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Show TUE80AYDAVIS UUUNIY CLIFTtrl, DHVIO - HerLCA - JUUnivm., m .u , -- (trJ BUY NOW WHILE RATES ARE LOW $20,000 AND whal a steal! bedroom newly decorated condo. $2,000 down and under $200 Call Pam per month. 7 or $72,500 IS ALL you pay for this 4 bedroom rambler on Bountiful's East bench. Convenient main floor laundry. Call 1 Pam or 292-266- 7 295-237- 7 transferred and must sell 4 2 bath family bedroom, home. Perfect for UTAH Call HOUSING buyers. OWNER $71,900 Pam or 7 CENTERVILLE Dream kitchen $93,900 bench. with 295-237- 7 win- greenhouse HOME ON one and acre RV. Huge yard, parking. 5 bedrooms, 3'A bath 7 V percent assumable loan. Owner carry 2nd. Low down. owner-age$175,000 John 295-237- 7 $129,000 TRY THE good life of condo living in this 3 bedroom beautiful Hills condo. Maple Owner anxious. Call John ELEGANT VIEW HOME Lacey Way, main floor has 3 bdrms. 2' baths, 295-4- 428-3- $92,000. basement. FARMINGTON HOME to $69,500. Reduced Includes closing costs. 5 bedroom, double garage. finished Completely Extras. VA basement. appraised at $71 ,500. THESE LISTINGS OTHERS CALL: John Dawson 1 , Kelly Price Pam Sessions Dawson Real Estate 295-237AND 8 OWNER HAS relocated out state and very anxious for an offer. Large trilevel. Nice quiet neighborhood. $72,500. Don of 298-424- Lynda Canyon Realtors home and $79,900 FARMINGTON BY OWNER Beautiful home, Vi acre 2 fenced yard, baths, family room. 1403 So. 35 East. $79,900. finished basement, $99,750, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, 4000 sq. ft. Lindsey Realty. Kent 428-43- 0 292-058- PRICE REDUCED!! Gotta see the inside of this one! New oak kitchen. schools. Shirley Larsen DAD 298-419- 9 sell bedroom, FAMILY FARM garage, landscaped. . 428-3- 0 family home on five plus acres. Home has many extras main floor including family room and walkout unfinished basement. Assumable $5500 down. Call Diane 364-493- 5 eve. 428-52- 8 428-5- . Three bedroom 3 Farmington. fenced, system, double garage, enie, fruit trees, more. 74 N. 600 E., Bountiful. 9 & 6 2 central air, double windows, sprinkler 295-341- TRANSFERRED 7 Claude Realty ' Lane 428- - 295-309298-700- fireplaces, $110,000. 298-303- 1 ext. 21 or Susan 414-43- 0 MUST SEE 4 BDRMS., 2 baths, every room a delight, cute wallpaper throughout, fireplace, family room, parquet entry and dining $75,000. Call 292-886- KAYSVILLE Weber Counties. Many plans to choose from or our architect will create your own design. Call 6 (leave name 4 for appointment). FOR SALE OWNER GOOD LOCATION BOUNTIFUL BRICK HOME KITCHEN-dininLARGE front room with fireplace, three bedrooms and bath on main floor, triple-pan- e windows, near new carpet and drapes. Basement has famiy room with fireplace, two bedrooms and bathroom, outside washroom, entrance. Double garage, covered patio. 295-399- 8 afer 5:00 and 3 weekends. BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH BRICK THREE bedrooms, large family room, dining room. Ready to move in. owner $49,000 or 421-43- 0 295-679- HOME Roomy!! Immaculate chopped Here condition, new carpet & paint, 4 bdrms., den, large family room. 2500 sq. ft. Save realtors commission until May. 80's Priced in 2 bath, main utility. Sally 295-098BEAUTIFUL!!!! RAMBLER WITH Class!!!! 124 East 1900 North in Centerville. Drive by and Un- finished basement with over 1 550 sq. feet down. Main level is over 1570 square feet. Double garage on a nice lot sitting in a Only $98,800. Drive by 157 East 1190 South and for an apme call pointment. Anna 295-580Bee 2 Large floor NOW see what we are talking about. Built by Benchmark and Its special. Home built by Benchmark is quality . We are throughou-outvery proud of all the Benchmark Constructed homes and we love to sell them. This one has 3 Bedrms, 2 Baths, FP, 2 Patios, 2 Gar, Walk-oBasement with glass sliders. Wait till you see the pretty outside color on this one. $95,500. SUMMER IS HERE IS THE time to enjoy a beautiful yard, covered 2 patio, outside and most of all Privacy!! Lots of trees, bushes and flowers. By the way, to go with this gorgeous landscaping, a beautiful, all brick rambler with double garage, work SAVES QUALITY like new family' 3 4 bedrooms, home, baths, 2 fireplaces, 600 sq. ft. Garage, RV pad, 96K. By owner shop and 416-51- 4 extra Anna 295-098- UNDER CONSTRUCTION A REAL SPECIAL We are just framing RV Parking. 4400 Sq. Ft. finished. Mother-in-laapt. downstairs. Family room on main floor also laundry and formal dining room. Call Bee to see. Bee 292-500- BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH BRICK THREE bedrooms, large family room, dining room. Ready to move in. By owner $49,000 or Anna 421-43- 0 Karla 295-580- SINGLES PAD LUXURY passive solar twin home in quiet NEW location. Kaysville Fireplace, sun room, hot tub hookups, garage, patio, large sun deck with great views. Extras alore. $52,500. Gary 5 Lakewood Investment Co. 421-43- 0 Buys! $49,900 A rent. Spanking new twins in quiet Kaysville. Special price and low financing available now. Immediate Country occupancy. value ever, kitchens, direct from builder. Gary Inv. Lakewood 544-869- Co. 421-42- 9 FNMA REPOS. 1482 N. 350 W. Sunset $37,000; 1072 W. 1120 N., Layton $46,900; 601 N W. 2475 Layton $58,900; 2299 E. 3025 N Layton $72,500. We have six others all bargain priced. Call Gary Nelson 544-869- Lakewood Realtors 9 NORTH home. EAST Bountiful Beautiful home, Beautiful Assumable. evenings this catch us while we are under construction, you can pick out all of your own colors and 266-751- ACRE Scenic townsite leads down to rivate creek camp site, lease. New mobile home. Sr. citizen. Takes the for $25,000 package. PERFECT NEAT redone 2 bedroom bungalow, lovely Ig. lot (across from elem. school) Low figure $32,000! Real deal! HIDDEN VILLAGE retreat cottages. 2 story. Shops. Steal at $38,000. 7 UNIT MOTEL with lovely living quarters & large ennice outdoor tertainment area. Senior out! wants retiree $85,000. EXCELLENT located, 2 comfortable bedroom home (elec. & gas), out - corral. Deep buildings lot, 2 seperate entrances. Property ideal for 2 owners. (Mobile home could be moved on the lot. Call 292-437- QUALITY 3 B.R. home with payments less than interest Call (See ad below view. Call 421-43- 0 298-375- 4 COUNTRY atmosphere plus 4400 sq.ft, home in Centerville. 5 bedrooms, walk-i- n closets, beautiful oak kitchen opens to family room and laundry. Vt acre fruit trees, berries. Open house Sat. 12:00-5:0$143,500. HEART OF BOUNTIFUL V ACRE, garage & carport really darling home in If East Bountiful. you 295-580- of perfect) friendly area South Central Utah. season 4 IDEAL THE climate belt. Paradise SPORTSMEN right here! SAFE - OUTDOOR Freedom tor kids. NEAR THE Mts. & off Hy. 89 diversified COMMUNITY envolvements. OUR SCHOOLS are great plus Bonus ESTATE REAL 421-42- 9 295-098- start and Fireplace, and a nice fenced yard. Owner is anxious, so let us show you this now, an make and offer. Vaughn 298-512- fireplace, large kitchen, bedrooms, free Jacuzzi sauna, weight room, RV wahser-drye- r parking, hookups. 6 mins, to 298-749downtown 295-679- up houses?? a great big Only 3 years bedrooms, 546-066- QUIET LIVING VILLAGE. NORTHPARK With a 6 month lease you get free microwave or $100 off 1st month rent, or AM-dtape turntable offer small of beautiful cooking dinner. This is an oversized twin home in Farmington. Four levels with dose to 2000 Sq. Ft. Hard to believe for only $61,900 . 2 Bedrooms, with possible 2 more, Family room, ATTENTION RETIREES WIDOWERS VOLUNTEERS GRANDPARENTS Come WITH CHILDREN move into (almost the you, to go in this home. There are three levels to this beauty with a finished family room all planned for the main level. 3 Bedrms, IV Bath. Nice big basement too. East on Mill Street. Bee 292-500Sally Built-in- HOMES FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE everything special to for kitchen and garage for furniture Rambler. Custom old. built, 3 owners transferred. 414-42- 9 stereo. is FOR SALE TIRED OF HALF CLEAN HOUSESI WELL HERE IS one that Is so clean, that you will only have to move in your BIG!! Tired FOB SALE deco, nice yard and quiet street. Twin needs owner now. $59,900, but will Nego too. Sally 295-098298-512Vaughn FARMINGTON by HOMES Daddy, Fireplace, 295-098- 414-56.- 4 owner. By t walk-ou- SPACIOUS!! NEW HOMES!! BUY DIRECT from builder. Let us make your dreams a reality! Many locations Salt Lake, Davis and offer 430 10 min. to 5 bdrms. downtown, plus den, 3't baths, 2 2 family rooms, $67,000. BY 298-517- family rooms, main laundry, 2 fireplaces, 295-635- Realtors . BEAUTIFUL IN- EVERY DETAIL 3,000 SQ. FT. finished bedrooms, 3 baths, $59,900. leaving us. Must today. Cute, new in storm garage, 428-5- Fruit, shade trees. Quiet location. Near mall, VIEW Cape Cod In David. 298-702- 7 UPDATED BOUNTIFUL starter not a fixer! 3 bdrm. 1600 sq. windows $59,500 428-24 428-43- garage, beauty shop and Call more. $87,500. 428-5- 7 today! 298-408- ft. Oaks 298-342- 295-800- NO DOWN PAYMENT NICE BOUNTIFUL 3 2 bedroom, bath, CENTERVILLE CHARMER COUNTRY SETTING! 3 bedroom, 2 bath, kitchen-family room. Oak wood floors, double car -CA- PECOD-Centerville FOR 295-052- CENTERVILLE REPO RAMBLING RAMBLER YES, THIS IS a big white brick rambler, with 1550 square feet on the main floor. That Is a large living area and the inside is as clean as a pin and well kept. This is so important to you as a buyer, because a well kept home is a home that is in good repair and taken care of owr the years. Great South-Eaarea in Bountiful. Perfect family in a great area. Brent 295-119Sally NSL brick large 6 81 Chelsea Cove. 428-5- Lovely Mommy, Dave L. fruit carport, 8 8 basement. Immediate yard, 298-109- 9 afternoon. 428-43- trees. $58, 500. carpet. Big family room, large fenced backyard. Automatic sprinkler Must see system. 428-5- starter home for sale by owner. 2 bedroom, fireplace, fenced. $35,000. 298-747NSL east side Bountiful, OWNER 4 bedroom, 2 bath, newly decorated New home. Bountiful. 292-637- 292-044- SEE STEAL 0 BY 428-43- 0 finished MUST 9 CENTERVILLE baths, 3 bedrooms. de sac lot, room for extra Choose your parking. own colors. South Davis 298-346- HOMES TWIN NEEDS MOMMY AND DADDY for this huge Master Bedroom Suite. BENCHMARK REAL ESTATE 428-51- WANTED experienced real estate sales person to help start new brokerage on 5th South. Call Marvw 2 Cul $76,000,451-701- LAKE 428-2- Centerville, Farmington area, garage, basement. Walk to church, yard, 6 nice view $50,900. 421-51- 4 evenings NEW EAST SIDE RAMBLER Main floor family room, Centerville. Larsen 43. 1 E. OWNER. South Farmington. Quiet street. Near church and school. 295-496- Realtors. BR townhouse 295-237- $155,000 PRICE slashed from $193,000 Large 3 bedroom executive home with 3000 sq ft un- home, carport, large lot, window appliances, coverings. 836 So. 300 area, super family kitchen. Kay Collmgs FOG1 SALE BY KEPT WELL 47-5- 5 298-818- NEW 2 Realty dow, main floor family room and walk-ou- t patio with gazebo and private oak covered yard. Call d lot. canyon rfrjl HOMES with this small, older brick home. Needs some fix up, but the price is right at $29,800. Drive by at 255 E. 200 N. and if interested call 295-448428-52- 0 298-190- 421-43- 0 THIS WEEK'S 7 SPECIAL HOMES COMPLETELY $57,000 remodeled Kaysville bungalow. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. BOUNTIFUL'S Park area. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, $81,000 Mueller oversized doubl garage. conNEW $82,300 struction. Pick your colors. Over $2000 carpet-applian- allowance. Large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, in newer Centerville area. $127,000 IN Bountiful'S Mueller Park Canyon setting. Secluded In '? acre of solid oak with view and privacy! Like-necondition with 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, double garage. $159,500 LIKE NEW! On quiet southeast Bountiful formal dining, Large 5 bedrooms, dining, beautiful hand rubbed woodwork, and extra kitchen down for canning etc. kitchen, formal $187,500 5000 OVER finished square feet of quality workmanship. Bountiful's Browns Park, with breathtaking view of lake, sunsets. valley, Only 5 years old and. like new. LUXURY throughout. Unique floor plan with exquisite woodwork. Breathtaking one acre view, pool, canyon lot with stream, in Bountiful's Mueller Park area. PLEASE CALL Mel Harris $295,000 for addresses or additional information 295-190- 6 about the above homes (Century 21, Grant Davis 428-2- Co.) SALE by owner: 3 bedroom brick home in' Kaysville, large family room room, dining and carport. Priced to sell at $58,900. CaH 544-381- 4 or 546- - FOR iw 428-5- 6 mm lots fob Say your read it in the OPEN HOUSE. Starter home. New Oak kitchen $59,900. Open Saturday 5 at 256 W. 1700 South, Bountiful. 1-- Forever view. Extra parking. Choice condo, close to everything. $46,900. fyqett 292-724- 6 iSSmn realtors Estate Put Number 1 to work far youl Bountiful, Utah OPEN HOUSES New Home GRANT DAVIS CO. 21 W. 500 S., BOUNTIFUL 166 West Monarch Dr. East 1500 295-589- FREE LIST OF OUR OPEN HOMES: jnvQ Farms 1100 So. I I YOU GIVE UP AMBIENCE 0 295-510- Davis County Clipper feel at home all over town North Salt Lake beauty. Own 0 it at Carriage Crossing. A LOT TO LIVE ON DANBURY LANE. Life on Danbury Lane offers a lifestyle of freedom and mobility, yet with all the warmth of an honest to goodness home. You never worry about snowy sidewalks or a lawn which needs to be cut. Its called "maintenance-fre- e living, and it is very easy to get used to. H LANDFORMS 13 Acre FrH Shaffer 292 - OM7 Dale Thompson Gregg Revell and Up ..298 - 3354 292 - 1326 t THE INSIDE STORY How does a r garage with a door to the kitchen sound for openers? Youll also find a full unfinished basement, oak trim, and General Electric appliances in every home. And thats Oak Covered two-ca- state-of-the-a- Bountiful East Bench Area rt just for starters. Come and take a look for yourself today. Youll see how little you have to give up, to get a lot. NEW HOMES ..And What A View! AT. ..NEWPORT HEIGHTS models open Thursday to Sunday till dusk. 3 (ijrrkipp Qvssitft 35,000 it Up Naivport Halghti Some Canyon Lots Available Marketed by: The Ramsey Group Dan Judd 467-66- CONDOMINIUMS atkii 292-887- 835 North 200 West Bountiful 11-Model Hours: Monday-Saturd- ay 7, Sunday Call 4 for more information. Broker participation invited. From the $80s. 295-508- Bountiful 6S0 South Main II to 7, Sunday I to Models open Monday-SaturdaBroker participation welcome. 88 6.95 subject to Utah Housing qualifications. i 7. 9 1- -6 |