Show I SOCIAL AFFAIRS I t Mr and Mrs Ed Hart enter- enter Sunday evening at a e ully arranged dinner followed by ridge The following were present prest pres pres- ent nt t Mr and Mrs Lowe Ashton dr and Mrs Bernard Mr nd md Mrs Roy E. E Mr and Irs drs Carl Kohl Mr and Mrs J. J P. P adsen Mr and Mrs H. H A. A Pier- Pier ion on Ion Mr and Mrs Grant Murdock drs rs O 0 O. O George Kohl Miss kliss Alice Todd Fred Berger Mr md Mrs Ralph Walker and their laughter Jeanne Mr and Mrs lames Fames Dalglish of My Myton ton Mrs and Mr Ashton won the ugh scores o 0 oThe The Ladles Ladies Literary club met Saturday afternoon with Mrs AL A A. f. f Murdock Mrs Ernest Crockr Crock- Crock t r 1 reviewed the book Imperial t alace by Arnold Bennett after which Mrs Murdock served re- re 4 0 St. St Pauls Paul's Guild met at the the home a if f Mrs Carl Kohl last Wednes- Wednes tJ lay ay ay The Guild completed a quilt j I Luncheon was served by the hos hostess hostess hostess hos hos- tess after the business business' meeting Next meeting Is to be at the home of Mrs George S. S Bowers Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- October 7 o a o Officers of the local Home Economics Eco Economics Eco Eco- Economics club Mrs G. G V. V Billings and Mrs Alma Poulson met Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day evening with county agent Alice and Rena B B. B Maycock Maycock May- May cock assistant director of home economics at the A. A C. C The ladies discussed plans and projects for forthe forthe forthe the coming winter o 0 oA A crowd of at young people with an appetite for chicken en gathered at the home of at Miss Mildred Stephenson Stephenson Steph- Steph enson Saturday and In iii the course of the evening a delicious chicken dinner was prepared Music and dancing were also enjoyed The following were present The Misses Misses Misses Mis Mis- ses Ruth Smart Edna Braithwait Ruby Jones Erma Poulson Olenna Glenna Olen- Olen na Brady Mildred Stephenson and Gray Lusty Marion Cue Orien Brady Lloyd Pope David Smith Grant Brown |