Show I I State Rights and Water Yater The old old question of state rights is looming up In this coun coun- try It It vitally effects the Uintah Basin For not only many years but for centuries has this been before before before be be- fore men for fair fall disposition Our government is a compromise between between be be- tween absolute despotism and anarchy anarchy an an- archy the one giving no inherent Individual rights and the other claiming that the the state estate has no rights and is not necessary i In 1787 wise men met in Philadelphia Philadelphia Phila Phila- I d delphia in a constitutional convention convention conven conven- tion lasting four months and two days and framed our national con eon con Before it was really effective effective effective ef ef- ef- ef ten amendments were added added add add- ed ed preserving the Magna Charta the rights of men and women against a- a statecraft or any other craft These amendments are basic basic basic bas bas- ic law and as sacred as any other parts p of at the federal document In the school history in every home this constitution may be generally found Read those ten amendments fellow citizens It will do you good even though you have read them often times Number nine says The iThe enumeration enumeration enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people And number ten The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution Con Con- nor prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the peo- peo Pie Pie- Yet after years we see the of federal powers into the domain which the constitution constitution constitution does not grant and never will give government Bureau la IA rapidly taking the place of f the democratic government go our great document with the first ten amendments insures us Federal authority is stepping into places wherein no federal man h has s any business or power according to fundamental law Constantly this struggle of in individuals individuals individuals in- in goes on on but in the last fifty years a sort of nationalism has been born and is today a thriving business This new phase of life Ute is based partly on supreme court decisions and is also partly on red tape formalities and general dignity the national power pow pow- er enjoys We Ve all want a strong nation But to have a strong nation we must have strong states States must have their political units counties etc healthy strong and brave otherwise the state is weak This all brings us to the individual man The preamble to our federal constitution clearly states why the nation was and is organized Read it again Jn In this Uintah Basin we must must- fall back on these elementary rights righta guaranteed us by the state and the federal constitutions Our state document in Article 1 I states the Declaration of Rights and it is clear and precise It l la is your duty fellow citizens to know the elementary rights you have If you regard yourself as Just one of the governed please remember that you are one of the governors Unless you assert yourself study and protect your rights you will be only that which such auch men have always been just one of the governed Protect states tates rights or you lose some of I your own rights I |