Show Simple Scheme to Save Lives of Young Pigs In the case of swine the s system worked out for saving sa the e U s of young pigs is simple In practice and many farmers are raising a proportIon proportion proportion pro pro- portion of pigs farr farrowed wel far above the average The farrowing pen should be thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed to remove all worm eggs that may be pres present nt The rot roundworm roundworm round round- nd- nd worm of swine Is a parasite that has caused very heavy losses The Tho sow should then be thor thoroughly cleaned up pa paying Ing special attention attention attention atten atten- tion to the udder to remove all worm eggs Within ten days doys after farrowing the sow and pigs are removed removed removed re re- re- re moved to a field sown to forage crops and not pastured to swine since It was yas sown The pigs are provided with a n go good d supply of ot water water water wa wa- ter an and kept In this fiel field for at least four tour months after which time they are reasonably safe from severe severe severe se se- se- se vere or Injurious worm Infestation Experience shows that the these e measures meas mens- measures ur ures s also help to prevent mange dietary deficiencies cholera and other ailments to a lar large e extent extent ex ex- ex- ex tent ns n's as might be expected from cle I ness th the separ separation of ot young young animals from groups groups of ot older mals mats and their Infected surroundings surround surround- ings Safe and adequate food and whiter water s 's supplies p plies and the the the- necessary shelter and sha shade le also also alsoc c contribute r to toI I t r slid and lh rapid growth r |