Show c ro Diet and He alth I U attrY I By Lulu Hunt Pe Peters ers MB rth I J TURKISH BATHS FOR REDUCING Heretofore when I have written on Turkish baths bath I have said that tha takIng them taking the for reducing was I fu futile futile fu- fu u tile that tile the weight wel-ht loss was simply simply sim sim- ply that of ot water in the md that you gained it back backas as so son soon n as you oU took a a good drink of water Now ow while the last part of this statement is true Im I'm going to modify the first part of ot It relative to the point that the they are not good goodlor for lor reducing Some late work done on metabolism we can call It the chemistry of the bod body shows that In n heating baths there is a speedIng speedIng speeding speed- speed Ing up of ot metabolism and this ex extends extends extends ex- ex tends somewhat over ovet the period of ot the bath While the metabolism according to the scientific tests o of many who are ae overweight is fountIn found fount In most instances to be normal I believe this little speeding up willbe will wll willbe be of some slight help in making more food lood go on to complete instead of ot being converted to fat lat There is Another nother reason why hv I belive belive be- be live U Turkish baths baths' once or twice a week ma may be helpful In reducing A large majority of ot women who go to toh th the h baths go for tor the purpose of re reducing re- re and you will wilt usually see one onel or two or more who are so grote grotesque grotesque grot grot- e esque que In their thell fat that it makes you yoi realize youve you've got to get after your our own before you ou anywhere near reach that stage Unless you ou go with a r f friend lend usually those participating are Unknown un unknown unknown un- un known to you I always have lots lotsof o of quiet fun tun in the hot room There is usually a general conversation conver on the subject ct of ot reducing and I not infrequently hear m my own name name mentioned For instance one ver very verj fat woman last evening was be bewailing bewailing bewailing be- be wailing the fact that she couldn't reduce she had tried every advertised advertised advertised adver adver- medicine there was but kept kep getting fatter n fatter Another woman said Wh Why dont don't you ge get th that t calorie book on on reducing You mean the Lulu Hunt Peters book Huh I got that It aint no good Me Me Interested re-interested and mildly aroused You aroused You couldn't have followed followed fol tol- fol- fol lowed it I reduced sixty pounds a long lonE time ago by following Dr Dt Peters Peter's teachings And I reduced fifty pounds the same way the adviser added Well Ill I'll have to confess I didn't tr try ery very hard the complaining one admitted I like cake and candy too much I guess Never telling whom hom I am of or course course I sometimes give a little talk on how simple counting cal calories l' l es is Is and always 8 bring in Ir that Dr Peters Peters Peters Pet Pet- ers emphasizes that you must be careful to get your vitamins mineral mineral min mm- eral elements and complete proteIns proteins proteins pro pro- or growth food tood in the calories you consume One woman asked me if it I were a n after such a little talk and I told her I wasn't but that I had studied Pr PI l Peters works very ely carefully I no doubt make some Borne converts which makes me glad not glad not for tor the tile fact that I will vIiI profit bv by bit it In a material way but because I know the converts will b b benefited in health The baths I go to in New ew York have a large swimming tank T That Thatis is largely the tile reason I patronize them for swimming is one one of the best exercises there Is for ing Ye Yes s. s Im I'm reducing I Pre Ive e got gotto gotto gotto to get off oH tha that fifteen pounds I I gained this summer and up p to this thU time Ive I've been losing ver very well four or five days a a. week and gainIng gainIng gain gain- Ing what Ive I've lost the other two or three Now Im I'm started star however and Im I'm not going to permit m myself seit such laxity for I realize that of all the people In the world 1 I am ant thelast the thelast last one who should be o overweight er t when Im I'm teaching the dangers of it it and should be an sq ali ex example el- el iam i- i am ample pIe It is s unwise to stay In the hot room when you begin to feel teel your heart palpitating and the time one can stay depends ep entirely u upon the laJa aJa re reu f gh individual l I Some people e I I much more easil easily than others and get into a good perspiration In fifteen IH- IH teen minutes whIle others take t twenty five went five to minutes Drinking water while ou are tue there Will help you jou OU to pe pire The scales will not ot ut register to so O much much-i of ot a loss after a bath if you you dp do take the water but you will get the benefit of it just the die same ame Andas And Andas as I J. told you you will regain the loss toss after aHe you vou drink aft after r r you Jou Jea e the bath an anyway anay ay I Its Its- wise Its wise to b bu buy your our own o scrubbing scrubbing scrub scrub- J bing hing brush fo for while the Uie hath baths 15 K not Allow people with frank rank sUn skin diseases and they ao 00 make a pretense pretense pretense pre pre- tense of sterilization they do not t sterilize thoroughly as A 1 rule and there is no rio doubt that it is more esthetic and cleanly to to have your jour own brush Once or twice a II week it is a It good goodplan goodplan goodplan plan to have a good sweating bath not only to help reduce but for general general general gen- gen eral health Remember my c caution a Growth Growth Control by Thyroid |