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Show APRIL 28, 1987 L, (HUnnnmcRlli King gets scholarship April rites unite couple Korman King of Kaysville, a 1983 graduate of Davis High School and a sophomore in agribusiness at Brigham Young University, has received the Grant S. Amy Beckstrom and Jeff Johansen were married April 22 at the Colonial House. A reception honoring the couple followed. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kent Beckstrom of 1346 N. Highway 89, Kaysville. Parents of the groom are Karen Keck of Jerome, Ida. and Jerry Johansen of Salt Lake City. The bride wore a white satin gown with French alencon lace, fitted bodice reembroidered with At BYU he works at computer programming and writes for enjoyment. He served a mission to Argentina for the LDS Church. LDS MISSIONARIES Richards Scholarship for 1987-8He received the scholarship during a recent Agriculture Week banquet. The $350 scholarship was awarded through the Animal Science Department of the College of Biology and Agriculture. King, a sophomore in agribusiness production, is a son of Kenzie King and Elease Perkes. He was student body first vice president and a letterman in football while in high school. 8. seed pearls and silver beads; h train, long tapered sleeves with diamond shaped inset reembroidered with pearls, mandarin collar. Her bouquet was made of red roses and stephanotis. chapel-lengt- Bridesmaids were Lisa Heusser, Kathy Lloyd, Ruth Beckstrom, Shauna Fuoco, Lonie Valerio and Jessica Jensen. The wore black and white dresses and carried three red roses. Monica Beckstrom, a flower girl, wore a white dress. The mothers wore red, black and white dresses. Best man duties were performed by Todd Gee with Rick Johansen, Jim Fuoco, Ted Valerio, Kelly U releases MR. AND MRS. honor roll JEFF JOHANSEN Beckstrom and Dave Lloyd as ushers. The bride is a graduate of Davis High School and is a supervisor at Hudson General at the Salt Lake Airport. Jeff graduated from Granite High School and is a stations manager at Skyworld Airlines. After a honeymoon to Jamaica, they will make their home in Salt Lake City. The following Named to the honor roll were: Layton, Tara J. Alessandri, Kathleen M. Brine, Susan V. Burke, Larry Drew Gerber, Janiel M. Gunther, Sheri D. Kuykendall, Valerie S. Leach, Robert Wayne Lochner, Greg M. Pavich, Stacy Kay Seidlitz and Korryn Wiese. Clearfield, Carter N. Cook, Filip of Bountiful. e KAYSVILLE A special treat was provided the Davis High School student body when the Honor Society brought in the University of Utah. Brice graduated from Victor Valley High in Southern California and the LDS Seminary. He served a two year mission in the Arkansas, Panoramic Steel Band from Brigham Young University. This unique band, one of the best steel bands in the U.S., was comprised of 22 talented young musicians who played a wide range of music. Steel bands calypso-typ- e originated in the islands of the Littlerock Mission. He has attended Utah State University and is currently working on his degrees at the University of Utah. Both young people were members of the New Sounds performing group at the University of Utah LDS Institute. CHRISTIE LEE BOURNE The couple plans a June 27 wedding in the Salt Lake LDS Temple followed by a reception at the home of the brides parents in Fruit The children of Alma and Melva Park are happy to announce that their parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. An open house will be held in honor of this event May 2 from p.m. at the Bountiful First Ward, 51 S. Main Street, Bountiful. Family and friends are invited to join them in this celebration. They request that gifts be omitted. Alma Park and Melva Argyle Park were married April 30, 1937 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Alma is the son of John M. Park and Enid Greaves Park. He grew up in the Millcreek area of Salt Lake City. He moved to Davis County in 1933, graduating from year. Elections for next years officers will be conducted as soon as the colored slide program for the schools of Osaka, Japan, to depict life in a typical American high school and students correspond with approximately 100 Japanese students. Davis has received an English teaching text and high school brochures from Osaka. Gold seals will be placed upon senior diplomas for all graduates who are members of the NSH. Chapter advisor is Ken Cook assisted by Vivian Beattie. and Richard Hamilton of Wash. Parents of the groom are R. Gary Smith of Kaysville and Leonora S. Smith of Farmington. The couple was honored at a wedding breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Seattle and a reception was held in Issaquah, Wash. The couple will be honored at an open house at the home of the grooms mother on May 8 at 473 Welling Way, Farmington, from 9 p.m. Serving as matron of honor was Heidi Hamilton, sister of the bride. Issa-qua- The evening will feature a program of special musical talent from the women of the six wards in the stake. There will be displays of arts, crafts, poetry, handwork and 7-- Argyle and Clara Atkinson MELVA PARK Both Alma and Melva are active members of the Bountiful First Ward of the LDS Church and have held many church positions. They are the parents of four children, Shirlene Stevens, Salt Lake City; Karen Hill, Fruit Heights; Joyce Lefranc, Salt Lake City; and Louise Mills of Providence. They have sixteen grandchildren and three i Bag a FREE bag from Grasshoppers OOP OQ 3 30 30 O OO o' QQ Q oir a x'000000000000 .OOOCOOOOOOOC OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOC oooooooooq H t! OOOOOOOOOQ OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO ooooo 00000 0000 oooq ooooj 000 oooc 00( 0001 00( oooj OOC ooo OOC 0004 0 0o OOOC 0004 ooool oooc )000( ooood 00004 ooooo! 000 ool oooooo! 0000001 ooooooo! ooooooo! oooooooo c3L )ooooooooo 00000000009 ooooooooooi ooooooooooo 00000000000 ooooooooooo 00000000000 ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo 0000000000 ooooooooooo ooooooooo OOOOOOOC OOOOOOO OOOOOO 'OOOOOO Treat Mom to the Peppercorn 00000- ooooo oooo Doesn9t your mother fOOOC p 000 0000 000 0000 000 oooc 0000 'ooooo fooooo 00000 'OOOOOt 12 noon to 7 p.m. 'OOOOOO 'OOOOOO' rO STEAK SEAFOOD PRIME RIB MAIN, LAYTON 546-636- 3 j$ p Beikis Gratis (Jenhtic- ?$0 cjqjtivt, lit ad at registration to tide rrfaid ; receive gijty 'Present this Comptroller of the Currency Western District THE FIRST NATION L BANK of LAYTON, in the State of Utah, at the close of business on MARCH 31, 1987 published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Character No. 7685 Comptroller of the Currency 12th District Statement of Resources and Liabilities Thousands of dollars ASSETS Cash and balance due from depository institutions Noninterest-bearin- g balances and currency and coin 3,224 Interest-bearin- g 850 balances 7,807 Securities Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Loans and lease financing receivables: 31,348 Loans and leases, net of unearned income 439 LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses None LESS: Allocated transfer risk reserve Loans and leases, net of unearned income, 30,909 allowance, and reserve None Assets held in trading accounts ,914 Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 1,587 Other real estate owned Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies None None Customers liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding None Intangible assets 14 Other assets Total assets .47,105 40,399 6,370 g 34,029 g Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Demand notes issued to the U.S. Treasury Other borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness and obligations under capitalized leases Bank's liability on acceptances executed and outstanding Notes and debentures subordinated to deposits Other liabilities Total liabilities Limited-lif- e preferred stock With . . 750 .None .None ...10 .None .None ,. 695 41,854 .None EQUITY CAPITAL Buy any pair of comfortable, colorful Grasshoppers and well give you a FREE tote bag Super summer looks are easy in Grasshoppers. Perpetual preferred stock Common stock Surplus Undivided profits and capital reserves Total equity capital Total liabilities, limited-lif- e preferred stock, and equity capital purchase of Grasshoppers shoes while supplies last. V 00 o 00 o 000 oo 'OOOOOOO 269 N. I Taired LIABILITIES oooo OOOi 000 )OOi 000 'OOi Regular dinner menu plus several fresh catches of the day peppercorn GJuesda None 410 2,300 2,541 5,251 47,105 lOOOOs deserve the best? Open Specialist for the program part of the evening is Jan Stevens. The homemaking displays in the cultural hall are under the direction of Brenda Pope. Lynn Passey serves as president of the Layton East Stake Relief Society, with Lee Merrill as education counselor, Gloria Monk, homemaking counselor and Colleen Burgie, secretary. All adults over 18 are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. Deposits: In domestic offices o lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOnnnrkAMftAAOAQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooot OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Q OOOOOOO ooooooooooooo 0000000000000000000 oooooooo pooooooooooooooooooi oooooooooo,ll, oooooooooooo 000000000000000 O OOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000000000000 I 1OOOOOOOOOOOOO T 1 1 i -1 oooooooooooooci L W V ooooooooooooov I ooooooooooooo quilts. 1 PM OOP Bren- ? Interest-bearin- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ He is the son of Doug and da Ericksen. CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION The bride attended high school in Seattle, Wash, and is majoring in psychology. The groom graduated with honors from BYU in April, 1987 in computer science, after attending schools in Australia and California. He filled an LDS Paraguay Asuncion mission. The couple will make their home in Provo where the bride will continue her studies. ? j 1 advance p of Farmington. n. Society Page Deadline Thurs. 4:30 His homecoming report was given April 26 at the Kay sville 3th Ward. Starting P Noninterest-bearin- ? Mission. p Best man duties were performed by R. Gregory Smith, brother of the groom. Prenuptial parties were given by Helen Folsom and Clarice Jensen h, Elder Vern Ericksen has returned from the Sydney Australia Cultural night slated The Layton East Stake Relief Society is planning an outstanding cultural evening on Friday, May 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the Layton East Stake Center, 1015 N. Emerald Drive, Layton. The theme for this event is We Seek After These Things. student body and class elections are completed. This years officers have been Cam Arrington, president; Matt Semadeni and David Hopper, vice presidents; Angela Smith, secretary; Jon Cox, treasurer; Klayne Palmer, publicity manager. The club has served monthly dinners at St. Marks Gardens for the Council on Aging, prepared a Heike Hamilton and Rodney David Smith were married April 25 in the Seattle LDS Temple. The bride is the daughter of Hel-g- a moved to Bountiful where they have resided for the past 35 years. Melva is the daughter of William 1985. He homecoming was held April Crestwood Stake Center. Debbie graduated from Davis High and Seminary, and attended Weber State College previous to leaving on her mission. 26 at the Traci Lee Nielson, daughter of Vaughn E. and Marlene Nielson of Kaysville has completed a mission to Seoul, Korea, and has returned home. She delivered a mission report April 26 at the Kaysville Tabernacle. Traci will resume studies this fall at BYU. Hamilton - Smith wed Davis High School in 1936. After marrying Melva they made their home in Woods Cross where they lived for 15 years. In 1952 they -- abandoned fifty gallon barrels. Barrels are cut off at different lengths to provide the melodious tones. Last year the NHS Chapter brought in a jazz band from the University of Utah. Weber State will be invited to perform next w .... , Caribbean when natives used Heights. Parks observe 50th Argyle. She grew up in Davis County and is also a 1937 graduate of Davis High School, Alma has worked as a meat cuti ter for Bowmans Market in Kaysville for the past 30 years. Though now retired, he still works a couple of days a week. Melva has worked for the Davis County School lunch program in Washington School in Bountiful 'for the past 20 years. She retired in DEBBIE GEORGE Debbie George has returned from serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints in the Korea Taejon Mission. She was called to serve in the Korea Seoul West Mission and upon its division was assigned to the Taejon Mission. DHS studentbody hears Steel band is a graduate of Davis High School and the Kaysville LDS Seminary. She attended Dixie College in St. George and the bride-to-b- David Meadows, Shawna F. Newsome, Alyce P. Paul and Lannie Rex Sears. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Bourne announce the engagement of their daughter Christie Lee to Brice N. Wilson II, son of Dr. and Mrs. The stu- dents named to the University of Utah winter quarter honor roll. Demeulemeester, Pair sets June date Brice Wilson students are among 1,647 undergraduate OOOOO' OOOOOOOO fooooooooo oooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO' OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO' OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO! ooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOO! OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOC OOOOOOOOOOO' rmononMnnnr above-name- -- igrasshoppers Bartons Family Shoes d bank do I, KENT DEE SMITH, SR. V.P . CASHIER, of the hereby declare that this Report of Condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. KENT DEE SMITH sssssst 43 No. Main - Downtown Bountiful j April 22. 1987 We, the undersigned directors, attest to the correctness of this statement of resources and liabilities. We declare that it has been examined by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief has been prepared in conformance with the instructions and is true and correct. RALPH W. FIRTH JOHNS. MORGAN RICHARD D. STRINGHAM |