Show BLUEBELL ii I Mr and arid Mrs Ira Winkler and family of Upalco were visiting with Mrs M. M Verona Winkler on Thursday o 0 oAl o Al Wells of Myton My ton was transacting transacting trans trans- acting business here th the first part of the week 0 o George Knudson and family spent Sunday visiting with rela rela- tives o 0 oA A large crowd of school children attended the fair at Vernal They took in the American History department department de de- de for the benefit of the boys and also did some prospectIng prospect- prospect Ing ng for science then they went to Green River for Melon day The students were accompanied by teachers 0 Mr and Mrs John Clark Clarl were visiting relatives at Altonah a few days this week 0 L. L Hancock made a business trip to Duchesne Saturday Thea The a Misses Edith and Bernice Hancock accompanied him as far as Boneta Boneta Boneta Bon- Bon eta where they spent an enjoyable day with Mrs Lavon Muncey o 0 Mrs Edith Mathews spent a few days visiting with her relatives Mrs W. W C. C Hancock and Mrs Claud Mathews this week 0 Primary has again started after the summer vacation A change Inthe in inthe inthe the officers has been made as follows fol 01 lows Mrs M. M Verona Winkler Is ils if superintendent Her counsellors are Laura Seeley and Cleona Lar Lar- sen The first meeting was held Thursday 0 Jeff Mathews and son Clem were in Bluebell Wednesday and Mrs E. E Mathews and daughter Nellie returned to Upalco with them There they attended a birthday birthday birthday birth birth- day dinner at Commings' Commings in hon- hon of Mrs Pearl Cummings o 0 Some of the Bluebell parents and students showed civic Interest interest interest inter inter- est by cleaning and improving the school grounds o 0 W. W C. C and M. M L. L Hancock were In Roosevelt Saturday on business 0 Mrs La Mond Lloyd has been visiting with her folks Mr and Mrs W. W B. B Woodruff here at Blue Blue- bell o 0 o John and Gardner Goodrich were t transacting business In Roosevelt Saturday 0 R. R A A. Murray and Haley Roper are employed to help build the bridge across the Sand Wash between between between be be- tween Bluebell and 4 o- o Heber Thacker the son of Dave Thacker of Charleston has been visiting with friends in Bluebell o 0 o John Goodrich and Mark Hancock Hancock Hancock Han Han- cock returned home Thursday from Yellows ton They brought a small herd of sheep down with them o 0 o Claud A. A Mathews who was employed em era to herd sheep for tor Wells returned home Friday 0 Mrs Alice Warren was very much surprised when her two brothers Marvin and Que Rasmus- Rasmus sen from Mt Pleasant and Mr and Mrs Brady of Duchesne and Mr Bradys Brady's sister slater Olenna cameto cameto came cameto to spend Sunday with her o 0 Mrs James Cook and son Orie returned to Bluebell from Nine NineMile NineMile NineMile Mile where they spent the sum sum- mer Mrs Cook will remain here this winter for the younger children children chil chil- dren to attend school Ovie Ovle returned return return- ed to Nine Mile Saturday o 0 o Returning home from meeting Sunday evening e Ruth Anderson was badly hurt by a horse horae that kicked her She was unconscious J. J P. P May was business business business busi busi- ness here at Bluebell the fore part partI of the week o 0 Word was received Monday that Ethel Hancock formerly of Bluebell Bluebell Bluebell Blue Blue- bell was taken seriously ill with an attack of ot appendicitis She is very low at present 0 during the night but Is reported better 0 Otto Johnson Jr who has been herding sheep for Smiths has returned returned returned re re- re- re turned home for tor a short visits visit He will visit with his hla folks before going to Salt Lake City for the fair |