Show PROVO THEATRE mATR I IlAW lAW I AR ARGUED Court Hears Demurrer to Sunday Closing ATTACK ORDINANCE Owners Cite Laws of Other States PROVO D Dec c. c 27 7 Special Con Con Contending tending the city of Provo has I Ino no right to pass ordinances in conflict with state statutes regulating regulating regu regu- lating latinA Sunday amusements amuse Atto Attorney Attorney At At- to torney lOne Will Robertson appeared for tor defendants In the cit city court Monday to argue a demurrer ln sin sinthe the case of the city against the Ashton Theatres Inc and the Strand theatre for operating their hou houses os on Sunday Direct charges that the Provo ct city ordnance ordinance is void voll and con contrary con con- tary to the constitution of or Utah in that it att to regulate what hat t has already been covered Ina in ini It a i state statute and js Is at variance with that law are lire contained Inthe in inthe inthe the demurrer Mr Robertson fur further urther urther ur- ur ther contended that specifically mentioned in the state law are exempt and also that the amusements so stipulated are aie classed as noisy and disturbing among them being be horse lorse racing cock fighting bull fighting and other outdoor amusements ot of the sort The tt Jt lt J Js f at attempts L- L tempts to permitted b by th the state l law w Attorney Robertson calls attention attention attention atten atten- tion of oC the city to the various outdoor outdoor out out- door doo amusements permitted on Sunday Sunda and claims that If the the- ordinance were strictly enforced it would be necessary ne to arrest boys bos and girls for playing tennis te bas baseball or other othel g games mes on Sun Sun- day The defendants also cite va various various various va- va rious other state laws tending to show that motion picture theatres do not come under the Sunday amusement ban Decision on the demurrer was expected late Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day afternoon |