Show lIThe Le The Meaning of S Stomach o ach Symptoms 11 i By A. A C. C STOKES M. M D. D Member Gorgas Memorial Institute Written for United Press The stomach is the firebox for forthe forthe forthe the human engine It is in the stomach and the first firt t two feet of the small intestines that the major part of ot digestion is performed In Inthis Inthis Inthis this area the food Is prepared for tor absorption into the circulating fluids of the body The stomach Is connected with the other portions of ot the body by byan byan byan an abundant supply of ot nerves These nerves telegraph back to the stomach any disturbance which may occur at any portion of ot the body bod- whether It Is the brain ki kidney kidney kid kid- ney lung appendix or gall bladder The substance of ot this telegram usually Is there is trouble In your body get bOdy get rid of ot the fuel tuel that you have In the stomach and Intestines and do not do-not not take any more until the trouble Is adjusted at which time we will Inform you you This telegram translated Into words usually means stomach sickness nausea vomiting and no desire whatsoever for tor food When the disturbance has ceased the fact will be conveyed ed back by desire for tor food and ability to digest It These symptoms arising from disease outside of ot the are I called reflex symptoms That Is word is sent from the point of ot disturbance disturbance disturbance dis dis- dis- dis along the nerves to a central point and back to the stomach It is not ar art aI exaggeration to say that 90 per lien cent of ot all stomach symptoms are reflex that reflex that Is caused by diseases outside of ot the stomach There are df oe course diseases of the stomach itself These diseases have in most cases definite symptoms that a physician will r To illustrate this Idea If It the appendix Is pulled while th the patient is not under an anesthetic the pa patient patient patient pa- pa tient becomes sick at the stomach and vomits The beginning symptom of ot most contagious and Infectious diseases Is Js sickness at the stomach and vomiting Illustrations of ot this kind are infinite and show that in these cases eating of ot food neither quantity quantity quantity quan quan- nor quality has anything to todo todo todo do with the sickness at the stomach ach At these times and under these conditions nature Is turning all her efforts toward the eradication of ot the disease and does doe not ilot wish vIsh to tobe tobe tobe be burdened with the extra load needed for tor digestion of ot food The body is nourished from food tood already I stored among the cells as ns fat until I the progress of the disease ceases The appetite then returns and the Individual desir desires s food a aln |