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Show TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, m 1978 rapidly-ne- looks, runs good, tires good, Inspected. See to appreciate. 295-616COLT 550 extras w 23 classical, 13 popular. teacher. Experienced 3893 South 725 West. 292-235- 5 speed, air Many warranty. 295-822- 6 47-5- 5 beginning advanced 1986 HYUNDAI Excel, sedan, 5 speed AMFM cassette 520 warranty. Must sell $6,000. 295-822- 6 CONDOS CONDOS FOR RENT FOR RENT LEVEL 428-5- 1 $350 carport. month. Call 9. 292-90- 428-5- TWO for BEDROOM levels. 2 BEDROOM NSL. air, washer, dryer, hookups, fireplace, No carport, patio. Franklin Eddlngs, M A , M & Ed. UMTA-MTNAGO Certified 295-597- 9 CONDO carpet, new paint, air, pool, patio, 428-2- 9 295-566- EXCELLENT Preschool Kgtn. program. $250 00. Bountiful shopping, Datsun 428-5- 6 414-51- 1982 CHEVROLET Chevette. Diesel, Excellent con428-5- 6 295-106- Dr.. BOUNTIFUL INCREDIBLE VALUE DONT MAKE UP YOUR MINO ABOUT YOUR childs pre- FOR SALE 1977 CHEVY school next step-sid- 292-364- New tires, interior lift kit. Good paint. Great condition. $4,500 or best offer. door 421-43- 0 71 CHEVY ton crew cab, tong bed, utility cabinets, 11 ft. cabover camper. $2950. 422-42- 9 BLAZER, ps-pb- , power locks and windows. Air. One Owner 81,000 miles. Solid body. 71 West 300 No., NSL. 295-884- 1 or 292-861- 79 428-5- 1973 FORD truck. n offer. Call Make 7 u 428-43- 0 VANS FOR SALE I NOTHING DOWN assume 2 lease. yr. Mall Dishwasher wd, hookups, free cable, pool, large closets. Close to downtown SLC. 2 kids ok. 75 N Orchard Dr., apts. NSL. 298-876- 2 bedroom for only $269. Hookups, private near 5 Points patio, COZY Mall 47-5- 5 BEDROOM neighfamily Good treeway storage, 421-43- 0 298-102- 421-51- 3 '.yAWVAVVY.'. U U 'A1 mm People Uve 1m Apart! While Other Live la Style ment $275 washer dryer hookups. required, dish- washer, disposal, extra storage. $360 00 . 909 W 4100 S. No. 4, 292-012- 6 1 FREE HEAT New 2 1ST 2 months. bedroom apts. Free cable T.V., carport, spa, pool 298-430- exercise, 47-5- 7 apart- Deposit no pets, covered carport, storage 0 shed. Call 28-488- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY AVAILABLE NOW WINDGATE AN ADULT COBBMUNITY AmenltJ- e- WONDERFUL neighborhood. Dishwasher, carports, disposal, spacious, two bedrooms, big kitchen, low heat 4 bills. or Bath with Loft 2 Bedroom2 Bath Available 1 NEWLYWEDS 8 SINGLES NEAT. COZY, 1 bdrm, Centerville condo. Enjoy pool, tennis, sauna, exercise room $285 month plus electric. Owner will Bed room 1 FOUR SPACIOUS FLOOR 47-5- 5 bdrm. $225 QUAINT duplex, newly decorated. Ideal for singles & 2 $350 newlyweds. bedroom, fireplace, patio, Park Place condo. Rent includes gas. Dawson Real Estate 295-237- PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM 2030 South Main Street Bountiful, Utah 84010 292-556- 5 lease-optio- 331-43- 0 0 OF THE REALM CLARENCE KNIGHTS ANNIVERSAR-YBUT YOU GET THE PRESENT! i JOUST! ' .! .MELEES. .ARMOR & COMBAT TOURNAMENT MEDIEVAL GAMES. .AUTHENTIC ARTS & CRAFTS, . COSTUMES & EXHIBITS. .FOOD & DRINKS WILL BE AVAILABLE. ; CHILDREN WOULD love to tend your child in my LDS home. Please call Terri, 1 FREE PEPSI AND POPCORN EVERY SATURDAY : -- 421-43- 0 INSTANT STOCK REDUCTION FOR SALE 1977 SUZUKI GS 750, STATE AUTHORIZED STRUCTURED activity and rebuilt completely engine, new chain, learning, lunch, snacks, any age, easily ac- cessible. or W-- carport, ITS v TEND MOTORCYCLES battery, etc. $1,150. reasonable offer. 3 BEDROOM apt., WD hookup, 9 TWO hookups, KNIGHTS : GIVE YOUR child a home away from home. 14yrs. exp. All ages welcome. Its the best call you will n ake. Call 414-42- 3 m -I , 4755 1985 white Excellent $217 - mo. cargo van. condition FURNISHED $225 includes utilities, One private entrance. adult only. No smokers or pets 295- 428.0506 8760. PEACHTREE NSL ONE and 2 bedroom hookups, carpet, on bus route, no smokers, pets 451 47-5- 7 2662 2 Centerville bdrm. apartment. ' 2 bedroom townhouse $360. First two months halt price with 6 months lease, 1 V bath, storage, covered hookups, parking W-380 N 100 W 292-586Centerville DELUXE 1 SPACIOUS, T COME .& WATCH THE UNUSUAL & EXCITING 428-2- 292-937- $269. Hookups, private near 5 Points patio, 415-42- 9 new 2 FARMINGTON bedroom $300 00. Walk-i- n MAY AVAILABLE LOVELY, access. closets, FOR RENT borhood 6 8 APARTMENTS FOR RENT convenience, everybody else is going ... I can ... none of these are good enough reasons to shortchange your special child. Come see us at Centerville Academy (1248 N. Main, Ct.) ... you'll be surprised how many of your friends and neighbors are already here! Were wailing for you! Phone us at (5437). Presently signing up forfall 1987. 1 3 BEDROOM $350 FENCED YARD w-- d hookups, covered parking, 928 W. 4200 So. $100 deposit 298-501- BIG 566-394- 5 416-43- 0 2 bedroom for only 1 ROOMS program at Centerville Academy. Neighborhod loyalty to friends, next Call Equal Housing opportunity. Equal Housing opportunity. rent. reduced receive APARTMENTS 298-2209 Housing Authority. FOR RENT 9 baaed upon a 50 year fixed rate mortgage with a 7.52 t annual perceentage rate. without out the checking 277-988- 'i bedroom, covered parking, Bountiful bus routes, Power, $299 00, COZY 292-120- 4 ROOMS 5 MANSELL flf ASSOCIATES placement for fall 428-3- 0 1-- Mode! 421-52- 0 TOM SWALLOW TRUCKS bedroom luxury condo beautiful view up Mueller Park or of city. $1200 month NEW 5 2 bdrms., 2 12 batha, garage, $53,000 $374 monthly payment- 3 bdrms., 2 12 baths, garage, $59,900 OPEN 6 FLUTE, CLARINET, Saxophone, and bassoon lessons taught by a woodwind specialist. or 5 Vineyard 3700 So. Orchard utilities, apt.,4-plex,lo- DELIGHT TWO BEDROOM Apartment in carpet, 428-5- 6 295-829- 8 air conditioning, patio, hook-up- s laundry $275 month. You pai wer NICE, CLEAN CONDO and 193 outh gas 2 IN BOUNTIFUL. 475 West, Bountiful Call basement, bedrooms, Fran 451-258- 7 or 295-807covered parking, pool. Davie County $375 per month. Call 428-3- 0 E. large grassy yard. 107 Assist 2250 S. $2 and with management APARTMENTS FOR RENT r, The 265 weeks tree rent. monthly. 2 kids okay- - no 331- pets. 428 4 school $135 Call SPACIOUS TWO bedroom 292:9533, near AC, area, bus, washer-dryehookups, No cable tv. pets, no 4 children years. Call 428-5- 6.95 ri Spanish, arts and crafts, etc. Happy children are good learners. Small 1 classes. Mornings afternoons 0 dition. and techniques used in teaching the children the 3 R's plus music, dependable engine, monthly. KAYSVILLE 2 bedroom. Free air and heatina, 2 Call WORKING MAN, kitchen privileges. Washroom, nondrinker. Family a- 328-448- 428-2- RX2 428-5- ONE BEDROOM SUNRISE M0NTESS0RI 1973 MAZDA share house, 171 West 14th No., Bountiful, $145 plus deposit ROOM, tmosphere. m APARTMENTS FOR RENT 428-2- 428-3- 0 1980 PONTIAC Phoenix 2 door, tilt, cruise 78,000 miles. Body in great condition Engine needs work $1400 or offer. Call PRIVATE a NEW storage, cable WD hookups. $300mo. children under 14. $350. 414-51- 7 newly decorated super location, through redecorated end unit. Beautiful mountain view, unor furnished furnished. See at 1233 E. 9915 Fruit Heights, Somerset Place Condominiums between 3-- 9 p m. Monday Friday or Sat. a m. Available May. Rent from $440. 421-5- 6 6 TOWNHOUSE 2 BDRM., CEDAR Springs, Centerville clubhouse, pool, Ml 3 BEDROOM 2 bath condo near Cherry Hill. Newly adult condo, Bountiful Gardens. 295-758- M PIANO 8 ORGAN FULL PROGRAM 428-3- ONE bath, garage tennis, clubhouse Ye pay maintenance lee $495 mo. Call Audrey at 355-080- 0 ext. 36 or 973 8317 or 423 air, AMFM passenger cassette LEASE 3 BED. CONDO CLEAN 3 bedroom central keyboard method. play with musicianship, 7 VISTA PIANO SBS 3 TUTORING Read, count, 428-2- 9 1986 INSTRUCTIONS LEARN HONDA, FWD, H,bk, 3DCVCC, 5 speed, APRIL 28, 1987 L, MAY 30. 1987 from 9a.rn.to. 6p.m. Far- LDS. PONTIAC SUNBIRD Presented By mington. 0 offer 421- 298-519- ic jsfottetg for dlrcatiUe JVnacljrontBm WOULD LOVE to tend your children ges 2 and up. Near X Penny's. CalL 1980 YAMAHA 650 SPECIAL - Excellent condition $800 or best Brenda - 421-43- 0 295-348- 429 4 DISCOVER WHAT has to offer your child for the best and least in child-car550 1979 HONDA CR125R, less than 10 hours use, excellent condition $450 421-42- 3 or offer, 292-025- 1000 West 1984 KX condition EXCELLENT MAXIM 550. 1981. New tires, and tune up. All ready tor summer, black. Come 2 see it. SITTING BABY Btf. my With approved credit. $195. down; $9800. financing; $210.64 a month. 10.5 Annual Percentage Rate. MATURE 15 year old. would love to tend your children in your home EXCELLENT condition. Low miles. Must sell, XT - leaving on mission. $600 or best offer. Call Daron after 5:30 p.m. 295-573- COME the summer months. Full or part time. Call Carol during 7 YAMAHA see, $1 650.00offer 4 '88 condo, sleeps $200. tennis, e May ROYAL LUXURY NEW FIVE VIEW 314 West Center, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, cond., water paid, swimming pool and tennis. Call kitty after 4 p.m. 298-238- LAKE 7 Bematltml CkrktlMM SekI OPEN HOUSE GTA 350 FUEL INJECTED $6499.00 On approved credit S199 down SI35 4I plus tax and license S6300 linancing 10 5 Annual Percentage Rale 4MMHHMHMMHMMHHMF REGISTER WITH YOUR SALESMAN TO WIN A FREE 19 inch COLOR TV or VCR All Cadillacs will have special pricing during this sale. THE VALIANT PRICE FIGHTER SERVICE SPECIAL With This Ad $15.00 Jeannette 421-43- 295-229- TOWNHOUSE bedrooms, April 30th washer-drye- r Come ee the children in action pool. Call Heat 298-010- 7 Vt 0 2 bath, hook-u- $380. 5 paid after 421-43- 0 p.m. from 1 $14,091. POWERFUL lor CENTERVILLE Condo rent. Available Session Vet AS LOW AS 414-51- 4 contact fhrMiaa Chare e.t 837 North 500 m in- 414-5- 7 Bwntltal 00 Trans-A- CONDO. for Viewmont Bountiful Pontiac Less Factory Rebate. LESSONS instruction by teacher. experienced Cross Near Woods Elementary School, Mary PRIVATE 7:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. Or attend the evening program from 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Enrolling now for summer and fall Age 5 for prernoolDay care Kindergarten Ut Grade BROUGHAM, EL DORADO, SEVILLE SEE THE NEW bedroom 324-43- 0 and CADILLAC DEVILLE, FLEETWOOD, FOR RENT TUTORING LESSONS BEST RATE 87 BONNEVILLE luxury condo. Beautiful view up Mueller Park or of city. $1200 month 414-5- POWER CHAMPION CONDOS INSTRUCTIONS beginners IN KOREA; PRICED 4, 6, fully furnished Golf, swimming, much more LOADED declawed, spayed, we miss her! Any Info, 2 please call 428-3- 0 evenmas. termediates. area FOR TWO WEEKSI PERFORMANCE, SMOOTH RIDE FOR THE MOST DEMANDING DRIVER. Bear Lake WHITE PERSIAN CAT INDOOR LOST cat, PIANO HERE ON DISPLAY TIME SWEETWATER a 292-814- GMC SIERRA SHARE 4 Boswell, 88 PONTIAC LEMANS ECONOMICALLY 428-2- 9 FOUND PIANO SEE THE EXCITING George timeshare. Very nice brand new pool. 428-3- 0 I 8 ONE FLOATING week St. HONDA CB 650 1979 EXCELLENT cond. Please call soon. 295-309- LOST MEET ALLANT& MANUFACTURED a IT200, miles, must new, 500 street licensed, like $12,975. $175. down, $275 12 per month, $12,800. financina. With approved credit. 10 5 Annual Percentage Rate. Designed by Pininfarina. Spa ol Turin. Italy. 428-3- 0 1986 WILL BE ON DISPLAY ONLY FROM MAY 4 thru 11. MEET THE SPIRIT OF CADILLAC! references. Any age. Call 428-5- 7 Kathy at 292-870- 79 HONDA 500 ULTRA-LUXURIO- allantE . Have apartment. 422-42- 9 422-5- THE 428-5- 7 YAMAHA Mike. $9995. CHILD ere in my LDS home. Centerville area. Call Natalie 298-908- 421-42- 9 292-357- PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 6 LOVING never raced, low miles. Also 75. Enduro60 best offer 423-5- Purchase price: $9500.00; tax and license extra. $199.89 down on 60 month contract at 10.5 Annual Percentage Rate. 87 PONTIAC FIERO South, Retta. 80 PER MONTH WE LL MEET OR BEAT ANY VERIFIED PRICE ON NEW PONTIACS. CADILLACS. OR GMC TRUCKS. ask for Bountiful, $199.89 CENTERVILLE, 4 Pheasantbrook, bedrms, 3 baths, family room, garage, central Bonded air. $650. Realty, 2 295-407- purchase necessary. Must be 21 years of age or older to win. One entry per person. No OIL & FILTER CHANGE Drawing will be held purchase necessary. Must be 21 years of age to enter. Need not be present to win. One entry per person. Drawing will be held May 30, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. Winner will be notified. No 428-J- NAME CLEAN & QUIET In CONDO BDRM. Bountiful W-hookups. Cable TV. Nice patio. Carport, extra storage. No children or pets $360 mo. $175 deposit 295-456- ADDRESS. CIT .GimiE. Clarence Knight PONTIAC PHONE CADILLAC 570 NORTH MAIN 428-5- t GMC TRUCK LAYTON, UTAH 4 |