Show HENS NEED WATER TO PRODUCE EGGS Also Well ell to Heat It in Cold Weather Forty cents n a a quart t Is 19 a high price for Cor water but ut ti that dint t Is Is what It ItIs ItIs itIs Is estimated t to be worth when he converted converted con con- Info eggs worth worth- 80 SO cents a dozen elmen A dozen eggs contain about a pint of water No wonder hens like to drink I But that Is only one of the demands deI de de- I mands wands for water b by hens It Is cald cal cal- that lal laying g hens hens' will twill transpire at least three gallons of Water aler per day dayas as vapor a fact that makes an an- adequate ato watering sya tern and an adequate ventilating system vitally Hally essential In the poultry poultry poul poul- tr try house Damp litter and damp walls in lu cold weather ar are in large measure due to this this' giving off oIT of ot moisture by the hens Suppose only a third of that three gallons of water wa ter falls fails to get away awny by mea means s' s of the ventilating system In Ina a week there will be five fi gallons of wat water r absorbed by the litter floors and walls wails with Ine Inevitable reduction In production and probably the pc beginning beginning be be- ginning of ot disease In winter weather the use of or water water water wa wa- ter heaters has been ed been proved to be ben bea n a profitable practice f used up by the hen In warming Icy water water wa wa- ter Is energy subtracted from the egg basket A An electric current or orsome orsome orsome some other simple heating device can cnn warm water much more cheaply cheap I ly than can rh the hen |