Show MOUNTAIN HOME Lee one o of the owners of the Moon Lake Laker r resort left for Spring C Canyon nyon Carbon arbon county for the winter Mrs Alt Alt- ger had preceded h him n having left Monday just after the disastrous fire that consumed the commissary commissary commissary commis commis- sary and contents and one tourist cabin The lost all aU of their personal personal personal per per- belongings furniture fixtures fixtures fixtures fix fix- tures bedding and clothing a Friday Ralph Rowley steered the old fish tank car to White WhiteRock WhiteRock WhiteRock Rock and got a load of young fish ish for Lake Fork and on Saturday he repeated and brought back a i second load for Yellowstone a 0 Sunday last Mrs Belta Bella Rowley and family were moved to their town home for the winter months so that th children could attend school 8 0 Rhoda Bleazard daughter of J. J W. W Bleazard who has been living outside all summer has hR J returned home o 0 oThe The Farnsworth Canal company has just expended on enlarging enlarging en en- their main canal This work was done on the assessment plan and as many as fifty men and teams as well as the grader and cat were employed on the job o 0 o oThe The Lake Fork Ca Cattle le association association association tion has just got through with the fall up round-up nearly all of the cattle have been brought out of the mountains to the farms The slick and fat of former years was painfully missing due to the lack of moisture o 0 o Monday morning last Reed Fietkau Fiet- Fiet kau Iau and Ged Oed Lindsay left here herewith herewith herewith with their teams for the head of Indian canyon where they go to do doa a little road work o 0 Tuesday last we had an abundance abundance abundance ance of cream testers one tester for each of four companies This is too many for one town if there was competition it would be o. o k but those companies agee on the price for cream on a given day and each pay the same price 0 Mrs Rose Lindsay who has been in Salt Lake City for three weeks visiting with her daughter Mrs rs H H. W. W Clark and mother Mrs Lodicy Lo- Lo dicy Thompson returned home with our merchant A. A L. L Roberts last evening 0 The hum of the thresher is heard these days and altho although gh we had hada a shortage of water the is showing some mighty fine grain o 0 o David Ames is in the hospital I I at Duchesne and his condition is I I reported as serious Several years ago he purchased a large tract of land here but did no not move from his home In Florida until 1931 His Hisson Hisson Hisson son Irwin and family live here and we all hope the elderly gentleman soon r returns turps o 0 o Brig Stevenson with his attorney attorney attorney ney B. B L. L Dart of My Myton ton went to Salt Lake City yesterday on business business business busi busi- ness with the state land board o 0 Survey recently made Indicates Mountain Home precinct needs five cars of concentrated feed for livestock principally for the dal dairy Industry o 0 Ruben Wilkins Is milking 28 head of dairy cows and has some mighty fine cows in his herd Ye editor visited the farm Wednesday evening at milking time and it looked like home Industry or perhaps a primary industry o 0 Mountain Home has had no church for two or three weeks Itis It Itis Itis is reported that Bishop Ray Owen who really lives In Boneta has asked to be rel released ased We need a bishop or some head for leadership leadership leader leader- in ward ward- and ship tf the now |