Show Big Ten Hoop Squads Recalled From Vacations CHICAGO Dec 27 AP The AP-The The Thelast last week of drill and practice games for the tile big ten basketball squads before the th-a opening game next Monda Monday called the pla players ers back early from Christmas vacations vacations vacations vaca vaca- yesterday esterday Illinois Chicago and Northwestern nave nave their third contest of the tIle preseason pre pro pre season slate scheduled for Thurs Thurs- day Northwestern plays Notre Dame and the latter come here next Monday fonday night for fot a lL return m match Illinois will meet the touring team of North Dakota Dakota- State on the home floor and Chicago will play Butler in the Indiana quintets quintet's third engagement of an n Illinois trip The Northwestern team enjoys enjo's the services of a p pair ir of North Dal Dakota ota basket shooters who are playing together for their sixth year year year-Waldo Waldo Fisher and Robert Rusch of Fargo Football l left tt Flatter Fisher with a a. a bad knee mee but It I seems to have recovered |