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Show q ' Thursday, March 2, 1978 B5 h 1 ' Chacon LHS Pe?d vvlW llev Items On Our Shelves Offer You a $5-o winners pmwyli ' J3" jchim Wider Variety and Greater Convenience 2 Sctrstron9 awEJ,, Sunlite Sunflover Oil ie oz., 32 oz. & 48 oz. I Le Anna eham Robe J. Keier f $2 Miners Glad Trash Compactor Bags eoxot 15 Odds cho Marsha Rose Wnners Comet Liquid Cleanser 32 oz , 21 oz., 14 02. -;r::-- "T Chiffon Print Bathroom Tissue 2 Ron pack :r Ts r:,; Ground Roast Postum 1 poynd can 17 : H :;; fr'r" Ken-L-Ration uv8r&Dacon72 0z.can I f S ' ;;: - I DolMont Dal Monte Del Monte B i1 Halves Slices 16 Oz. JlS ji! mmm on firm ipi-yi sn Dol Monte Del Monte Del Monte Cut fTPl I- S Reg. 25c : fi Y" iRea 89c 'TQ A French J J c H Each j hzZ (J FiTITTi Pllfil PliapCO SMS RQC f is energy savers for the home 0 I 111111 iJlll'll Bf wliar3lla Reo $1 23 12 Oz WU This winter, your energy bill doesn't have to take the heat because warm temperatures f r" W Sm mJZW wIIIIIWW 1 jn your home or apartment keep the chill out. Here are a few conservation hints that f i ' I f can help you save kilowatts and BTU's throughout the house I j 3 Tij Hi IIfL?1f3Tf B !7 Jit? .f."?. 4ivn IlltfC 1. Caulk and weatherstrip doors and windows. VI vJ I IllwIlijlV 'illllj jHlA Plfl'Uw 2. Install storm windows and doors; double-layered thermal glass panes also retain " J J 3. Insulate attic and walls up to a depth ot 6 inches. 1 v.tl" :rl I n Tfc 4. Install a clock thermostat for different night and daytime heat settings. 'llllPP-IMj B aA m.4m n . flfP 5 Keep draperies and shades open in sunny windows; close them at night. ?' I ' 1 1 L T h I 11ST1 I IT H IL 1 Ek Ti RB8d1' To Serve I J 6. Portable heaters can warm a single room at much lower cost than running central Vi V i iibuiiiy I lUouiiM mo,, i a Skitchen s ; 9 1 . Make sure dishwasher is full and allow dishes to air-dry after final rinse u unaof ; II I ET" B II C 1 2. Don't open refrigerator or freezer more than necessary and avoid frost build-up which makes units work harder. ' 111 lC?f P-l Utfll 1 1 no, I J I 3. A freezer packed to full capacity generally uses less energy. 'I lllxltllll; HaBvl IBII Country Style I 4- Bake several dishes in the oven at the same time and pre-heat only when necessary. ' lllvElu if PjJlwLjIa! HlJ Butt8rmll,( 70l.Tube I '0r 5. You can lose 20 of heat by "oven peeking, " so use the timer. J fcjwr w 6. Thaw frozen meals to reduce cooking time. n m V IN THE LAUNDRY llAf f All I'iIaiii BBaamk I" m ftA EIFP 1 Wait until you have a full load and never use hot water when you can substitute cold If jS f I I llv 9 15 El flV I .. 2 Over-drying is a waste of energy and can wrinkle and shrink clothes. I ill lllll ItolI Al"ifllll -ill I I MarBarlne 1 Lb. Tub tJU INTHEBATH I1UJI ITIvlttl Jl"- W I 1 . Repair leaky faucets. One drop per second wastes 700 gallons of hot water per year w I Ashowerreoinasonlyhalfasmuc Description: The Kohlrabi, which means cabbage turnip in German, has been LarQS, rrCSn yWfSaBfcV v"''' rCf,bed as much like a turnip growing on a cabbage root, The flavor is similar to J? Qllvr ""N A . ' 1 r- . at of a turnip but milder and sweeter. The leaves may be boiled and served with X U V" UUlil I1 MAJK 1 ftS f7 C ' J rfWIl as a green. The stem, however, offers the most variety. It can be boiled and h, J j f 'O 5 . , ' . jUNl "'d. Daltv Ft ill gashed or riced. It can be added to stews, served with sauce, or used raw in sal-1 . ' v H I I V."' --- ' T ' ill J or appetizers with dips. It is fine for Sukiyaki and Tempura. " V J I f "V ' ' j I '" -- . T U Jmnes ST- m sV9 Raisins ST i2V (S (ffi )Lb' Now available at your nearby City Market StvS -J WJf xl Strawberries, Honey Dew Melons, Watermelons, K ?0 Seedless Grapes, Nectarines and Plums x5ilvv rti . -. . Fhwer Shop Specials Gfapef FUlt T S" ' 5 - $1 Mums6in Pot$498 WSiite Bos8 Potatoes s; 3 u, 87 pCW. Cauliflower a u 79 Onions a,';" 50 l,. 2 Assorted House Plants VlBlr Cabbage n 29' Fresh Broccoli 59 4 m. & 254 in. V 7 Leaf Spinssh 49 Asparagus u 79' As Marked Dried Apples 1 7 GAYLORD DIAPERS I Pf T7 Z77 fl89 $89 $329 UJB Luu(BliLMr U Box of 60 Box Of 60 All Advertised Specials Good Through Tuesday, March 7, 1978. We Reserve The I Right To Limit Quantities. None Sold To Dealers. |