Show UI U. Si S. ACCUSED OF f fN DIAl Continued from page 1 stories or of f Central Central American i plots bol- bol as an effort to drag this country into an unjustifiable war with Mexico Senator Mose Moser wants ants an Investigation and Borah Dorah also seeks further information on events in th the Central lone American zone fuller Department officials pending reports from Admiral La Latimer Lati- Lati ti mer would not comment on liberal charges that no foreign lives or property have been endangered an and 1 that Latimer ordered the tho liberal government out of Puerto Cabezas after searching the home of f President President dent and declaring V the liberal liberal lib lib- lib lib- eral capital a neutral zone i j Dy By A W W. F FOLGER I United Press Staff Correspondent MEXICO CITY Dec Saying that It would require American Ameri Amen can soldiers to put down the rev revo revo- lution in Nicaragua and calling charges of communism a 11 smoke screen for an unfair campaign Juan Bautista Nicaraguan Nicaragua n liberal leader eader today protested against the landing of United States marines at Puerto Ca Cabezas bezas that We Ve without a are e the victims s of a n. nation right or provocation has hns attacked the dignity of or its courtry coun cour- try searched government buildings and ordered the executive cabinet to leave Cabezas the legal seat of the government said The statement aid ald the American state department had lowered Its dignity and prestige by repeated calumny to justify In the presence of ot the American people its it biased blaRed attitude on the problems of or Nica Nica- The expose of alleged Mexican the protest said was merely inanely to predispose public opinion In n the United s so that It would not discover the reasons for n this dirty campaign Denying Dening that they were being aided by Mexico or bolshevists Sa- Sa casas casa's manifesto id Admiral Latimer Latimer Lati- Lati mer Secretary of State Kellogg and perhaps President Pre Coolidge well understood understood un un- un- un that the revolution was being eing maintained by a group of I free tree men ready to sacrifice them- them calves for autonomy and the liberty liberty lib lib- lii- lii erty of or their country BLUEFIELDS Nicaragua Dec 27 7 United Press Press Landing Landing of ot American sailors at Puerto Cabezas Cabe- Cabe zas as liberal capital of or Nicaragua has hac tas not Interrupted the fie between between be- be tween liberal and conservative troops according to unconfirmed messages received here today The conservatives were reported to o have abandoned Laguna de Perlas Perlas Peras Per- Per las as to retire to a nearby bluff The abandonment was reported to have been preceded by severe fighting |