Show Ian Hay Playwright Lauds U U. S. S Actresses LONDON Dot Dec 7 27 AP AP The The American theatre is being Anglicized Angll- Angll just as much as s th the British theatre is becoming Americanized Giving this assurance in an address ad ad- tress dress Ian Ha Hay novelist and playwright playwright play play- wright also asserted that actors and actresses In America are crying crying crying cry cry- ing out for fol a censor who would save them from front some sonic of the parts they pla play and anti from tire lira lines put into their mouths EWe f e have comparatively el few tea emotional actors he lie continued because we are not an emotional people As for English American Amer Amer- iran ican actresses Ii Ican can only sa say that at the lie top of or the tree he in ether either I country will be found about the lie I same Mme degree of beauty talent and excellence I Two things can be said about the American actresses first actresses first there Is an Inexhaustible supply of them and secondly they mature at a much younger age in ours do |