Show Cobb Resigned To Too So Soon Claims Comiskey White Sox Owner Thinks Players Should Have I Protested When Asked Aske to Resign CHICAGO Dec Dee 27 27 If If Ty TV Cobb and Tris Speaker arc are innocent of the conspiracy to throw a baseball game garrie In III 1919 they should have asked for or a hearn hearing at atthe t. t the time t they e were asked to r resign in the opinion of Charles Charles- A. A C Comiskey owner of the Chicago White Sox Cobb and Speaker Comiskey feels made a serious erious mistake in resigning from baseball before they had a chance to clear their names Cames He thinks they shoud have ha at least made an effort to disprove disprove- the charges of Hubert Dutch Leonard Leonrd 6 which were made public lublic last week b by Commissioner K M. M Landis Comiskey is owner of ot the club which the the worlds world's series in 1919 and which was afterwards disrupted by the admission sion that six members s or ot of the team had framed the series to Cincinnati to win so that gamblers might profit All of the half dozen were banished from baseball Cobb and Speaker did not protest protest protest pro pro- test when they were asked to re resign resign resign re- re sign Comiskey said They did didas didas didas as they were aSI asked ed and If Speaker ker a man who was managing a wInning winning win wn- ning club would resign without a protest protest- it looks mighty peculiar to me Comiskey who has lias been at t odds with Ban Johnson American league president for a long time also took Johnson an and Frank Navin Detroit Deholt club owner to task for not making public the charges against baseball stars after they had re received received received re- re Leonards Leonard's accusation I just cant can't understand wh why Mr 1 Navin and Mr Ir Johnson withheld the facts in n this case Comiskey ey said The facts should have been known at once and the players play play- ers era ers If Jf found guilt guilty should have hav been punished I understand that others knew of the charges The They too are ore to be censured for not rIot making public the tile facts at ai their theil command Comiskey Comiskey- known throughout throughout the thelong thelong long history of the White Sox as the Old Roman Boman said he took tool immediate immediate im Im- im- im mediate action in suspending his White Sox stars who yh yh were vere implicated in the 1919 scandal when the charges were were brought brought to his at itt itt- I Judge Landis has other no reabon reason rea rea- son bon for fot p public Leon I s 's charges than to se ses that that Justice Is li carried tarried out Comiskey said He lEe is isa isa a man imbued with the Ideal of Justice and under no no circumstances would he have made the charges unless he had been convinced that the accused men were guilty Comiskey ey said he did not belIeve Cobb and Speaker are sincere In demanding a hearing at this time sa saying they should have made their the strong stand at the time time that tha the tile allert 1 scandal called to the ther attention Had lied they done so so anc an and andt t been een found Innocent the tIle whole affair affair af at- fair might have been averted a he intimated DETROIT Dec 27 7 United Press Ty Ty Cobb has ilas never resigned formally formally formally for- for mally from the baseball club the United Press learned at President Frank J. J ins Xa office toda today Cobbs Cobb's unconditional re release Ie lease leare was forwarded to him in tn Au- Au usta rusta Ga last week it was said paid Ills His contract with the club expired with the 1926 season |