Show Mercury Drops to 16 76 Below at Vernal V VERNAL XA L. L Dec c. c A. 27 Theodore Johnson government weather observer observer observer ob ob- ob- ob server in Vernal Vernal reported the lowest temperature of the winter Thursday night the mercury fallIng falling fall fall- Ing to 16 degrees below eloa zero ero Not Nota a a trace of wind accompanied the thel thelow thelow l low w temperature re and no additional snow mow has ha fallen falen since December 20 The he ground throughout Ashby Ashley Ashley Ash Ash- ley by valley remains covered with snow and the low temperature re is Staving having a beneficial effect on general general gen gent eral h health alth conditions throughout the valley During During- the abnormal abnormally warm weather wather of ot October and November No November I vember many cases cases of influenza and pneumonia occurred In this section |