Show J. J F p P. Mil ion M Mourners H urner Pay Tribute to tO J pa panee ese E Emperor pe rot AmB Am- B BODY f OVED 1 TO m TOKIO I P AlA f ft t Scene Marks tP n o Opening ening of Long Period I of Mour Mourning ing for Nation I 1 Ns FIRE FAREWELL r few rew ew Emperor and Consort Conw Con Con- stort sort w i Precede Ma Many fr n L Send Condolences Ii TOKIO TOKO De Dee Dec 2 27 AP AP Silent and ded more than a million JUrn rs lined the tile mile four route station to the im- im r a palace palace as the body of the ther thele le Ie Emperor r was returned 0 io 0 this evening enIn from the royal I. I a. a at Hayama where he died on onI I ms s da day o i the railroad station to the thea a 8 o c the str streets ets were sprinkled and as a ceremony of oC r On either cither side the wa way ringed with soldiers and po- po emen emen of them cortege was preceded into the 2 J arbY aby by the ne- ne ner ne r emperor l Jand nd ad the new express empress The body 0 o ed b by officers of the imperial he headed ded the cortege proper propel dako the dowager empress lowed shortly In a carriage Then hooPs of ot c cavalry princes and nd n of s es' es ot of the Imp family i In f. f ladies chamb tile the I hOld minster minister the the lord stevi stew stew- i It nd more Imp imperial guards guards guards-a a c aele acie as impressive as it was JER irrER nM R ARRIVES arid and his consort l ed d during the afternoon and received Into the city h by gov- gov met f officials ls WI with extremely ceremonies e Their coming I Im ostentatious and was as marked lence the R bod body w was s borne from the a at Hayama ayama forty eight mourn- mourn guns 1 gun sounded from a battle battle- p which rode at anchor nearby 1 I other ships of ot war fired farell fare- fare ll as the special train pro- pro ded toward Tokio I jie Ie route from Hayama Haam with not only troops but ob oby by thousands of ot His Majesty's s he Pe new rulers met the casket at atI I palace entrance and conveyed to hall ball Pra Prayer er marked marl T Tend nd of ot the days day's ceremony ot of cabled condolences other sovereigns so and from anese lanese abroad have been received and Mrs dge ge addressed addressee to the dowager press PLess and the new emperor and press were among the first to be efred Diplomats DIplomats' called at the department nt to again ex- ex the sympathies f their nation W- W WO tOME IOME O Dec 27 27 AP AP Imme Imme- Imme tely after the death on Saturday Emperor Yoshihito of Japan e f Pius Pius- ordered the apostolic gate at Tokio to present con- con to o the tIle family famIlI of ot the em- em pr and ando to o the Japan Japanese se govern- govern it t The pontiff throughout the theD D s Illness Illness show showed d keen Ins In- In 1St in his s condition |