Show T English Woman Sails Away on Mile Air Trip to India AP Carry AP-Carry- Carry Carrying LONDON Dec 27 ing log only one small suitcase containing containing con con- twenty pounds ot or clothes and toilet articles Lady Maud faud Hoare climbed into a large passenger passenger passenger ger at n this morning morn morn- lag ing Inland and end with her husband Sir Samuel air aJr minister sailed off on a journey to India and return Her Hel trip Is la the undertaken by bya longest flight ever a woman and Is Is' an one for tor British civil aviation I r The Tho air Ir minister r will wll Inaugurate I a new Karachi Cake service and will British air posts on the northern rn frontiers of vf In India la For days Lady Lady Hoare bare will fly flyover flyover ly over ovel territory that never before has lisa been visited by a white while woman She intends to suitcase wardrobe wardrobe wardrobe ward ward- robe serve her needs In Jn all climates but las has as sent ceremonial clothes In advance for a great fete which will vIll willbe b be held at DeihL r d r I |