Show I Embezzler Embezzler- Given One to Ten Years PROVO Dec 27 Earl 27 Earl Franklin Rogers 26 26 pleaded d p guilty Monday Monday Mon Mon- day to a a. charge of ot embezzlement be before Core Judge Parker Parler In the Fourth Fourth- o district ct court here and was SEntencEd sentenced sen aen- to 10 serve e from one to tEnI ten I ears In In In- Inthe the state prison He lie Heis Heis lieis is to be he taken to Salt Lake to toI I tart start his his- term Monday l afternoon Rogers w was s Charged with e emb em- em I r 1 t b le from the funds of 1301 Bro of oC Salt Lake I After After th the 1 alleged d act ct he wa 11 asi sought for Cor some time and finally located loc and arrested in Modesto 1 Cal from Crom which wl city he was re returned returned returned re- re turned in custody of oC a a. deputy sheriff on December 3 S. |