Show I You would hardly believe how h w little little lit lit- tle city folks care where the fire Is Is' J vAi r r When TEETHING makes m kes HIM FUSSY One of ot the most Important things you can cnn do to make a teething baby comfortable Is to to see that little bowels do their work of ot carrying off ott waste matter promptly and regular ly Iy For this nothing Is Is' Is better hetter than a pure vegetable preparation lion tion specially made for babies and children Casto ria acts nets n. n so gently so gently youcan you youcan can cnn give gl it to young Infants to r re rep J here colic colle Yet It is always effective for Cor older children too Remember Castoria contains no harsh drugs no narcotics narcotics narcotics-Is la absolutely harmless When your baby Is fretful with teething or a food tood upset give a cleansing dose of ot Castoria Be StIle sure sura you yon get genuine with the tha name nam CASTORIA CAS TO RiA RA J Once there was a philanthropist or ought to be who be-who who went around buying bu ing loads o ds of sand to out dump for for- child children i en to play In tj J t ft jJ i 1 iJ f r r i t I i- i 4 y j i c cr r 0 t. t 1 J y T J r 1 THERE S TH E R ES E'S I as I j II C THE HIDDEN tOTOR Oth IT STAYS UP IN THE THEAND MOTOR OR ORt AND NEVER RAINS DRAINS D t AWAY The first time rime you use Conoc Germ Processed Motor Oil a pint From the first fiat fill on you'll always have that hidden quart worth its in Fill with Germ Processed to a 2 quart will cling to penetrate and combine with metal surfaces weight gold now j t ti and stay up r in r your motor This hidden quart neier drains drain at awa away ay Motor Oil at any s station tion displaying ng the c ri c Red Tria Triangle ile t r Because of this Germ Processed Oil gives you ou sure protection atall at 0 C CON O N T TIN I N E N T TAL A L 01 OIL L. L C COM COMPANY O M PA NY all times that no other oil can give o The Tbt R Rt c of t rz Oil in North Nh A Almott gal half of all your our motor wear occurs while starting The r hidden quart of Germ Processed Oil st stays ys up in your motor even after your car stands idle for weeks and gives safe lubrication cation while youre you're starting It Ie stays up in n cylinders ers to form a n C 0 N- N 0 C 0 strong piston seal scat which makes starting easier and quicker Other drain unlubricated lubricated The hidden quart has S oils away aw 1 leaving parts arts un quart saved hundreds hundreds of motorists costly repair bills bills by pote protecting ing motors G E R M P RO C ES 5 E D' D when thru accident crankcases were emptied miles from town PAR PARAFFIN A F FI N BAS E benefits of the Germ Processed Oil the extra Only gives you hidden quart for only Germ Processed Oil has penetrative M- M 0 T 0 R 0 I L lubricity the ability to penetrate and combine combi e with metal surfaces f ANY Ny Oll OIL WOULD BE BETTER OIL 0 L IF GERM ERM E PROCESSED 0 |