Show A Agricultural Sui Squibs bs A little additional lime In spray of bor bordeaux or lime sulphur Is a I precaution against burning I The Tho best hest method of ot cleaning I market marlet eggs Is not to let them diem get soiled soiled clean clean nests and nd a dry floor around them Estimates place the 1031 1931 potato area at acres comp compared with ncr acres acres s. s In 1930 1030 an Increase Increase In In- crease of ot more more than 10 per cent Barley Darley oats buc buckwheat wh at and wheat nil all lost money for the labor I of ot growing them In New York state last year according to to farm aria ac ac- ac- ac counts e eThe The serious drought rought of ot 1030 1930 showed government o agriculturists that certain str strains of com corn had far more resistance to to th the lack of moisture and heat hent than other i strains had I I |