday, Tiffany Roberts, Jolyn Williams, Rebecca Bessinger, Heather Mills, Jenalee Zaugg. Honor roll, 7th grade, Julie Bass, Derek Naegle, Kathryn Allen, Jamie Beecher, Jennifer Combe, Eden Edwards, Kyson Jacobson, Rebecca Loveland, Jason Tuttle, Nikolas Adams, Joshua Chiles, Dustin Jackson, Christian Brian Staffanson, Katherine Emery, Suzie Hyllested, Hugh Mill-war- d, Brown, Erin Clark. Scott Nef, Ryan Stewart, Melissa Wade, David Allred, Brittney Bishop, Kerri Blair, Kim Casey, Kari Cooper, Lynne Hansen, Matthew Harris, Jenny Hill, Melis- sa Monson, Chali Montgomery, Michael Sedgwick and Nicole Sill. High honor, 8th grade, Chris Brough, Alison Duckworth, Clark Finlinson, Katherine Hansen, Kel- ly Lewis, Salvador Martinez, n, Erica Johnson, Eierek Nelson, Greta Shunn. Amy Slade, Jon Rhodes, Trent Butcher, Trent Nelson, Juliana Vetter, Nicholle Warner, Lilian Kramer, Clayton Anderson, Sean Col- lette Williams, Troy Dedecker, Heidi Hunsaker, Jason Shepherd, Jon Streadbeck, Joslyn Cook. Lisa Lependu, Robert Albiston, Matt Allen, Rebecca Cate, Todd Duke, Mitchell Heath, Amber a Hoellein, Marisa Tuckerman, Willard. Vanausdal. Honor roll, 8th grade, Trenton Brown, Jane Hyde, Sarah Schuel-le- r, Kerilee Wimmer, Melanie Barber, Mari Davis, Roger Gardiner, Melanie Hess, James Howard, Julie Jensen, Martin Johnson, Tara Liston, Wendy Petersen, John Honor roll, 9th grade, Brian Hunter, Renae Lamoreaux, Alissa Roueche, Russell Scadden, Melissa Wight, Jennifer Clifford, Hilary Jones, Larry Nybo, Cherly Payn, Mary Jean Pritt, Ustin Simons, Rona Zollinger, Brett Rushforth, Kimberly Bishop, Daniel Burke, Heather Coray. Tamara Davenport, Matt Grev-staRandall Herget, Jenifer Hill, Jacqueline Jarvis, Shauna Jones, Todd Poulson, Yvette VanDyke, Amy Lundgreen, Morgan Atkin- r Flint, Daniel George, David Mars-deShaun Romero, Richard Murray, Kevin Angell, Amy Dent, Amber Hintze, Jenny Nybo, Trish Peterson, Jon Wardle, Gretchen t, Dell, Elisabeth Beraz, Jenny Michael Gardner, Jasper Miller, Alysa Rey, Joann Sanders, Jared Weston, Amelia Shefield. High honor roll, 9th grade, Emily Bessinger, Matt Clay, Gavin Duckworth, Cody Faerber, Brooke Hugh, Wayne Lamoreaux, Angela Nelson, Jacob Oldham, John Pratt, Doug Thompson, Michael Wool-le- n, Ber-ghou- 544-913- 3 1, TRY IT FRESH ROLL SANDWICH: son, Lydia Harris, Matt Hyde, Quinn Major, Marisa Murdock, Shannon VanFleet, Derek Loveland and Teresa Seamons. Deadline For 377EAST j LAYTON a 1 v., HOAGQQU Better selection Better interest Better terms . . 1 ftwC?4on customer mt 544-010- 0 m Collateral is in the house not the car or other items A And Possibly a better income tax advantage on the interest Cost Prices you pay ,299to$1 3 Carpets Ojy Drapery Material 292-1416 99 39 S4 50 Antique Satins Geraniums, Petunias, Marigolds, Pansies, Assorted Perennials, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Al for Spring Planting We will ftt MEET BEAT i ANY PRICE! or SHOP US LAST AND COMPARE y&jf.Wd MAYTAG AMANA KITCHEN AID 90 Days Same as Cash (Bardenn Qpireg 315 North Main, GIBSON FRK3IDAIRE Pay with Tax Return . MAGIC CHEF, ETC. KaysviHe546-361- 7 Monday-Saturda- y w; -- 163 Rolls Vinyl - 30 Pcs. 390 South Main, Bountiful -- m Not Vald with Spring Cleaning Inventory liquidation Sale Use your low interest home equity loan for a car or for other worthwhile purchases Gireg9 Nw spring hours 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. E3UL1 SANDWICH Aal2AjLK Annuals at : PHOITE Ilf '8 News Copy Ttaurs. 4:30 Jeff Howard, Brenda Anderson, Sam Brown, Wade Dorius, y, 295-225- d, Steele, Michelle Porter. Heather Anderson, Bridgette Davis County Is Our Beat Give News Tips by Calling Brophy, Erik Emmons, James Hirst, David Webster and Matt Tri-n- Pleshette Goniotakis, Evangelina Gutierrez. Katrina Hansen, Carl Hearn, Erik A. Hinds, Christine Hofhine, Jeralynn Hogge, Janet Hood, Lyman Houston, Kari N. Hunsaker, F. Lucinda Jenkins, Troy B. Johnson, Douglas S, Kirkman, Emily Kulbacki, Vicki Larsen, Stacy L. Lee, Carrie A. Long, Molly J. Lorenzen. Melanie Markos, Debbie J. Martin, Karla McCulloch, Andrea McDougal, Promise A. McIntosh, David G. McNaughton, Justin J. McQuade, Camille D. Miller, Kevin Miya, Ryan J. Monson, Lynn V. Nelson, Brady L. Nixon, Eric OBrien, Miguel Orozco, Kevin A. Packham, Mark Palmer, Kristina B. Pearson, Zane C. Ratliff, Lance D. Ritter, Thomas N. Saunders, Lana K. Sibley, Samuel Slack, Eugene Smith, Heidi L. Smith, Thomas B. Snow, Lori Spader, Jillene M. Stanley, Cloe Hunt, Nicole McKinlay, Catherine Sedgwick, Cade Seeley, Cecelia Griffin, Sven Verbroek-keAmy Allen, Melody Brower, Erica Olsen, Michelle Pace, o, Nathan Richardson, Jennifer Rowe, Marianne Thacker and Travis Hill, Celeste Holt, JMlyn Naegle, Scot Neville, Christopher Snell. Jennifer Foulke, Stacie Willey, Michelle Neilson, Melissa Nelson, 451-324- NARD hours noted the wedding ceremony, drank a honey substance until the moon waned. Tiffany Talbot, Christy Karras, Brandon Nielsen, Cynthia Boume, Catherine Pratt, Jodi Topham, general safe keeping those individuals require on a 24 hour basis, it takes truly dedicated professionals to run this type of an operation smoothly with a minimum amount of inmate problems. To recognize the efforts and accomplishments of our correctional officers, the Sheriffs Department is planning various public tours and displays starting May 4 and ending on May 8. We would encourage any person or group of persons to contact the Sheriffs Department at 8 for more information. phone number Special interest groups such as civic, church, scouts and school classes are invited to attend. level. Pet-tey- KJH scholars listed for the third term at Kaysville appear in court on a traffic citation to homicide. Davis County Sheriff Brant L. Johnson states, the jail facility is a big part of the sheriffs office, and it is time we recognize the dedication these people have to the care and safe keeping of an incarcerated individual. The Davis County Jail Facility housed 4277 individuals last year. When you consider the amount of food preparation, medical care, and May has special significance for the 21 correctional officers in the Davis County Sheriffs Department. They join their 1 18,244 colleagues across the country in recognizing the career n, Kristie Waite, Stephanie Brenda Walker and Michele Gochis, Gaylene Godfrey, Daniel D. Goodrich, Camille E. Gotschall, Jay H. Grant, Shanna Green, Kimberly Harwood, Kenneth R. Hati, field, Erik N. Haugen, Bart Brett K. Holbrook, Ann M. Holman, Daniel M. Huff, Alison Huffaker. Robert J. Ilium, Jenise Jensen, Steven Jensen, Jennifer B. Judd, Kara Kikuchi, Emily Kreimeyer, Russell E. Larson, Tracey Leck-ingtoJeffrey P. Lucas, Donielle Hira-bayash- Zaugg. Sophomore high honor roll, Jen- McNair, Yvette Montgomery, Vas-que- d, Sam D. Toomer, Tina Twitchell, Shauna L. VanDyke, Shantel K. Visser, Jeff VonCollin, Lanae E. Willden, Wency R. Wright, Cathy Zaugg and Linda n, Thur-goo- bert, Jennifer Ganz, James L. Thur-goo- 1 -'7-VTTA-rrlrm ) Lt. Weight 3" Chintz29 |