Show School Enrollment Shows Big Increase At the end of the second week of school our official records showed show show- ed that the enrollment was at the end of the first month of school last year We have at present present present pres pres- ent more than 2600 pupils on our school rolls in Duchesne county One of our serious problems seems to be that of transportation More than children are cared for every day by our bus service There are nineteen established bus lines this army of children To say that the service is entirely entire entire- ly satisfactory would be very unfair unfair unfair un un- fair to the patrons to say Bay that the service is very Inadequate and unsatisfactory would be unfair to the Board and the bus contractors There has been a tendency on the part of the Board to try to tide over during this depression period period period peri peri- od without upsetting the system so far as bus service is concerned The economic situation must be reckoned with with believe believe it or not nob There Is a specific amount of money which may be U used ed for tor this specia purpose There is a specific number of miles for each bus to cover on every school day There is a n specific number of ot pupils along each route and they are to be transported The big problem of ot the Board has haq been just how can this money be spent to t the best advantage and the maximum number number number num num- ber of children be accommodated Although conditions arent aren't Ideal by any means it seems that the Board has done all In Its power to tomake tomake tomake make the best of a serious condi condi- tion People have a right to criticize criticize criticize crit crit- I and to demand explanation for certain situations but In most cases after the ha have ve been properly evaluated there will be belittle belittle belittle little criticism to heap upon the Board f for r fating to do its ita best forthe for tor forthe the masses Bus transportation for school schoolchildren schoolchildren schoolchildren children Is is' a new department In our school system system system-in in fact it Is comparatively new in the nation There are many difficult problems to be worked out before the tho results re results re- re are satisfactory to all parties co concerned Many patrons are making careful careful careful care care- ful investigation and are giving constructive criticism on various phases This is the tho kind of ot help that counts The Board is always ready to welcome such criticism To secure the best it is necessary necessary necessary essary to view the facts and conditions conditions conditions con con- as they are re and then help make malte the proper adjustments CHAS M. M IVERSON Superintendent of Schools |