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Show APRIL 28, 1987 L, Heres 3rd term DHS honor students Students named to the honor roll at Davis High for the third term include: Seniors, Maryanne Adams, Clinton Allen, Christine Anderson, Christine J. Anderson, Russell Anderson, Teresa Angell, Joy Secondary lunches Lunch menus for the secondary schools for the week of May 4 include: Monday, May 4, enchiladas lettuce, buttered green beans, whole wheat dinner roll chilled mixed fruit, sugar cookie and milk. High schools have a choice each day of burger bar or salad line. Jr. high choice, stacked ham sandwich. Tuesday, May 5, chicken fried steak, whipped potatoes gravy, mixed vegetables, parker-house rolls dutch oven milk. Jr. peach cobbler high choice, Malibu sandwich. Wednesday, May 6, baked fish sauce, tater rounds, combination salad parker-hous- e The Central Davis Junior High School musical revue cludes South Pacific. Amy Olesen plays Nellie while Ralph Murdock is Luther Billis and Shawna Larson performs as Bloody Mary. in- ar rolls chocolate pudding, fondant cookies and milk. Jr. high choice, cheeseburger. Thursday, May 7, sliced turkey whipped potatoes buttered broccoli, parker-hous- e roll cherry pie and milk. Jr. high choice, hamburger and dills. Friday, May 8, Italian spaghetti, French tossed salad chilled sliced bread pears, gingersnaps, milk or chocolate milk. Jr. high choice, hoagie sandwich. In Child Nutrition Programs, no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap, write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Ashmead, Scott Bates, Steven Bean, Bridgette Bergk, Bryan Clayton Bowers, Quentin Bradwisch, Lori Briggs, Landon Brophy, Kelly Brown, Heather Buchanan, Wendy Burgess, Kory Christensen, Tyler Christiansen, Jason Citte, Michael Clark, Ronald Clark, Diane Cole, Todd Christiansen, Christopher Cook, Sandra Ber-ghou- Chiles, Alexander Clark, Sharia Cool, Jared Cox, Bryce Crowley, Richard Nef, Whitney Nelson, Nathan Niederhauser, Carrie Nielson, Lauralyn Oldham, Laurel Olson, Norma Ott, David Peel, Stephanie Poll, Jennifer Pratt, Rebecca Rees, Kimberly Reichert, Douglas Roberts, Jeremy Romero, Rebecca Rushforth, Mark Sargent, Amell, Cammon Arrington, Jilane t, Nathaniel Crowther, Heide Davies, Allison Dent, Roger Dorius, Lori Dyches, Heather Ence, Julie Estheimer, William Fitzgerald, Jeff Fowers. Julie Gailey, Karl Garcia, Carl Gardiner, Bart Hamblin, Russell Hansen, Scott Harris, Jennifer Harward, Jarvis Jacobson, Shannon Johnson, Thomas Kealama-kia- , Dawn Kerschner, Lance Larsen, Sandra Libby, Jay Lilly. Loren Mansell, Scott McCosh, Carol McMillan, Paul Mendonsa, Michael Miller, Justin Morris, Jeffrey Nash, Donna Oakeson, Amy Obrien, Heidi Olsen, Jeffry Orme, Ray Percival, Jan Peterson, Lisa Petersen, Jaren Price, Laura Pulley, Michael Pulsipher. Chris Ramsdell, Aaron Rasmussen, Amy Roberts, Staci Robison, Jared Sanders, Michael Scheuller, Denise Scott, Garrett Sill, Jennifer Gregory Schick, Meredith Schramm, Jennifer Sedgwick, John Shaw, Tanya Shunn, Jason Simmons, Elizabeth Smith, Melinda Smith, Mindy Smith, Emma Smuin, Joy Sorensen, Daniel Stephenson, Jason Spafford, Ann Streadbeck, Lisa Streiff. Copenhaver, Julia Coulter, Jonathan Cox, Matthew Creer. Kimberly Daniels, Michelle Dopp, Scott Dubois, Brandon Dyer, Lincoln Dygert, Kristin Edvalson, Sonja Elliott, Noel Allison Thatcher, Ronda Thor-soErasmus, Lisa Evans, Melinda Brett Tippetts , Joly n T opham, Evans, Christie Fames, Catherine Sandra Vanadrighem, Eric Farr, Eric Franks, Shon Gallagher, David Vetter, Marianne Samuel Gardiner, Becky Gillespie, Michael Welling, Kevin David Green, Deann Griego, Amy Wardle, Kristin Wilson, Jennifer Wilcox, Griffin, Gregory Hales, Michael and Michelle Winters, Topi Young AmanKristine Hamblin, Hansen, Zaugg. da Hansen, Michelle Hansen, Maurice Harker, Kimberly Sophomores, Alicia Alkema, Haywood, Branda Hemphill, York Amy Jo Allen, Stephanie Allen, Hill, Holden Holt, David Hopper, Gary Andersen, Anjanette Ashby, Tyler Hoskins, Dustin Huntzinger, Steven Barlow, Amy Bell, Michelle Byers, Christy Calvin, Jeremy Kristen Hyde. Travis Jackson, Matthew Jacobsen, Amy Jacobson, Heather Jensen, John Jeppson, Curtis Jones, Jackson Kaiserman, Jeremy King, Kristine Larsen, Shelly Larsen, Geraldine Lewis, Suzanne Jonathan Liston, Rebecca Long, Stacey Lyons, Don Manning, Tracy Marcusen, Scott MaOn Tuesday, May 5, the admijor, Denise Mayfield, Laurelin nistration, faculty and parents of May, Stephen McDaniel, ChrisDavis School will celebrate a High David Lisa Miller, tine McKay, Mitchell, Carla Moffitt, Bruce night of academic achievement. A Davis Murray, Collette Neville, Julie will be High Academic Letter presented to those sophoNielson, Lezli Nielson, James Oldmore, junior and senior students ham, Jodi Olsen, Kristin Packer, who have achieved excellence in Jelisa Peterson, Rex Petersen, Jeftheir academic record this year. frey Pearson, Jonathan Pritt, This special evening will be the Laura Pyne. second held this year. The first was Danielle Reese, Julie Richards, held in February to honor senior Amy Reid, Bradley Richins, Jenstudents who have had academic nifer Robbins, Janene Sanders, Jonathan Schofield, Lisa Schryn-en, Van-Dyk- Lilly-whit- e, Smith, James Steele, David EmiStephenson, Jay Thompson, ly Timothy, Julie Warnick, Caroline Williams and York Yates. Academic achievement to be feted at DHS e, excellence for three years. The Academic Letter presentation begins a new tradition for Davis High School. Principal Stevenson, and PTA Jerry and Olivia King welcome parents and friends to join in this event to be held in the Davis High School Auditorium at 7 p.m. This evening will also be the last PTA meeting of the year and will include the election of next years PTA officers. r, Forrest Scott, Matthew 'Semadeni, Stephanie Shaw, Ron-n- a Sigler, Sonya Sill, Diane Simons, Angela Smith, Corey Son-dru- p, Scott Speirs, Laura Steed, Burkley Stevens, Curtis Stoddard. Kristy Tangren, Christine Teas-linLori Templeton, Tracy Templeton, Gregory Thompson, Mark Tucker, Maki Ujiie, Lori Unger-maBecky Ward, Geoffrey War-dlLunch menus for the elementary Tamera Warner, Vicki Warschools for the week of May 4 in- ren, Thomas Winward and Angela clude: Young. Monday, May 4, French dip Juniors, Robert Alles, Laura tator tots, Arrington, Shannon Ashby, Laura sandwich orange sections, peanut butter fin- Atherton, Sarah Auger, Lara Ann ger and milk. Kindergarten snack, Avery, Andrew Bailey, Eric Barpeanut butter finger and milk, nett, Darlene Bassett, Stephanie. Tuesday, May 5, Italian spaghet- Bennett, Justine Brown, Glenda French ti, tossed salad Burningham, Jolene Card, Kimchilled sliced berly Christensen, Linda Clark, bread pears, choice of cookie and milk. David Coons, Kevin Cottrell, Kindergarten snack, cookie and Spencer Coray, Mark Cragun, milk. Bryan Emery, Amy Enders, Heidi Wednesday, May 6, chicken Farr, Gameil Fouad, Lisa Fausett, nuggets, whipped potatoes Kaylyn Gailey, Jimmy Giles, parslied carrots, whole Shane Griffin, Rebecca Gwynn, butter wheat roll cup, Chet Gadley. banana Jello jewels Tamara Hall, Ernest Harker, piece and milk. Kindergarten Christopher Hendricks, Melissa snack, banana piece and milk. Herget, Raina Hintze, Christopher Thursday, May 7, fishburger Hogan, Camille Hogge, David sauce or Hunter, Candee cheese slice Hutchings, Brett French hoagie sandwich Lisa Ivey, Rachel Jenkins, Hyde, combination veget- Tiana fries Jenkins, Toby Jensen, Jefchocolate able salad frey Kinard, Elaine Lamoreaux , k, Elementary menus n, e, Performing in Central Davis Junior High Schools musical revue Bye, Bye Birdie are Kristen Knowlton and Becky Lazenby. Musical Revues set Thurs., Fri. LAYTON The music department at Central Davis Junior High will present their annual musical review with selections from South Pacific and Bye Bye on Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1. The public performance is scheduled for April 30 starting at 7 p.m. The Firday performance is for the studentbody. It will be held in the morning. There is no charge for Birdie admission. The program will be in the girls gym. Students have been rehearsing for over a month in preparation for this event. Approximately 30 students will participate. The directors are Beth Preston and Michael Carver. The accompanist for the musical numbers will be Andrea Iverspn. This show will be similar to the musical review presented last year. pudding, milk. Kindergarten Clearfields jazz players preparing for festival Clearfield High School will parti- a statewide jazz festival, Memorial Day weekend (May 23), at Lagoon as a benefit for the American Cancer Society. Performances will begin at 1 p.m. and continue until 6 p.m. Lagoon will be celebrating its 100th birthday during the 1987 season and has chosen this special the amusement event to kick-of- f celebration. centennial parks Fifteen of the best high school bands in the state will be competing for cash awards and other prizes. Both jazz and concert bands will participate. Special discount tickets to Lagoon, which benefit the American Cancer Society, will be cipate in available at Lagoons parking entrance or through any participating band member. The American Cancer Society is the largest source of private cancer research funds in the United States. The American Cancer Society also provides public education programs and materials, public in- vices. For more information on the high school jazz festival at Lagoon or the American Cancer Society, please contact Lynn Meinor at the Utah Division office of the American Cancer Society, 610 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City. Phone numbers for the division office are 1 and More information is also available from the Davis County Office in Kays-vill- e 322-043- 544-583- w-th- in ar 6. snack, bread stick and milk. Friday, May 8, pizza, green beans, carrot and celery sticks, sliced peaches, gingersnap cookie and choice of milk or chocolate milk. Kindergarten snack, cookie and milk. In Child Nutrition Programs, no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of race , color, national origin, age, sex or handicap, write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Erik Larsen, Kathryn Larsen, Michelle Lee, Cory Leonard, Laura Lore, Jane Maryon, Edith Martinez, Krista Mason, York Major, Carolee Maxwell, Carolyn Michelsen, Kevin Morris, Rebecca Muhlestein, Ame Murdock. (ITALIAN) Papparoni, Ham Summer Sausage, Salami Includes All The residents. Come see for yourself why Skilled "STUFF" y HjDACIESjUlgS 377 E. Gentile the finest quality meats, fruits and vegetables are used in meal preparation. We take great care to meet physician orders for restrictive and other special diets. Only From the turkey and dressing at holiday times to the cool summertime desserts, dining is a delight to our STILETTO yfTrrryrr-- Mealtime is an experience to be enjoyed. Thats why we make special efforts to serve meals that are not only wholesome, but also good tasting and pleasant to look at. weve earned our reputation. Intermediate Respite care Life Care Center 460 West 2600 South, Bountiful 295-313- 5 Leyton Imagine... relations firm small enough to about your special needs, but big enough to help you with press releases, brochures, slide shows and photography. Thats WOMENS SOUP AND SALAD A public SEMINARS Soup and Salad Seminars are scheduled for the first and third Wednesdays of each month in the hospital cafeteria from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. at $1.00 per person. formation and rehabilitation ser THE EFFICIENT CLOSET ORGANIZER closet and get the second closet at Buy one Add 50 more 50 Suicide Threats: Does Everyone Feel Like Getting Off The At Times? John Taylor Ph.D. May 20 Women Who Love Men Too Much. Barbara Boineau Ed.D. June 3 Medical Tests Every Woman Should Know And What They Mean. ' Maryanne Jerome M.D. June 17 Reconstituted Families: How To Determine The Priorities. Barbara Jones L.C.S.W. RSVP by 8 pm the evening space to your existing closets Compare our prices and quality Call now for immediate quote FREE IN HOME ESTIMATES Ooff May 6 569-181- 9 prior to the seminar. Benchmark Regional LJ Hospital K-f- Merry-Go-Roun- d l 592 West 1350 South Woods Cross, UT, 84087 298-284800-433-14- 72 4 |