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Show APRIL 28, 1987 L, 29.50 ft; th S 1. Opening. 2. Consideration of NOTICE OF . SHERIFFS SALE SUBJECT TO any liens. ON DATED AT FARM- REAL PROPERTY INGTON, DAVIS CivU No. 39944 COUNTY, UTAH, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DAVIS this 8th day of April, 1987. COUNTY, STATE Brant L. Johnson, Sheriff Davis County OF UTAH OSCAR H. COLE-MAand HELEN W. COLEMAN N -- Deputy Sheriff vs- WAYNE M. CARLOS, KIM CARLOS, FIRST SECURITY BANK OF UTAH, BANK OF NORTHERN UTAH, INTER- REVENUE SERVICE, UTAH NAL STATE TAX COMMISSION and IN- DUSTRIAL COM- MISSION OF UTAH, TO BE SOLD AT A SHERIFF S SALE on the 12th day of May, at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the 1987, north front door of the Davis County Courthouse in Farmington, Davis County, Utah, all the right, title and interest of the defendant, Wayne M. Carlos, Kim Carlos, et al, in and to the non-exem- pt following described real property, to wit: Part of Lots 14 and 15, CLEARFIELD HEIGHTS, a subdivision on part of Section 1, Township 4 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in the City of Clearfield, County of Davis, State of Utah, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 14, & running thence East 70 feet; thence South 105 feet to a point 5 feet South of the Southeast corner of said Lot 14; thence West 27 feet; thence North 6 feet; thence West feet; thence 43 North 99 feet to the place of beginning. aka: 354 East 200 South, Clearfield, Utah 84015 PAYMENT TO BE MADE IN lawful money of the United States of America. SUBJECT TO any liens. DATED AT FARM- INGTON, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, this 7th day of April, 1987. Brant L. Johnson, Sheriff Davis County By: Stan Tebbs Deputy Sheriff Attorney: Brian R. Florence Ogden, Utah 84401 1 Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April 14, 1987 Last publication April 18, 1987 ssue No. 12 R-5- 5 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON REAL PROPERTY Civil No. 85086! IN THE DISTRICT 20URT OF DAVIS 20UNTY, STATE )F UTAH UTAH CENTRAL :redit union -- E. DONALD JUTIERREZ TO BE SOLD AT A SHERIFFS SALE )n the 30th day of tpril, 1987, at the hour f 12:00 Noon at the orth front door of the avis County Court-ous- e in Farmington, )avis County, Utah, 11 the right, title and interest of pt defendant, E. ON ALD JUTIERREZ, in and o the following de ;ribed real property, ) wit: IN- TEREST IN ALL OF LOT 272, VAE VIEW, NO. 2, AMENDED PLAT aka: 1995 West 1850 Layton, Cawley 56 East Broadway, Suite 600 SLC, Ut 84111 363-333- North, Utah 84401 PAYMENT TO BE 4ADE IN lawful money of the Unites States of America. 22, Township 4 North, Range West, Salt Lake Meridian, according to the official 1 plat thereof. Said sale will be made without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, pursuant to the power of sale conferred in said Trust Deeds. All bids are irrevocable. DATED this 22nd day of April, 1987. McGhie Land Title Company, Successor Trustee By Paul D. Newton Its: Attorney 4 Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April 14, 1987 Last publication April 28, 1987 Issue No. 12 R-5- 6 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE The following desitu- Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication April 28, 1987 Last publication May 19, 1987 Issue No. 14 R-6- 6 LEGAL NOTICE scribed property IN THE SECOND ated in Davis County, State of Utah, will be JUDICIAL DISsold at public auction TRICT COURT OF to the highest bidder DAVIS COUNTY, on the front steps of STATE OF UTAH, the Davis County CIVIL NO. 40535 SOON JUNG Courthouse, Farming-ton- , Utah, on May 12, CHOI, Plaintiff, 1987 at the hour of vs. 12:00 o'clock noon, for IL SUN CHONG, the purpose of foreDefendant. closing a Trust Deed executed by HO- WARD C. JOHNSON as Trustor, in favor of ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, as Beneficiary, recorded February 27, 1985, as Entry No. 0695518 in Book 1024, at Page 658, of the official records of Davis County, Utah and encumbers certain real property located in Davis Coun- ty, State of Utah, which real property is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING 281.32 feet North and 326.7 feet East of the Southwest comer of Section 9, Township 4 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian; thence North 100 feet; thence West 293.7 feet to the East line of a road; thence South 100 feet along said road; thence East 293.7 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States of America. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances. DATED: April 2, Zions First National Bank Richard H. Nebeker Attorney 800 Kennecott Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah 84133 Published in the Davis Reflex First publication April 14, 1987 Last publication April 28, 1987 Issue No. 12 R-5- 7 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE The THE STATE OF UTAH TO IL SUN CHONG: You are hereby summoned and required to file an answer in writing to a Complaint that has been filed with the Clerk of Davis County Court, on the above entitled case, and serve upon or mail a copy of said answer to STEPHEN I. ODA, Plaintiff's Attorney, at 44 North Main Street, Layton, Utah 84041. If you fail to do so within 30 days, judgment by default will be taken against you for the re- - lief demanded in said Complaint. Stephen I. Oda Attorney at Law 44 North Main Street Layton, Utah 84041 4 Telephone: (801) 546-126- Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April 28, 1987 Last publication May 19, 1987 Issue No 14 R-6- 3 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Kaysville City will hold a public hearing on May 12, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room (Room A) of the Kaysville City Municipal Center, 23 East Center, Kaysville, to consider the annexation of approximately 550 acres in the vicinity of Mutton Hollow Raod, and designation of zones for said annexation. The agenda shall be as follows: 1. Opening. 2. Consideration of the annexation of approximately 550 3. following-describe- d property auction to the highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, on the north Questions and comments. 4. Consideration of zones for the Mutton Hollow annexation. 5. Questions and comments. 6. Adjournment. front steps, at the Linda Ross City Recorder the Davis County Published in the Davis north door entrance of Courthouse, Farming-toUtah on Tuesday, June 2, 1987, at 9:00 a.m. of said day, for the purpose of foreclosing two Trust Deeds, executed by J. L. Dixon and Bobbie Dixon as Trustors in favor of the n, Administrator of the Small Business Administration, an agency of the United States Government (SBA), real covering property located at 1142 Cistena Circle (1142 North 1360 East), Layton, Davis County, Utah more particularly as follows: described All of Lot 15, VILLAGE GREEN SUBDI-VISION-Un- 1, it a Acres. Total Tax $190.94 Shirl R & J Brent Harrison, Serial No. Linda Ross City Recorder Beg S 1073.61 ft & E 996.61 ft ft N Vi Cor April Issue R-6- SLM; NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE ' estate, be 5058W deft 60 grees W 73.037 ft th N 88 degrees W 40 ft S 2 degrees W de- grees 50 13W 55. 188 ft to pob. Cont 2.75 acres. Total Tax $4343.07 Westen Holding Corp, Serial Acreage: 0842E Reflex Journal on April 28, 1987 Issue No. 14 R-6- 5 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Kaysville City will hold a public hearing on May 12, 1987 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Room (Room A) of the Kaysville City Municipal Center, 23 East Center, Kaysville, to consider the annexation of approximately 10 acres south of Oakridge Highlands and designation of a zone for said annexation. The agenda shall be as follows: Total Tax ...$186.29 Epsa Inv., Serial No. 0 1 : 034:008 1 , Acreage: .23000 -- All T1N-R1- Ely SLM: alg stock yards ppty In 113 ft; Th Nly 156.5 ft; th 171.5 ft; th Sly 150 ft to beg. Cont. .50 acre. Total Tax ...$588.34 Arthur E A OklaRLif-fert- Wly h, Serial No. 03:002:0138, .01200 Acreage: -- Beg at Pt N 0 degrees 1638W 1108.37 ft alg Sec Ln A W 440.52 ft A N 89 degrees 57W 115 ft AS 7 degrees 28W 55 ft fir the EVi Cor of Sec SLM: th S 30 degrees 00 W 18, T2N-R1- W 716.94 ft fr the Center of Sec 14.T2N-R1W- ; SLM: th N 0 degree 2053W 1.0 ft; thW 1.0 ft; th 0 degree 2053E 1.0 ft, ThE 1.0 ft to the pob. Cont. 1 sq. ft. part of old fen ln, th S 87 degrees 07E 564.63 ft alg sd fen ln, th N 4 degrees 13W 80 ft th N 87 degrees 15W 1.0 ft to pob. Cont. .015 Acres. Total Tax $73.42 James C. Me Neil, Serial No. 04:015:0033, Acreage: .38000 - All of Lot 33. Northern Hills, Plat B. Cont 0.38 Acres. Total Tax ...$346.68 Total Tax $95.25 Richwell Associates, Bonneville Supply cor of Lot 17, Serial pob. Cont .058 No. 07:034:0032, .02000 Acreage: Total Tax $98.49 Service Corporation, Serial No. -- Beg at the SW Cor of Lot 19, Block 11, Big Corn-Pr- o 11:063:0039, Creek Plat, Farm TS Sur; Meadowbrook Sub, Plat A, A run th S 18 degrees 1005 E 13 ft; th S 77 degrees 32 W 90.45 ft; th N 18 degrees 10 05 W 4 ft to the SE. Acreage: .12600 Acreage: 2.52900 Beg at apt that is S 89 degrees 5058 E alg th Sec ln 485.551 ft ft the SW cor of Sec 32; T2N-R1SLM: sd pob being th SW cor of the Stuart Winegar ppty, th along 32; T2N-R1SLM: sd property N 17 degrees 05 W 173.174 ft , 6 N 0 degree 35 W 64 ft to NW cor of sd Winegar ppty, th N 9 degrees 4733 E 166.645 ft to an angle pt in Sly InofLot 15, Chelsea Cove No. 1. Th alg bndry of sd subd S 76 degrees W 256.482 ft: thS 41 degrees W 79.248 ft AS 15 degrees 30 W 243.366 ft; thS 60 degrees E 73.037 ft to sd Sec In, th S 89 de- grees 5058 E 325.821 ft to the pob. Cont. 2.529 Acres. Total Tax $1136.10 Gene Paul A Marilynn B. Kalm, Serial No. 05:066:101, Acreage: .01070 Beg at the N cor of Lot 210, Chelsea Cove No. 2, being part of Sec 32, T2N-R1SLM; A run th S 45 degrees 00W 49.4 ft alg ppty ,ln; th S 56 degs. 1836E alg a fence 15 ft; th N 42 degrees 14E alg the fence Q Malan ppty; th alg Malans Sly ppty ln S 67 degrees 54E 157.63 ft A N 87 degrees 06E 177 ft to W In Osborn Ppty A alg Osborn Ln S 3 degrees 13W 80.5 ft A N 89 degrees 04E 268.55 ft to Wly Ln StHy No. 89;thSalg sd RW 50 ft; S 89 degrees 04W 318.27 ft; N 3 degrees 13E 78.78 ft to ptS 50 ft of Malan Ppty; S 87 degrees 06W 121.64 ft; N 74 degrees 26W 158.11 ft; N 72 degrees 23W 224.05 ft; N 84 degrees W 213.04 ft; N 6 degrees E 50 ft to pt N 84 degrees W of Beg; th S 84 degrees E218.59 ft to Beg. Cont. 1.32 Acres. Total Tax ...$560.69 Lee S A Kathleen P 2712E 595.61 ft fr the SW cor of Sec 28, T4N-R1SLM: A runth S 36 degrees Meadowbrook Plat Cor of Parley -- Beg at apt N 0 degrees 04E 1559.69 ft A E 662.25 ft AN 36 degrees 2712W7.19ft;thN 36 degrees 2158W 344.61 ft alg an ex isting fence ln; th N 53 degrees 3802E 16 ft to the Wly ln of Eastview Sub No. 6; th S 36 degrees 2158E 338.91 ft; th S 32 degrees 1428W 9.80 ft to the pob. Cont. .126 Acres. Remaining of Total Tax $79.78 Sheryl E A Tnidie W Anderson, Serial No. 11:098:0001, 37500 - Beg Acreage:. at a pt S 0 degree 5450W 918.52 ft alg Sec ln fr EVi Cor of Sec 33, T4N-R1SLM: th E 14.65 ft to W ln of a st; th S 0 degrees 49W 148 ft alg sd st; th S 85 degrees 40W 75.89 ft; th N 23 degrees 45W 167.94 ft; th E 130.77 ft to pob. Cont. .375 Acre. Total Tax $6727.05 Golden West Development Inc., Serial No. 11: 143:0072, Acreage .01900 - Beg at the NE Cor of Lot 3, Grand Oaks, Plat A. A run th S 49 degrees 0239 W 1.50 ft; th S 40 degrees 47 21 E 97.06 ft; th N 53 degrees 4739E . 1.51fttothe SE CorofsdLot3,th N 40 degrees 5721 W 97.19 ft to the pob. Cont. 0.003 Acres. Also: Beg at the NE Cor of Lot 1, Grand Oaks, Plat "A A run th S 67 degrees 5639 W 1.81 ft; th S 22 degrees 4800 E 128.0 ft; th N 88 degrees 1900E1.94ft to the SE cor of sd Lot 1 ; th N 22 degs. 4800W 128.68 ft to the pob. Cont. 0.005 Acres. Also: Beg at the NE cor of Lot 61, Ferrin, Serial No. Grand Oaks, Plat "A A run th S 64 degrees 2439 W Acreage: Being Part of Lot grees 4800 S 09:066:0444, .01000 -- 416, Oak Forest No. 6, Sec 11, T4N-R1SLM: Beg at th SE Cor of sd Lot 416, A run th to the right alg the arc of a 216.04 ft rad cur 5.45 ft; th long chord of wh bears N 70 degrees 4903W 5.45 ft; th N 22 degrees 2143"E 80.11 ft; th S 18 degrees 2.14 ft; th S 22 de- 12.62 ft; grees thN 48T0E pick-up- from s Lot 1, 3, 52, 61 Total Tax $99.10 Charles E A Kathryn Bradford, Serial No. 12:003:0043, Acreage: .05000 C -- Beg 554.62 ft E alg S ln of a st A 150 ft S A S 42 degrees 1 13 ft ft Inter of ELn Hy No. 91 A S ln of 450 S. St, Sd Pt being 73.4 ft S A S 47 degrees 29W 246.61 ft A N 57.07 ft A S 42 degrees llW 113 ft fr NE Cor ofof SEVi of SWVi Sec 1, 4N-2SLM, N 13 degrees 28W 78.41 ft, W 50 ft, S 41 degrees 50 E llW Cont. .05 Acre. Total Tax ...$101.84 Ivory A Company, Serial No. 12:024:0007, Acreage: .66300 Beg at apt S 89 degrees 5657E 453.30 ft fr th cen of Sec 3, T4N-R2SLM: th S 89 degrees 5657E 14.94 ft; th N 13 degrees 29W 2008.22 ft to the Vi Sec ln; th S 0 -- degrees 0815W Vi Sec Ln to th NEly ln of Westland Sub No. 1; th 1 1 13 S degrees 12E 1966.93 ft alg sd ln to the pob. Cont. .663 Acres. Total Tax ...$217.34 Mike Thurgood A 12:079:0025, Acreage: .50000 48 de1.92 ft to the pob. Cont. 0.006 Acres. Also: Beg at the NE Cor of Lot 52, Grand Oaks, Plat A" A run th S 88 degrees 19 W 1.9 4 ft; th S 22 degrees 48 E 129.69 ft; th N 88 degrees 2009 E -- Beg on th S ln of a str at apt 1174.85 ft S 89 degrees 5950E alg the sec ln A S 0 degrees 10 10W 33 ft fr the NW Cor of seec 14, T4N-R2SLM; A run th S 0 degrees 1010W 185ft;THS 89 degrees 5950E 116.67 ft; th N 0 de- grees 1010E 185 ft to the S ln of sd str; th N 89 degrees 5950W 116.67 ft to the pob. Cont. .50 Acres out of Total Tax$17, 114.03 Bruce W A Leanne Christensen, Serial No. 12:099:0093, Acreage: .50000 - All of Lot 93 , Ranchettes West Sub No. 2, Sec SLM: 17, T4N-R2Cont, .50 Acres. Total Tax ...$550.60 Security Title Co. Trustee, Serial No. 12:099:0117, Acreage: .00490 - All of the E 1.1 foot of Lot 96, Ranchettes West No. 2. Cont. 0.- 0049 Acres. Was remaining of A Total Tax $96.35 Merlin Edgar A Geral- dine Daines, Serial No. 13:012:0002, Acreage: .09000 Beg on Nly RW In -- of St Rd at pt N 89 degrees 42 W 2209.59 ft alg S Sec Ln A N 0 degrees 08E 133.94 ft para with E sec ln fr SE Cor Sec 27; T5N-R1SLM: th N 3 dgrees 19W212.12ft to SE Cor ppty conv in th N 0 degrees 3240E 185.63 ft to a pt on S line of Canyon Drive Sub; No. 2; th S 89 degrees 4140E 12.38 ft alg sd S ln th S 0 degrees 402-22- 4; 08W 403.95 ft to pob, cont. .09 Acres. Total Tax ...$382.04 M A K INVESTMENTS, Serial No. 13:017:0007, .46000 - All Acreage: of Lot 7, South Weber Valley Est. No. 1. Sec27;T5N-RlW- SLM: ; Cont .46 Acres. Resolution for SWWD in 888-2- 2 Acres Total Tax ...$817.75 M A K Investments, Serial No. 13:017:0010, Acreage: .51000- - All of Lot 10, South Weber Valley Est. No. Beg on S In 2300 N st, 1344.75 ft W A 2622 ft N A 89 degrees 4945W 1019.25 ft fr SE Cor NEVi Sec 26. T5N-R2SLM, S 0 degrees 1015E 110 ft to N ln Terry Dale Sub, S 89 degrees 4945W alg sdNLn 5.11 ft, m or 1, to SE Cor Lot 14, sd sub, N 0 degrees 10 15W 1 10 ft to S In of St. N E 89 degrees 4945 5.11 ft to beg, cont. .012 Acre. Total Tax ...$101.55 Muir Enterprises General Part, Serial No. 14:004:0008, Acreage: .00500 -- Beg at apt N 89 de- grees 5921E 513.88 ft fr cen of Sec 27; T5N-R2SLM: run th S 0 degreesS 0039E 198 0039W 198 ft; th 89 degrees 5921W 1.0 ft; th N 0 degrees ft; th N 89 degrees 5921E 1.0 ft to pob. Cont .005 Acres. Total Tax $78.64 Spencer K A Julie A Landes, Serial No. 14:027:0095, Acreage: .18500 - All of Lot 95, Mountair Park No. 2, Sec. 28, SLM: T5N-R2- Cont. .185 Acres. Total Tax $1181.26 Bart K Smith, Trustee, Serial No. 14:070:0013, 1.29000 -Acreage: Beg at NE Cor of SWU of Sec 35, T5N-R2SLM: th N 89 degrees 5638 W 212.31 ft to NE Cor of Green Hill Acres Plat th S 10 degrees 05E 282.52 ft; th N 85 degrees 03E 138.86 ft to NE cor of Lot 192 of Green Hill AC Plat D th S 4 B, degrees 1225E 57.01 ft; th S 5 degrees 5845E 172.3 ft; th S 9 degrees 2425E 20.74 ft mol, to Vi Sec ln; N 0 de- grees 02 1 514.74 ft, mol, W 9 to th pob. Cont. 1.29 Acres. Total Tax ...$542.45 Bart K. Smith, Trustee, Serial No. 14:071:0015, Acreage: 2.59000 -Beg at NW Cor of SEVi of Sec SLM: th E alg Vi Sec ln 22 ft, ML to a pt 74 ft Wly fr cen ln between double main tracks of OSL RR Co. Th S 1 degree 27 E A 74 ft Wly fr sd cen ln between double main tracks 54 ft, mol to apt opp beg of a cur in sd cen ln; th SEly alg a tang cur to left, having a radof3893.83ft Awh is concentric with A 74 ft SWly ft sd cen ln between double main track S, a dist of 1300 ft m1 to S ln of NW Vi of SE Vi of sd sec35;thW 150 ft M L, to Ely ln of Green Hill Acres Plat E; th Nly 57.79 ft alg the arc of a 165.01 ft rad curve to the left; thence N 19 degrees 5205 W 87.08 ft alg desd Ely ln; thN grees 4405 172.11 ft; thN W 14 de- 1 9 2 5 W 162.52 ft; th N 12 de- grees grees 2925 W grees 28 25 W 102.67 ft th N 10 de- 140.51 ft; th N 9 deW grees 2825 11 1.23 ft to Vi Sec ln; th N 0 degrees 02 19 W 514.74 ft alg Vi sec ln to the pob. Cont 2.59 Acres. Total Tax $1012.73 Eloise G. Stoddard, Serial No. 14:118:0010, Acreage 3.50000 - Beg at apt 40 rods W ft the SE cor of NEVi od SEVi Sec 36; T5N-R3- SLM: thN 14 rods; th W 40 rods; th S 14 rods; th E 40 rods to pob. Cont. 3.50 Acres. Total Tax ...$224.57 Eloise G. Stoddard, No. Serial 14:118:0011, 2.52000 13:017:0011, .70000 - All Acreage: Beg SE Cor of NEVi of SEVi of Sec 36; T5N-R3SLM: N 61 ft; thW 250 ft; thN 170 ft; th W 410 ft; th S 14 rds, th E 40 rds to the pob. Cont. 2.52 Acres Total Tax$14, 567. 10 Cont .70 Ruth M. Kennington Davis County Auditor LSec27;T5N-RlW- ; SLM: Cont .51 Acres. Resolution for SWWD in 888-2- 2 Total Tax ...$843.08 M A K Investments, Serial No. Acreage: of Lot 11, South Weber Valley Est. No. 1. Sec 27; T5N-R1- SLM: -- Acres. Resolution for SWWD in E 44.52 ft; th 22 degrees 2247 E 1 are Sons Inc., Serial No. -- Beg at a pt S 0 degrees 1620 W alg Sec ln 1331.01 ft AS 89 degrees 4430 W 424.22 ft A S 0 degrees 26 E 277.06 ft fr the NE Cor of Sec SLM: 26, T4N-R1run th S 0 degrees 26 E 66.87 ft alg the W ln of King Clarion Hills No. 11. Th S 24 degrees 2332W 38.85 ft th N 72 degrees 46 deW 14. 17 ft thN grees 31 E 102.27 ft alg sd Ely ln to the degree 0253 -- Point Cove Plat C 10. -- No. 05:042:0023, of Lot 81, North th No. 11:040:0015, Acreage: .05800 ft mol. A S 1060 ft, mol, A S 89 degrees 2510E 525.87 ft, mol, to the W ln of W Btfl. City A N 0 1339 09:060:0015, or Beg. on SW Cor of NEVi of NEVi Sec. -- -- the pob. Cont. .09 acres (remaining of No. 01:100:0006, Acreage: .50000 10:107:0030, 5921E to the pob. Cont. 0.005 Acres. Total 0.019 Acres. These 38.2 ft mol, alg Acreage: .24000 Lot 30 Cherry Lane Heights Cont, .24 Acres. Total Tax $1238.50 Clair D Bemtson Construction Co., Serial -- S 56 degrees 173.65 ft to Cont. 0.23 Acres. Total Tax $2257.64 R G Apgood, Etal, Serial No. 01:045:0043, Acreage: .20000 -Beg 1225.1 ft W A 575.1 ft N of Cen Sec. 1, TP IN, RG 1W, SLM, N 89 degrees 58W 19.3 ft, N 31 degrees 29E 526 5 ft, E 19.3 ft, S 31 degrees 29W 526.5 ft to beg. Cont. .20 acres. TOTAL TAX $466.58 Investment Market Inc American, Serial Beg at apt wh IS N 89 degrees A; th N 71 degrees 4955 E 90 ft to the pob. Cont. .02 Acres. Total Tax ...$102.68 Ivory A Company, Serial No. 07:101:0083, Sec 21 & runthS 753 Acreage: .01000 ft;thW746ftML,th Beg at SE Cor of sd N 33 degrees 3749 Lot 7 Creek View W 123.024 ft ML, th Est. Sec2T3N-RlW- ; NO degrees 5639E SLM th S 89 degrees 638.4 lft to the Nln of 100 ft th NO 5107W sd Sec21;thEalgthe degrees 0853W 6.1 NlnofSec21;836ft ft to a fence th S 89 ML to pob. Cont. degrees 1651 E 100 14.42 Acres. ft alg sd fence th S 0 Total Tax ...$592.66 degrees 0853 E 4.6 Devcon Ind Inc, Serial ft to pob Cont .01 No. 05:001:0050, Acre. Acreage: .03800 $99.10 Total Tax BegonWsdof4rdst Phyllis Hamilton, Etal, 60.8 rds W A 31.8 rds No. Serial 5 fr NE cor of NWVi T2N-R1of Sec 31 Acreage: 1.32000 - A SLM: th W 260.97 ft parcel of land for to E ln of Villa Nova road purposes with Cond; th S 0 degrees equal rights to all 0955W 6.58 ft; th N grantees beg S 0 de89 degrees 5527E grees 28W 660 ft A S 260.97 ft to Win of sd 89 degrees 30W st, thN 6.24 ft to pob. 716.05 ft ASOdegree Cont. .038 Acres. 30 E 250 ft fr NE Cor Total Tax ...$159.95 Sec 11 T4N-R1Guy & Bennett, Dale SLM: S 76 degrees C, Keller, Et, Serial 21E 217.13 ft to SW 2929W 1 -- Hansen, Serial No. -- SLM: run th S 25 degrees 2602E 7.53 ft: th S 75 degrees 0112E 30.69 ft; thS 55 degrees 3142E 9.19 ft to the Nly In of a road at a pt on an 510 ft rad cur to the left (rad pt bears N 37 degrees 28llW),th Ely alg the are of sd cur 33.65 ft to a pt on a 388.60 ft rad cur to the left (rad pt bears N 41 degrees 15W); th Ely 123.22 ft alg the arc of sd cur to a pt N 56 degrees 2929E of the pob; 1805-- Acreage: .00000 N 58 de51.45 S 58 degrees 5030 W 62.32 ft; th N 31 degrees 0930 W 54 ft to the pob. Cont. 0.07 Acres. Total Tax ...$897.61 Wynn L II A Karen C. Acreage: 14.42000 Beg on the N in of Sec SLM; at apt 295. 16 ft W fr the NVi cor of sd degrees 26 02E 104.01 ft frthNW cor of Sec 5, BO Se- rial No. 06:027:0071, No. 04:046:0055, 1969.32 ft alg sec In A E 1437.44 ft & S 25 then ft, ML, JCKLANDCO., Company Inc., Serial -- Beg at apt wh IS S 0 degrees along sd road to N line sd Sec 12; th W 467.0 ft ML along sd Sec line to pob. Less sd sid parcel. Cont. 15.95 Acres. Total Tax ...$874.30 . No. 01:005:0008, .09000 ft, ML, 1.94 ft to the SE Cor of sd Lot; thN 22 degrees 48 W 129.69 ft 102.34 ft to Beg, sdWly lnofHyw;th ftAN8degrees55E 11, Holmes Estates No. 1, a sub of pt of SWVi of Sec 20; T2N-R1SLM: runthS 4 degrees 13W 79 ft; th N 87 degrees 07W 563.63 ft th S 1 degree 10 12W 1.0 ft to an 105.111 ft th N degrees E 200.222 ft th N 28 degrees E 147 ft th N 40 degrees E 155 ft to apt on Sin of Sec 32; T2N-R1SLM: th N 89 de- 174.5 ft fr the SWCor grees ft to the Wly ln of a hyw; th S 42 degrees 32 10 E 55.08 ft alg 123.82 ft alg 2257.51 E 5030E along sd road to N sd Sec 12; thW 46 582.9 Acreage: BegatNE Cor of Lot 35 37.675 ft; N 89 2257.51 Trivco Development Inc, Serial No. degrees degrees 5030 of SLM; th Wly line of a county road; th N 7 degrees 52 E 582.9 ft A N 8 degrees 55 E SLM: run 04:003:0033, .01500 SLM; Beg at a pt S 101.83 ft E 1820.3 ft AN 89 degrees HW 100 ft fr the W Vi cor of sd sec A run th N 89 degrees 11 W 10 ft; th S 200 ft, mol, to the N In of a road; th N 65 degrees 44E 10 ft, mol, alg sd road; th N 193.0ft, mol, to the pob. Cont. .05 Acres out of Total Tax ...$125.65 Roger Ellsworth, Serial No. 10:089:0055, Acreage: .07000 -Beg at apt 255. 18 ft N A 794.77 ft E A N 58 to Cont. .008 Acres. Total Tax $99.09 13 degrees 33 E 98.1 th -- thNWly 125.41 ft alg arc of sd curve. Th N 2 degrees 48E 103.17 ft, th S 87 degrees 12E 1.0 ft to POB. 95.9 ft, th S 23 degrees 12E 83.2 ft th S thN 3 2 , arc of sd curve, th S 87 degrees E 136.67 ft alg S ln of a st, th S 3 degrees W 1 .0 ft, th N 87 degrees W 137.41 ft to pt of tang of a 80 ft rad curve to right, thSWly degrees 07E 325.821 00 rad curve to the left, Chelsea Dev. Co. .Serial No. 01:005:0003, Acreage 2.75000 -Beg. at the NW Cor of Sec 5 T1N-R1SLM:ThS 107.7 ft th grees SLM; S 2807.64 ft ML, to N line of a road; th E 37.31 ft ML alg sdrd : toptofTangofa79ft books: S 55 Acreage: .00800 3 th S 2 degrees 48W 103.19 ft alg sd W In Delinquent taxes from 1982 tax sale ft th 58E No. 06:006:0005, Acreage: 15.95000 -Beg at NW Cor of NEVi Sec 12; T2N-R1- T2N-R1- accepted. S 38 Acres. Total Tax$14, 149.78 Centerville City, Serial Beg on W ln of 650 E st at apt N 760.27 ft & E 1180.14 ft & N 87 degrees 12W 27 ft fr SW Cor of Sec 20 amended, the following real estate situated in Davis County and not held by it under preliminary tax sale. No bid for less than the total tax and additional interest, penalty and costs of sale, which are charged upon such real will beg. Cont. 39.50 Acres. Total 93.20 Trivco Development Inc., Serial No. 04:00 as 1953, SE Cont. .816 Ac Total Tax $1324.12 4, Sec SLM, T2N-R1- sdpt being -- 1, 80 ft to the pob. Cont. .01 Acres. $18.89 Total Tax Stanton A Smith, Serial No. 09:087:0106, Acreage: .05000 -Part of the SWVi of Sec-14-4N-I- Cont. 36.50 Acres. Also Lot 3 sd Sec, Cont. 17.20 Acres. Also beg at SE Cor of Lot 2, N 20 chs. W 17.60 chs, S 13 degrees W 4 chs, S 45 degrees W 2.50 chs, S 14.25 chs, E 20 chs to 250.80 ft to beg., May 27, 1987 at 10:00 A.M. at the front door of the County Courthouse in Farmington, Utah, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell for cash, pursuant to the provisions of Section UCA, Acreage: All of Lot Park Sub. Plat B S 89 degrees 19W 150 ft; S 9 degrees 36 E 250.07 ft; N 89 degrees 36E 150.12 ft to Win of a 66 ft RW; th N 9 degrees 36W 4 IS NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday No. 06:005:0001, Cor Lot 43. Forest Reflex Journal on 28, 1987 No. 14 Total Tax $99.09 Centerville City, Serial Acreage: Sec 20. 2740W ln 0.0107 Acres. 04:002:0059, .81600 Published in the Davis Ely ofsdLot210;thN 19 degrees 57W 13.9 ft to the pob. Cont. 0.012 designation of a zone for said annexation. 3. Questions and comments. 4. Adjournment. T1N-R1- acres in the vicinity of Mutton Hollow Road. will be sold at public vs- he Attorney: John E. 1987. 818 26th St. 399-929- By: Stan Tebbs to the POB. ridge Highlands and subdivision of part of Sections 15 and 40.6 ft to the degrees 28W of the pob; th N 7 degrees 28E 96.38 ft M or L approximatelyOak-10 acres south of Your Right To Know degree 49E70.05fttoptS7 the annexation of Public Notice Advertising Protects 1 888-2- 2. Total Tax ...$915.05 Pension Property Fund, Serial No. 1 3:060:0026, Acreage: .02800 Unit 26, Amend -- Commonwealth Square Comm. Dev. Cont. 0.028 Acres. Total Tax ...$589.24 Dale T A Helen B Smedley, Serial No. 13:077:0041, Acreage: .01200 Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April 28, 1987 Last publication May 19, 1987 Issue No. 14 R-6- 7 Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication April 30, 1987 Last publication May 21, 1987 Issue No. 14 C-1- |