Show Duchesne i T Locals Mr and Mrs R. R G. G Porter are in our midst after a visit In Colo Colo- rado Mr Porter went to Fort Colline last week taking his mother moth moth- er to her home there and bringing back Mrs Porter who had been visiting In Fort Collins for the past several weeks The Porters Portera drove north into Wyoming and then west into Salt Lake City They arrived in Duchesne Sunday evening o 0 Dr L. L H. H Cline Frank Connor and Mrs Clifford D D. Cutler drove to Salt Lake City last Wednesday Dr Cline and Rev Connor to Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne Sunday o 0 o What good Is a pipe if you hav- hav nt any The tobacco The tobacco The Rev Frank Connor lost his tobacco pouch the early part of ot this week Reward o 0 Mrs lira D. D W. W Bishop has been happy happy happy hap hap- I py to have as her guest the past week her sister Mrs Clifford D. D Cutler of Salt Lake City o 0 oPaul Paul Allen performed a major operation on a canary bird setting Its broken leg in splints The bird birdIs Is 18 now hopping around on a pair of crutches and singing with a zest heretofore unknown o 0 Charles Poole and family are moving from the Fred Davis house into the Leland Hair home Marvel Marvell Marvell Mar Mar- vell vel Marret has purchased the Davis house and will occupy it In Inthe Inthe Inthe the near future o 0 Mr and Mr Mrs Jess Johnson spent the week-end week in Heber City o 0 o Mr and Mrs Clifton Michelson called on Mrs MIchelson's parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Broadhead Sunday at their home a few miles mUes up the river o 0 Mr and Mrs Axle Birch of Roosevelt were in Duchesne Mon Mon- day o 0 o Mrs Etta visited over the week-end week with her daughter Mrs Paul Pail Wilkins of Roosevelt o 0 o I Mrs Pearl and son Don were in Duchesne visiting with Mr and Mrs Irvin Caldwell last week Mrs was en- en route from Dragon her home to ML Mt Pleasant where she will place her son in Wasatch academy Hereafter reports of births must be accompanied by proof before publication will be madeo made o a aJohn o John W W. Ellett of the thaler Linotype company of San- San Francisco vas was waa a business caller at atour atour atour our office otice Monday o 0 o Mr and Mrs Dinty Moore made madea a short business trip to Salt Lake City last week o 0 o Mrs Emma Stephens mother of Mrs A. A M. M Murdock returned to Duchesne with Mr and Mrs Robert Robert Robert Rob Rob- ert G. G Porter I Mrs Evelyn C. C Moffitt is isI t I among those who have gone to Salt Lake City to attend L. L D. D S. S conference 0 0 DInty Moore has been confined to his home for several day because because because be be- I cause of Illness o a o County Attorney Robert G G. G Porter and Sheriff Arzy Mitchell I have gone to Boise Idaho for a short business trip o 0 oThe 1 The dance given Friday evening I Ifor for the benefit of f Walter Valter Mayhew who is on a mission was proclaimed proclaim proclaim- I ed one of ot the most successful dances ances of ot the season o 0 Moses Moore of Randlett called called called call call- ed on us Tuesday home after after after af af- af- af ter a visit outside the basin He HeI an and A. A M. M Murdock left together I for the lower Duchesne river Hence two original pioneers of the former reservation went together as they had done in days of yore Mr Moore camped where Duchesne is now located before the reservation reservation reservation reserva reserva- tion was opened and as the guest of Mr Murdock o 0 o Tuesday County Sheriff Mitchell I and Attorney A. A G. G Porter left for Boise Idaho We Ve could not find out the cau cause e of such a long trip tripI I wade made by two county officers It seems seems like lUe these officers are becoming beI becoming be be- I coming familiar at least and that I our County Attorney is spending a 3 lot of time away from fron home lately This is not no so serious when Mrs Porter is back on the job however Mrs Katherine atherine Frazier of Hanna Han- Han na and Mrs Tracy Hanna sisters were callers in Duchesne Monday Mrs Frazier lives in Kansas City but she and Mrs Hanna have been in Salt Lake Lahe City for the past few weeks and may remain in Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne the coming fall and win win- ter Our town Hanna was named after Mrs Hannas Hanna's husband Tray Tracy Tray Tra Tra- cy y y Hanna o 0 o Miss Ruth Smart who is teaching teaching teaching teach teach- ing at Upalco spent the week-end week with her parents Mr and Mrs Wm H. H Smart o 0 Elden Brady went to Mt Pleasant Pleasant Pleas Pleas- ant the first of the week where he will spend a few days o 0 oA A number of young folks accompanied accompanied accompanied the Duchesne golfers to Vernal Sunday o 0 o C. C M. M Iverson made a short business business bustness busi bust ness trip to My Myton ton Wednesday o a o Mrs Hildur W. W Johnstun drove to Price Wednesday returning the same day o a aVe o oWe We Ve are Grateful for any and all news Phone write or call on us If you jou have an Item Thank you o 0 Millard Millie Chaffin Chaff in and wife of California are visitors at atthe atthe atthe the Westley Vestley Chatwin home o a o Dr Albert Bjornson visited our office Friday of last week He is moving to Spanish Fork from his former location in Elsinore Walter Walter Walter Wal Wal- ter McAffee accompanied him o a o Mrs Glen C. C Garvin spent part of last week in Salt Lake City re returning returning returning re- re turning home Saturday a 0 Devere Shepherd and family of Soldier Summit were Sunday visitors visitors visitors vis vis- vis- vis at the P. P W. W Fouse ranch o 0 Mr and Mrs Donald Bench and Mrs Arzy Mitchell spent Saturday Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day and Sunday in Vernal o 0 Mrs Bessie Bessle O. O Young spent Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day in Randlett with her parents Mr and Mrs Hugh Owens a 0 aS S A. A Wells Vella of Myton was a L Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne visitor Monday o 0 o O. O C. C Lockhart who has been detained in the L. L D S. S hospital on account of illness is now now- at the home of his sister in Salt Lake City but will not be able to go to California for or some time o 0 oThe o The three-room three house hOUBe on Blue Bench belonging to Jackman Her- Her I been purchased by Tennis Poulson and moved to their ranch ranchI down the river I o I Mrs Irs Gertrude Gertru Aske ke who spent the summer in Grand Junction Colorado Is a visitor at the H. H A. A Pierson home Mrs Aske will soon oon leave for Washington to spend the winter o a o Judge and Mrs Geo Worthen and Mr and Mrs M. M B. B Pope of Provo were Sunday guests of Mr Mrs Mra a. a M. M Pope o a o Mrs Fannie Bjornson was a L Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne visitor Sunday to Tabby after a week-end week visit in Salt Lake City Q 0 Claude Ho Holmes of ot Sutter Creek California has been In our city for tor a few days and was accompanied accompanied accompanied home by Mr and Mrs Mra Chas Giles who will spend the winter in California o 0 o Our well known friend E. E H H. Burgess now noy County Attorney down In Iron County ever evera a short time Tuesday en route to Roosevelt and other places in the Basin He advised us that he has pla placed ed his two eldest sons Miles Mlles and Ernest In the U. U of ot U. U and came direct from Salt Lake City to Duchesne o 0 oThe The sad news came Tuesday afternoon afternoon afternoon af af- af- af that Mr and Mrs Lotus Fisher had lost their baby girl at Vernal born four days before The rhe funeral was held there on Wed Wed- Mr and Mrs Fisher are living with Mrs Fishers Fisher's mother Duchesne people will be sorry to learn of the loss o 0 o E. E A. A formerly of Du Duchesne chesne and Boneta has bas been here hete this week weck I I |