Show Depot Bandit Scorns Small Coin Escapes With 36 From Station on West Side Every effort is being made by police to apprehend the bandit who entered the service ser station West Vest Fourth South street Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day night and with Hh a drawn re revolver re- re volver forced Len Farnham 24 of West First South street to lie down on the floor after which he escaped with 36 in cash In his rush the robber took only the larger pieces of money leaving the nickles dimes and pennies amounting to several dollars In Inthe Inthe inthe the cash register He was in the station only about two minutes The man answers the same description de de- de- de as the bandit who held up up the Hal station at West Temple and Broadway Thursday night lIe He was tall and dark darIe and arid about 30 years old He lie wore a heavy growth of beard and used the same methods as the bandit who held up the other station |