Show VERNAL GOLFERS WIN IN INThe The first leg of the basin golf I tournament was won at Vernal by that team on their own course by bya a good margin over the Duchesne team and beat the Roosevelt aggregation aggregation ag ag- ag- ag too It was a hotly hoUy contested match Vernal showed exceptional consistency consistency consistency tency throughout the 18 holes played over each of the three courses Caldwell and Cahoon were low scorers for Vernal and Caldwell went down to the low of 80 for Vernal Carl Kohl was a dark darle horse entry entry entry en en- try for Duchesne and tapped off oft 83 for the local score honors Ashton Ashton Ashton Ash- Ash ton and of Roosevelt made 82 and 86 The second round of at the tournament tournament tournament ment will be at Duchesne Sunday the fouth commencing at 11 a a. a m. m I All Indications are that it will be bea beI bea a hot one I |