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Show TUE80AYDAVIS COUNTY CUPPER, APRIL 28, 1987 m LOTS FORSAIi TOWNHOUSE I'i location 3 cond., great CARRIAGE CROSSING RESALE BTL.l THE 2 "CLAYTON' bedrooms with loft one owner like new FHA assumable. A 9.0 real buy! $71,900. Bob bath, air bedroom, (washer-drye- r garage 495 month. hookups) Call 298 0338 or 428-3- 0 Duffin CENTERVILLE TOWNHOUSE 2 BDRM, 1 7 422-5- No required to 9 78 percent laon on 2 bdrm. condo in adult park in Bountiful. W-hookups, cariort, flrplace, storage. Cable TV. $46,900. 295-456qualifying assume. BENCHMARK REAL ESTATE CO. 2B8-346- CONDO CEDAR $3,500 ASSUME Carriage Crossing 2 bedroom, 2 bath, $1,000 upgraded extras, or refinance Terms negotiable. Ask for Karla 295-098- Sally 295-098- 428-5- NOOUALFYING location. Centerville GIVEAWAY! Springs Carole. Pleasant PHEASANTBROOK LOOKING FOR the best of both worlds? A bath, dishwasher, range, refrigerator, bar. or hookups, two bath. home, 1 34 , trailer bedroom. Call 5 after 6 p.m. Moving out of state. 428-56.- WE are ANXIOUS, buildihg a home. Need to sell our Lakeview condo. 2 Bdrm. 1 bath. The inside is really sharp. Also has swimming pool. Call Asking $36,900. MOVING. MUST mobile home in sell, good condition, pool, tennis, double carport, fenced yard, Camelot. $11,500. 0 Jan leave 9 LAKES GREAT T.V. $46,900. 298-308- $12,500. 0 fireplace, Cable KING CONTINENTAL TOWNHOUSE. Condo, 2 2 12 ACRE HORSE lot from 1000 W. $24,900.00. W. Bntfl. Vicor 600 N., 49- Realty, 430 EAST LAYTON SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, view, all 414-5- 7 298-564- VA acres. Animals allowed. PLEASE CALL Mel Harris 295-190- 6 for addresses Estate 9 city approval, landscape build drawings. you choose. Terms Will if $19,500.. 421-43- 0 422-51- 3 HEIGHTS utilities $12,800. 69 ACRES Kaysville. Buy all or part. BARGAIN LAYTON subdivision lot, one-thir- d acre, 421-56.- 4 $15,950. B TO Sub.-Skylin- 104x95. $24,900. e 292-305- 423-52- 8 . or 3i7-- 5 295-214- IF $11,280 income. yearly Carports, meters. separate Sacrifice $79,900. Will refinancing fees, contract. 295-9- 1 11. 414-51- 4 ' Trade Warehouses or 500', 1 exit. Ideal area. for $25,000 BOUNTIFUL. lot or home. 10 equity. 414-51- 4 NEW $10,000 CASH down on fully rented luxury units in Layton. Easy management, good cash flow, $129,500. Gary 421-43- 0 OFFICE SPACE Available now at Duncan 260 S. Main, Plaza, Bountiful. Contact Lee Duncan. 3-Jl-c CHELSEA COVE AND JUST $94,900 located at US loot CMh . lounSM. Htgh o aoiXhsoftbsncawtlhobsquSMvtete.Sbdffns. ferns I IV room, 3 bote, 2 Sraptacsa, and mar sMraa. It wont lad long atlNa prtcn. Gregg Revel - Agent LANOFORMS 428-tt- n 295-554- o 292-132- 6 REALTY GROUP 296-224- 0 Automatic sprinklers, dishwasher, disposal. Come see. 1454 S. 35 8 E., Farmington, 47,430 8 4 office and shop area, high O.H. doors. Adaptable for most uses. Cash flow rental or move your 3 $149,000 FIVE BEDROOMS BATHROOMS two car large fenced 1 covered patio, quiet neighborhood. Very nice. $82,500. EXPERIENCED real estate sales person WANTED to help start new brokerage on 5th South. 295-674- Call Marv 292-288324-43- 0 421-43- 0 . v. 1C PRIME COMM. 2 ACRES POWER, WATER with barn and shed area. contract. Will CENTERVILLE LOCATION Near Jenny P. 7. , 'v,. " V Stewart Elementary carry 451-008422-51- 4 FOUR PLEX MOVING. MUST sell, will Prime carry contract. location in Btft. 422- - 514 SITE FOR store or office 6,300 sq. ft. of buildable ramp, space jus! off 5 Bountiful $29,900 . 4 . - HOMES FOR SALE Lakewood 0 CIO Detached twin. Nice area. Farmington No percent financing. closing costs Inv. Co. STORY 3 BEDROOM $51,900 FIVE YEARS Old. Alton Hansen buildings, terms. Gary Lakewood Inv. Co. TWO $159,900.' The Adams Co. LAYTON COMMERCIAL TWO 3000 sq. ft. block pay or suites. Copy machine and telphone answering service available. Lowest prices in Bountiful. 481 So. 400 East. Lakeview Professional Center 295-961- 600'-- S, to id 421-43- 0 business. 8 wonderful family home. Reduced to $149900. CONTEMPORARY, vaulted ceiling, top line custom extra pizazz. 324-43- 0 T LEASE YOU'RE Looking for retail, office - warehouse or commercial space, call Dawson Real Estate for of list complete x n 3'i LAYTON SHOP SPACE FOR RENT HIGH O H. doors, office area, adaptable for most uses. 1500 sq. ft. $425 per mo. Gary 544-869- HILLS, Two executive home. story tudor, six bedroom for with own space business. Approx. 4800 square feet, too many extras to list. $160,000. 12 ASSUME 9 FHA 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, brick rambler, 1700 sq. ft. - $139,000 - - owneragent 292-606- c - 4 $3300 27 long family room Box bay window in tiring loom Sun bunt garage and boat doors Beautiful turned wood on extenor porch and stairs Tear drop cedar wood siding on front gables Small price for 1452 sq. ft. Friendly Neighborhood Chair rail in every room Colonial wood molding around every window Colonial wood trim around every closet Will customise to your needs Will not cut quality to build cheaper lUA. VA Available $72,800 DOWN Call JOEL or MARILYN NEW HOMES for sale in new W.X. area. Will build to your specs. Our models as low as $65,900. Robert Holmes t 298-187- 3 0 298-016- 11618 So. Main 5 Points Mai 298-700- REALTY 0 ASSOCIATES & BEAUTY. Great $80,500 ANXIOUS with 4 bedrooms, excellent OWNER, family room, new carpels. Bountiful location, 4 be6 $69,900. Call Connie drooms, formal dining, 2 car garage, new carpels and 9 UNIQUE TUDOR. One of a paint. Call Ron Hill kind, 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, l- $84,900 NEW LISTING, 4 beibrary, formal dining main drooms, 2 baths, large family floor family room. $159,000. room, fenced yard. Call Ron 6 Hill Call Connie 9 NORTHEAST BOUNTIFUL Price BEAUTIFUL NEW slashed to $76,800, white $79,900 large family room brick rambler, 4 bedrooms, 2 off kitchen, fireplace, 3 beautdouble baths, garage, master bath. East ifully decorated. Call Con- Centerville. Pick your own nie 295-667-6 9 colors. Call Ron Hill - Lti ff 7 home 295-667- 292-275- 295-667- 292-275- MULTI-LE- bed-droom- s, 520 EXCELLENT condition, all appliances, across from playground. -Anxious. Make an offer! 14x70' FINEST. BOUNTIFUL'S 1. $400 and provide secretarial help extras. Price negotiable. 295-936- 8 Anxious. 422-42- 8 evenings. 422- - . SPLIT 1485 square foot office iwth me. You pay 414-5- 292-288- distribution MUST SEE! Beautiful 14 X 70 2 bedroom mobile home in Camelot. Lots of bdrm. 1 no kids, hookups, bathshower, pets, capon, near bus, shopping, park SHARED OFFICE SPACE 324-43- Centerville LAND wd, 421-5- 9.9 2 some furniture. Take all 2400 square feet, a section, or just one room. $1600 per month. 800 sq. ft. just $400.00. Marv 292-288- FARMINGTON SOMERSET FARM POOL 6 TENNIS DISTRESS SALES TWO HOMES must be sold. Make offer. TUDOR, baths, walk out basement, 6 bdrm., 4200 SQ. FEET office warehouse space. 1430 So. 500 W., Bountiful will divide FARMINGTON water softener, refrigerator. Call EXCELLENT LOCATION CONTINENTAL assumable 4 298-342- wallpaper and shops. FORSAlf MUST SEE! 14x70 mobile home with dishwasher, 2 Oaks Canyon Realtors office space. Fireplaces, $$$M0NEY$$$ LOAN against good real $44,000 Townhouse decorated 500 South Reasonable OFFICE SPACE 292-288- 2 Lynda downs, foreclosures no Debt problem. 1st and 2nd mortgages. Capital 7 Assets, Dave 55, 1540 square feet $888 per month plus 12 secretarial. Newly remodeled, fireplace, nice. PROFESSIONALLY estate. Past credit problems, bank turn 428-5- 7 DUPLEX Buy. Only $53,900. Each unit has 2 bdrms.. range and Bountiful refrigerator. location. Hurry? Geo. PRIVATE LENDERS Realtors Lot GREAT SALTY RENT 1 MONEY TO LOAN Real Estate. 0 428-3- 0 Geo. QUILLBROOK Dr. Dawson commercial, renovated. 2 bedrooms, $110,000 9.5 percent. Will trade 295-430equity, 47.55.4 $26,000. a nice lot to Oaks reservations taking build on? We have several to choose from. Low 20s up. Lynda 298-424Canyon Lee OFFICE SPACE SINGLE OFFICES 7 ACRE IMPROVED HOME LOTS IN WEST Bountiful - now 423-52- 7 FOR Main, properties ONE underground, freeway access. LOOKING MOB HOME lots, Woods Cross, a tew left. LOTS. 428-5- Choice location, view, spectacular Call 295-341- 6 priced lots. (Century 21, Grant Davis Co.) 428-2- 9 TWO OAK covered view lots. Bountiful east bench. $42,000 each. 295-131- 6 or Call 298-801- A REAL STEAL FarACRE IN West mington. Beautiful view of mountains. Excellent easy LARSEN REALTORS or additional information on the above special Vi FRUIT MAKE ME OFFER $57,500 AND priced to sell, Duplex with rents of $575. Drive by 20 West 700 North, Bountiful. Call John Dawson BEAUTIFUL 4 plex, zoned tmosphere. .24 ACRE corner lot. 769 North Mtn. View Road, buy. Layton. Layton Subdivision, at end of dead-enstreet. View! $19,900 by Centerville's Smoot Farms. Level lots in subdivision of nearly new homes. BOUNTIFUL'S $29,000 Indian Springs. 100 x 161 surrounded by luxury homes. FARMINGTON $50,000 aquiet country 414-5- 7 Dave. Lane, NEW Cherry .25 OF AN Acre. Best Eastside Bench Price. View and trees. Reduced to $21 ,500. Owner says Negotiable. choice 82x121. LEVEL $15,500 BOUNTIFUL VIEW lot oak covered. Price slashed to sell immediately. 3577 Centerville. following $10,000 n sell!! Call Bee Benchmark Real Co. THE view lots. 428-5- $19,900,298-8358- . S. Contact PROPERTY 5 295-341421-2- $28,500. LOT 84X112 near 15th North and 800 East. Beautiful unobstructed Drive Bountiful. Duncan COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 14x70 THREE bedroom, two baths, appliances, new carpet, $12,000. Assumable bedrooms. loan $46,900 or offer. Kay Codings Larsen Realtors ON Badger-Jenseview. Realty 272 9444 260 Plaza, COMMERCIAL AN EXCELLENT TERMS buy!! Oakridge CLARION 421-43- 0 message. - 47- 414-43- 0 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath with garden tub and shower. Large kitchen 78 storage. Real 295-237- FOUR-ple- x BOUNTIFUL lot. Great location. Plans 14x70' CLOSING COSTS NO QUALIFYING required 9 to assume. percent loan on 2 bdrm. condo in adult park in carport, Dawson Estate 428.4 0 NO W-- COVERED $32,000 THIS beautiful Maple Hills lot is .55 acre and you don't need drive to find it. 1414 East Maple Hills Drive. Call Pam 292-266- OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE now at Duncan secluded level , horse property, stream along one side $115,000. 486-008- 5 428.520 4 'A 1 double car awning 14x70. Wood Haven Adult Park. 292-347- 56.4 Bountiful. 0 ' MUST SEE 2 bdrm. 428- - Anna eves. days 292-966- 5 utilities underground. Weber water (irrigation). 12,500 sq. ft., $15,500, $500 down 10'2 percent, $150- - mo. Owner -292-478agent. 428-43- peaceful country setting with ducks swimming on the pond, and the care-fre- e living in this lovely 2 Centerville bedroom Condo. New carpets down, nice patio off of dining. Family room up. Very attractive. $68,900. Call Karla 295-098- 292-222- 6 13 acre oak covered lot. 1300 No. Winston, Kaysville. one bedroom. Pay less than rent! $2 1,000. or ask for carpets. Fresh and clean home with nice patio. End unit, next to Tennis Bountiful east side $16,900 for quick sale. 4.6 acres KAYSVILLE BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH $18,900. LARGE view lot in the Hills subdivision. You can buy on contract. Don't miss this great BEAUTIFUL 428-5- CEDAR SPRINGS IDEAL STARTER Home tor the newlyweds or young at heart. Two bedroom Condominium, all new $34,500, CLOSING COSTS NO 428-56.- Courts. Realtor bath, garage, private yard and deck. End unit furthest from entrance. $54,500. 7 Low down. or ACRE, lot. OAK 295-252- Prowswood view sloping, FOR SALE condo. Spacious basement, garage. ONLY $84,900!! Best Western Realty $3000 or best offer and assume 834 percent loan. Payment $309. New must paint, sell one bath, bedroom, double carport, fenced yard, double windows, cable, utility hookups, storage. Will talk, have to see to Inside apfamily preciate wonderful home, 5 bedrooms, 3 $96,900 5 BEDROOMS, main floor laundry and family room, large shop, 2nd kitchen downstairs. CalJ Ron Hill 292-275- V 9 baths, $126,900 offers con- All close to schools, shopping, sidered, over 4,000 sq. ft. with view 5 bequiet street, double garage, spectacular assumable loan $78,000. Call drooms, 3 full basths, beautiful fireplace, large lot. Call Sharon MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 292-062- 0 LOCATION. EAST BENCH Ron Darl- Hill 292-275- 9 ing 5 bedroom home, dou- ALL ON ONE LEVEL 2 beble garage, newly finished droom condo In Centerville. family room, 3rd bedroom Great for retired couple or upstairs could be formal din- s. all family- $53,000. Call Allan 1 ing, lovely yard and garden area, fully fenced, great TIRED OF RENTING own your family neighborhood. Call own condo. Low down and bath with garden, tub and shower. Large kitchen with snack bar. $12,500. 14x70 2 bedroom, beaut- IDAHO 295-667- 428-56.- 4 428-5- 7 292-954- mMSwasq MOBILE HOME, Cozy two SALE PARK, iful recreation lot with security. May consider trade. 6 $12500. Connie SELL you TRANSFERREDMUST 428-5- 7 966-577- 2 bedroom condo, pool and carport FOR Call 292-275- ISLAND 428-52- 1 298-252- 1 295-765- Sharon Call 298-810- 2 or 321-531- 292-062- 0 will roomy 2 bedroom condo, nice area close to park, shopping, schools, bus, pool tennis, low payment, low condo fee, assumable, a deal you can't 0 beat. Call Sharon WHY RENTBUY 9. 292-062- carry drooms, contract, 2 bepool, tennis, RV close to school, parking, shopping. Call IS Rick IMPORTANT QUALITY on Farms prestigious YOU? Build available 292-976- TO Oakridge lots. Several $19,000. Call Rick 292-976- 4 COURT CONDOMINI2 and 3 bedrooms WITHIN YOUR MEANS. See available, low maintenance this great Bountiful rambler, 4 and low down bedrooms, 2 baths, fenced payment, FHA VA Conven- yard, close to schools, shoptional Bountiful's best Value! ping, extra privacy. Call Rick Call Lane Really 4 CONTEMPORARY BEAUTY ar- ASPEN UMS, Luxury Homes from $78,500 OPEN HOUSE CHELSEA COVE Dvtew (MM h.t47M Sll E. CUwt Fit Mm 1 Includes rtwrt Mm M 11-5 large bedroom - 4 baths vaulted living and dining room 2 family rooms 2 kitchens - coved and bordered carpets. manicured and flat lawn on 14 acre. 3200 sq. ft. beige brick rambler $116,500.00. 7 3 Bdrm. 1 34 Baths, living - dining - kitchen and family rooms fees 298-700- chitect's own 292-976- NEW drooms. 3 baths, formal dining with an unmatched view. 6 Call Lane BOUNTIFUL FARMETTE 5 WEST plus acres with bamssheds and flowing wells. Beautflul brick ramlly home with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, family room off dining room and kitchen. Large 2 car garage. Full unfinished walk-ou- t basement. Claude can show this beauty any time 292-740- FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful 91,000 red brick home 9 years old. Four bedrooms 1 fuHbath baths fireplaces one with woofrbumng stove Form dnng room tea htnteood doors throupmil Dacoratve mm vough-ougvage hss fruit room and storage dosats Larga lencsd yard has fruit hem and cnvsred patio Built in bookcases and sewing canter Two 295-309- Earl Larrabee Const. Inc. Convenient location Veiy attractive nee and spacious Cal 298-049- 5 for appointment 295-273- 4 fDwicatt I ; IOAN 0wuti THUS JUST CORPORATION ASSLX IAMON CjLa.55 3o&UCJS Triu Joist 'w Geae't Buugertur Plumbing, lac. Allman's Carpet Only $130,000 Landformi Realty Group C. Revell, Agent 298-224- aaa 0 P&M Debbie BTFL. 292-357- HOME 2 HILLS $143,000 brand new modem kitchen, gorgeous yard, energy eft. pulse heating 4000 square feet, four bdrms, four baths, you must this one. Owner anxious. Debbie. see 292-357- 7. CHARMING PIONEER HOME, all new wiring, plumbing and heating. MOBILE HOME with lot! Yes, ami Persons Concrete SKI RMS. IV Great 4 Air Condttoning I bie 292-357- EAST SIDE- condition. BOUNTIFUL $89,500 with 4 bedroom, huge family room, fireplaces, 3 baths, maintenance free doublewlde exterior, new roof, great Beautiful big lot $63,500. Call 7 Louise 292-013- LIKE NEW! Lovely new roof, new air con- yard! Debbie ditioner. Lowest price In Camelot $22500. Call Louise SIX BEDROOMS, 292-013- 292-357- BOUNTIFUL, 7 GREAT CENTRAL c, In BOUNTIFUL 2 EASTSIDE great family home, super yard, 2 family formal dining. large rooms, Debbie 2 $99,900. room fantastic family kitchen, down. $85,900. Call Louise $54,900 WITH A POOL 3 bedroom (poss. 4th), 3 baths, BEST IN CAMELOT1 Beautiful huge family room, brick e doublewlde with new carpet and siding enclosed and walltex. Better than new $400 a month. Call 7 $29,900. Call Louise Debbie, home 3657 South Oakridge Drive, Bouifful A Great Buy for this one year old Beauty. Lots of room and a wonderful floor plan. Located In a nice new neighborhood. Fantastic View. A must to seel EXEC. one bath, two fireplaces, sparkling clean, new floor cov walk out basement, water softener, RV parking. own your lot $30,000. Two FAMILY WONDERFUL HOMEI bdrm. one bath, terrific yard, Immaculate Inside and out. fenced, trees, Great Neighborhood. storage, covered parking, 7 $115,000 call Louise cute! Wood Bum Stove. Deb- with Corporation Parsns ORNAMLNTAl. Doll bdrm. cul-de-sa- c, 'mama UNITED SAVINGS (L $69,900. roof, four 292-013- lighting jT-- LISTING designed House, new home with many extras for contented living, 4 be- 292-357- 292-013- pool-revenu- East on 130 N. Orchard Dr., N.S.L. 292-924- 0 295-273- 4 292-013- 292-357- |