Show Kle Kie Club Gives Tea for President The annual presidents president's tea of the theKle theRle Kb Kle club was given Monday at the they y Y W. W c. c A A. clubhouse in honor of Mrs aIrs Irs John McDonald Jr Tho The club colors pur purple le and white were used about the room The tea table was centered with a low mound of oC violets rio vio 10 lets and I lavender candles candies were at either end Mrs W. W J. J OConnor O'Connor and arid Mrs Mis A A. G. G Tallman poured The Thc following program w vas otto s given gt given during the afternoon by pupils of Miss Myrtle fyrtle Black who accompanied accompanied accons- accons them Bubbles High Jinks Jinks' and Sweetheart from Maytime 1 Miss Muriel La Von Goodspeed vIolin selection Wilford Jacobsen Indian Love Song from RoseMarie RoseMarie Rose Marie Mildred l Houck buck piano solo Little Bird Grieg by ford Wilford Jacobsen The committee on arrangements arrangements ar as included Mrs W. W J. J OConnor O'Connor Mrs H. H E. E Marron 1 Mrs A. A W. W Mrs II 11 T. T tto Mrs Karl gar Marshall Mrs Ills E E. M. M Mrs Ed I I F. F Diamond Mrs l C C. W. W Clogston Mrs T. T F. F Farrell Mrs frs William Kaufman Kautman Mrs s. 1 Marguerite Taylor Larsen Mrs Herman lerman Mrs 1 David and Mrs Irs A. A G G. G Tallman Miss Virginia Campbell and Miss Beatrice Campbell will entertain at atan atan atan an informal bridge and dancing party Thursday evening at the home hOlne of their grandmother Mrs 1 M. M A A. Cheesman in CottonWood for fOl the girls borne mme Ume for the holt boll da days s The Reviewers' Reviewers club held their annual Christmas party on iron iron- fonday ion ion- day at the home of ot Mrs 1 N. N N A A. Dunyon Dunyon Dun- Dun yon on on II H street The Tte home was ga gay with Christmas greens and the tea table was artistic with spra sprays s 's of desert holl holly tied with scarlet holly ribbon The rhe program m was gh given n by the cl club b members and w was s in Chat charge of ot the president Mrs W. W E E. Ware Valc and the entertainment committee which includes Mrs Irs W. W A. A Black lofts Airs I L. L D. D Mrs Itira L. L F. F Parker Mrs Phillip 11 1 Mrs W W. j E E. Block mock Mrs Irs F F. M. M Brookie Mrs Irs M. M II H. Howard six Twenty six attended St. St l 1 Marks KIts cathedral troop No o. o 51 l Boy Scouts will wilt give its annual dancing party at the Ladies Ladies' Literary Literary Literary Lit Lit- club on Wednesday evening A number of dinners will precede the dance The The- patrons and patronesses patronesses patronesses pa pa- are Dean and Mrs Its It's VV W. W W. W Fleetwood Dr and Mrs F F. F A. A Goeltz Dr and Mrs Irs R. R 11 R. Hampton Hamp Hamp- ton Mr and Mrs Thomas Vise Mr Mi Ir and Mrs Irs W. W V K Judge and Mrs W. W M. M McCrea Major l and Mrs S S. S SL M. M Parker Mr II and Mrs l Fred Reynolds and Dr DI and Mrs A A. C. C Wherry The Mutual girls of Richards ward under the direction of l J Miss ss Edith nYberg presented present d each girl girlIn In Salt Lake county girls girls' h lS home borne with a a. cheer b box X Mr end and l Mrs John W. W Walsh and Miss l J Eleanor Walsh will leave Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- for fOl forthe the r East Bast ast Miss Walsh will return to National Park semInary seminary semi semI- nary where she is attending school and Mr Ir and Mrs Walsh will visit with rela relatives thes In Chicago before going to Hot Springs Ark Co for I a It afew afew few weeks |