Show GRID OFFICIALS H lD CONFAB TODA I Eastern Three-Day Three Meeting Meeting Meeting Meet Meet- ing Starts in in New Y York orle NEW YORK Dec 27 AP The AP-The The indoor football season vocal scrImmage scrimmage scrim scrIm- mage of coaches and gridiron officials officials with the the- ther r rules has bas Its eastern eastern east east- em ern kickoff here today For three days the games game will yUl be replayed from the slant of the s specialist with the shift shUt the kick after alter touchdown touchdown touchdown touch touch- down r revision of the scoring point-scoring s system stem and the huddle amOng among subjects subjects subjects sub sub- likely to come In for discussion discus discus- sion Members of the Eastern Association Association of Intercollegiate Football Officials will lead off tonight ban- ban at the Artor tor hotel before their annual business meeting Th The coaches will follow their executive committee going Into conclave Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day with a general of mentors to follow on fl iv On Thursday da the National Collegiate association wilt will a assemble it Up delegates In annual se session Observers here consider it hohly probable that pome ome action atlon will b be taken talen on the shift owing to a n vir vir- vir 11 ban ban on mod mod rn rn interpretation of or orthe the play rec recently placed bv lw the western conference Coaches ex express express ex- ex press widely views in the east on the tue shift There Is a a apro pronounced pro pro- opinion in some tha that t it has hal tended to speed up tip and nd add color to th th came lIme Oth r critics cannot se see Rep how the i mode n n shift can be made to conform to the rules Profession football which headlined headlined head head- lined the discussion at t last years year's meetings I is i. ex to receive little attention this winter The is general among the of officials lIal l- l Ial that the pam gani has hn ceased to toe he oe e a menace melare to the re colle-re sport Leaders Leader of the two national l Ipa leagues us admit that many man teams failed to rean a n profit white while no nn 0 complaints have heen man marl mario of failure to main maln- tl ta In the barring barrin college e after the graduation Of t their I. I e claes s William H. H T Cowe Cowen he heart conch coch of or ortho tho the Unive sity sit o of New was mentioned today a as 1 1 likely 11 to Gil Dobe of ot Cornell as a's as the t of the Coaches' Coaches tion fion |