Show Wintering Brood Sows In alfalfa countries It Is somewhat some somewhat what the custom t to winter sows on practically nothing but alfalfa hay The Thc Colorado st station which does not approve 1 of this tills extreme practice practice tice rc recommends commends the following A good ration for gil gilts tl weighing up to pounds would b be about five pounds of shelled corn one half pound of alfalfa fa h hay y and t third one of ot a l po pound nd of dally daily On this ration ratIo sows ha have gl gained n i about on one i pound pound a n day a and d farrowed pl pigs s that weighed d about two and one- one third pounds at t. t birth Fully 00 10 O per perI percent percent cent I of ot th these se pl pigs were vl vigorous orous If ii tile the sows are mature and ancI the hay Is of such good qU quality lIty th that t they will eat about one pound e each c r dally It It ItIs IS not riot necessary t to add to their their rat ration on y b cause because they they ey eat eat enough alfalfa hay hay hayto to furnish sh tJ the e to h balance the necessary PE protein ance corn |