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Show APRIL 28, 1987 Track season continues with state qualifying meets This is the final week of dual meets in high school track and field, which sets the countdown toward region meets next week, the Davis High Invitational and finally the state meet which will be held at Weber State College later in May. One of the big spotlights will be meet this on the Wednesday afternoon. The winner of that meet wins it all in Region Four dual meet competition. Layton has pretty well wrapped up the boys title in Region One as they got past Weber High last That Wednesday to improve to was supposed to be their best test and they handled it well. There were several Davis County athletes who performed well at last Friday and Saturdays nonscoring Utah High School Track Coaches Association Invitational at East High School. There were many of the athletes who did not place in the top six, but did qualify for state none the less. Davis-Viewmo- nt 4-- 0. Bountifuls Mike Cutler placed third in the 200 meters with an impressive time of 21.98. The Braves also were fourth in the 400 meter relay with Cutler running a leg of that race. Clearfields talented Lance Roberts placed second in the 400 meters with a very glossy time of 49.79. Roberts might try to run both the 400 and 800 meters at the state meet later on. Viewmont s Bill Crowther was also a top finisher in the 400 meters as he netted a fifth place finish and a time of 50.39. Clearfields Lance Barker gave Clearfield another fine finish as he excelled to a fifth place showing in the 800 meters with a time of Clearfields Joy Trussel showed her athletic prowess in the long jump during the state qualifying meet. Trussel is one of the top all around athletes in the state. Highland baseballers are Squawfish to continuing surprise scarce in KAYS VILLE What more has to be done to bring the Rams (Highland High) back to reality? The answer is, someone still has to beat them. Davis High certainly has been one club who has come close. Mike Jones, Davis fine pitcher, was sitting on a performance through five innings last Friday against the Rams before the roof finally began to cave in. To that point in the game, Highland had fielded only one base 1- -0 no-h- it But to start the fifth inning, Highland comes up with their first base hit. Then two or three pitches later, the umpire ruled Jones had balked and the runner was off to second. The call was quite controversial and kept Coach Kent Draayer out on the field lending his opinion for quite some time. Another base hit followed and the score was locked at Moments later Rob Warden was making a play at home plate that the umpire ruled in Highlands favor which made it 2 to 1. The Highland ruling at the home plate may have been the turning point of the game as the Rams went on to have a five-ru- n inning and take a 1 victory home to the bank. It was a fine effort put forth by the Darts who stranded nine base runners compared to Highlands four. Highland had only five hits and Davis had four hits. Davis only run came when Steve Bush picked up a hit, stole second and then scored on Jeff Strongs single. Davis will have York Hill on the mound Tuesday against the Viewmont Vikings and Jones should be ready to pitch on No intensive, systematic survey has ever been conducted on the San Juan River to document the occurance and distribution of rare and endangered fishes. Information collected during the study will be used to develop a management plan for native fishes. If no Colorado River squawfish or other rare native fish are found in the river, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources biologists will work cooperatively to consider reintroduction of the species. The Darts will be looking to knock off the hot Vikings and share a piece of second place after the midway point of the season. State hatcheries pouring out trout anglers. About 1,250,000 e-sized rainbow trout, eight to twelve inches, will be stocked in Utah waters in the next few months. million Another fingerling trout, two to seven inches, will be stocked to provide angling recreation in future years. milIn July, almost one lion cutthroat and brook trout will be dropped from aircraft into remote alpine lakes of the Uinta and Boulder mountains. A mild winter and warm weather catchabl- and-a-ha- lf fing-erlin- in March allowed for early stocking of some reservoirs, including the Deer Creek Reservoir in Wasatch County which took on almost 150,000 catchable-sizerainbow trout in March. Anglers at Deer Creek report excellent fishing for rainbows from ten to thirteen inches, especially near the Charl-sto- n Bridge at the upper end of the reservoir. Other waters scheduled to be rainstocked with catchable-size- d bow trout this month include: Salem and Fountain Green Ponds; Spring Lake, Grantsville, Settlement and Vernon reservoirs. d Bur-risto- Nine-Mil- 30 rMMt Sports Yun OJtOTU cr n, Largemouth bass are apparently staging a modest comeback at Lake Powell this spring, according to Division of Wildlife Resources fishery biologists. Once undish puted king of the fishery, bass populations have gradually declined in recent years due to loss of habitat. large-mout- Biologists say that high water levels at Powell in 1983 and 84 flooded some areas of the lake and EMERGENCY MTBMflN OiUMJ EXPDTT CLIAMNO Or carpcts OMOfTAL mumn MMM hocokim MtMumon RUKMWTUL ooocm 0J wai ruiwmma WALL WAAMMQ cjm-- ct I Laytons Robert Porter finished fifth in the shot put and came back to get a second in the discus. Woods Cross Shawn Frazier took third in the discus with a toss of 145-7'- 2. Bountiful's Brent Smith continued to tear it up in the javelin by taking second place with a toss of 195-- 3. Laytons Boyd Mattson was third for Layton in the high jump with a leap of 6-Only a jump of 6 won that event. A- -: FpH0T0BYT0MHARALDSEN 4. 6-- Layton also got a fine effort from Stan Banks in the long jump where he took second with a leap of 21 llA. Laytons Cory Phelps qualified for the finals with this long jump on Saturday. Davis County was represented at the meet with many fine performances. A surprising leap of 0 in the poie vaujt helped Laytons Clint 13-1- York Major of Davis HiRh was Vi. fourth in the long jump at 2 - Brower win that event. Bryan Embley finished tied for second place with Ty Barlow of Woods Cross. A . uwnr cuum kotcmumo LMMIICIAL u.crau rn l932&43j "'71 A rodeo queen clinic will be conducted by these three lovely ladies. From left are Vicky Vest, Miss Rodeo Utah Tauna Blair, and Tammy Mitchell. Details are in accompanying story. Workshop planned Rodeo queen clinic slated May Tammy Mitchells third annual Queen Clinic will be held Friday and Saturday, May and 2, in 1 Bountiful. The two day clinic will feature instruction on horsemanship, makeup, public speaking and modeling. Vicki Vest, Miss Rodeo America 1986 and Tauna Blair, temporarily created new habitat for the bass, which prefer shallow, brushy backwaters for spawning. e bass this year! The Anglers report good catches of largemouth bass throughout the lake this month. Most of the bass spawned during the high water years are in the range this spring. The fishing has come on strong in the last two weeks and is expected to remain good through early June. result--mor- from the sale of your home? Would you like CASH today instead of payments? WE BUY MORTGAGES Nationwide LM0-187- ances. Are you receiving payments raanni Tom or Keith Crowther and Ryan Anderson finished third in that race, one of the better Viewmont perform- twelve-to-fifteen-in- But things are different this year. PUUfT Tips? I e, DUTCH DOY CARPET CLEANERS Nr Over lintel umh an 295-225- 1 Bass are biting at Lake Powell ar S&M call taking fifth. Davis 1600 meter relay team event placed fifth in the two-da-y and earlier the Dart medley team placed fourth. Viewmont s medley relay team of Jim Bender, Ryan Young, Bill 1978. Friday. almost The 300 intermediate hurdles, Biesecker placed fourth and Davis Dan Whiting qualified for state by squawfish and other rare Colorado River fishes. But water development and diversions have dramatically altered the natural habitat in the San Juan River. The last report of a Colorado River squawfish taken from the San Juan was in 5-- states sixth. endangered Colorado River 1. n Keala-maki- Biologists will conduct a systematic search of the San Juan River during the summer of 1987 to see if any endangered Colorado River squawfish remain there. The study will be conducted jointly by Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and New Mexico Game and Fish biologists, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Reclamation. Historically, the San Juan River provided excellent habitat for the runner. half-a-millio- 4-- 3-- A San Juan river By KEITH DUNCAN ever-popul- Ryan Anderson, the Viewmont sophomore, placed sixth in the 3200 meters among the best comand petition in Layton had three men finish in the top six in the 110 high hurdles. Calvin Biesecker was best with a a third place showing. Paul was fifth and Pat Maes was 1- -3 1:59.82. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources trout hatcheries are beginning to pour out annual quotas of catchable-size- d and fingerling trout, much to the delight of the Woods Cross Matt Roat won the 1600 meters despite being sick. He had a very impressive time of 4:20.00. Highest Prices Paid First Fidelity Mortgage Ccip P.O. Box 17172, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 8017278-333- 0 - Please Call Today 1-- 2 The clinic is open to girls ages 8 to 24 years of age and will cost $150. For those with two or more from one family the cost is $100 each. Deadline for registration is April 25. For more information and appli1 cations, call weekdays Miss Rodeo Utah 1986 will be on hand to help and to share their ex- periences. There will be a fashion show How the West was Worn sponsored by Universal Equestrian Center and a banquet at Jack Brimhalls Red Flame Restaurant on Saturday. 544-499- en and 8 5 or 451-658- 3 weekends and evenings. We Are Proud to Present you the best of Chinese Food, Cantonese, Mandarine and Szechuan Style Now We Are Also Serving American Food IsesruufiAtirl Vnr LOCATED AT COLONIAL SQUARE 547 West 2600 South, Bountiful Telephone: Hours: Mon.-Thur- s. 11 295-097- 5 a.m.-1- 0 Sundy 11 10 10 Off Off p.m. I a.m.-l- 295-097- 7 Frl-S- 11 a.m.-l- l p.m. I p.m. Every Take Out Order Senior Citizens before 5 p.m. 3UHC |