Show LATE LOCALS Miss Emily Madsen daughter of Mr and Mrs J J. J P. P Madsen has gone to Provo where she will continue continue continue con con- her studies at the Brigham Young University o 0 o Gray Lusty is another of Duchesne's Duchesne's Duchesne's Du- Du chesnes chesne's young people to attend college Gray has gone to Salt Lake City and will complete his junior year at the University of Utah The bridge north of town is being covered with a coat of rock asphalt and will also be painted o 0 Mrs Mrs Oliver Sagers and Mrs Wm Seaton of Juanita were shopping in Duchesne Wednesday 0 o oJay o- o Jay Pope Roy Roy- and Lawrence Pack spent several days dayson on Green River hunting geese am anc ducks o 0 Mrs Paul Wilkins of Roosevelt spent the way Wednesday with ier ler mother Mrs Etta Arnold Davis son of Mrs Jane Davis has enlisted In the navy at present is stationed at San Francisco Francisco Fran Fran- cisco and will s sail saU ail to Honolulu in six weeks o 0 o Miss Ruth Smart of Upalco was wasa I a week-end week visitor at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Wm Smart o 0 o Mrs John Waters and Mrs Clyde Rice of Fruitland were in Duchesne Wednesday doing some shopping a 0 Geo Holfeltz returned from his trip to Akron Ohio Tuesday He reports a most wonderful trip and anda a ride In the Defender o 0 oThe The Relief Society will again take up their work after the summer summer summer sum sum- mer vacation Trie first meeting will be held Tuesday October 6 The theology and testimony lesson lesson lesson les les- les- les son will be conducted by Mrs Anna An An- na Smart |