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Show TOMAHAWK TALK Rootin' Utes at Boulder By SHIRLEY HOSKINS Tipee kl yl! Boulder, here ws come, band and all, off to Colorado Colo-rado with fun in atore for anticipation-filled Utes. Saturday night's game with the Colorado Buffs is cause of all the excitement excite-ment and busloads are going. Don't want to miss out on all this fun. Perfect example of Greek cooperation co-operation la the Alpha Phi-Delta Gamma sponsored bus. Chugging Chug-ging out of Uteville late Friday afternoon .these gals chipped in to charter the bua no a to hit that gam with bang. Most of the crowd plans to spend this Saturday night in this college town and townsfolk have spread out the welcome mat to greet Uteville' visiting population. popula-tion. Fraternity and sorority houses on the C. U. campus have offered accommodation for a host of visitors and the whole campus follows suit. Sigma Pis found It fun taking , datea on the week-end party trip, and Ted and Dorothy Tut-tle. Tut-tle. Jack Webster and Jean Walker and Bin rTatley- and " Kelva Klndley wouldn't miss it. Joe Wall met his girl from Kansas Kan-sas City and hi pin in Denver for happy reunion. Fus at Home But don't think that the Redskin Red-skin left behind haven't anything any-thing In store for bright week end. Get load of the plane. Sigma Chia went all-out for an "odd ball" at Harry s Dutch Oven Friday. They took over the place for the doin'a and clever decorations were used . . . as the fellows say, "oddest yet seen." Sterling Col ton, social chairman of the bunch, tells of the novel favor presented girl at the party. Sororities had an extra special preview of the event Monday when tuxedo-clad character with Frankenstein appearance dashed up to the respective houses, charged Into the midst of the meet preceded by two lowly Big Chi pledge unrolling and vacuuming a carpet for the noble If not somewhat "odd character." char-acter." Astonished spectators watched while a hug parchment was unfolded and the name of sorority sisters Invited to the party were read. Before anyone could move he had dashed out of the house and down the street followed by the two pledges carrying the rug. Some say it was Bud Panler . . . could be! Beta Party Beta brother plan a Halloween Hallow-een house party. Goblins, witches and pumpkin will decorate th place and Lohr Livingston and Blllle Robblns will And fun in bobbing for apples. Not missing out on dancing will be Keith Nicholson and Ardie Robison. Gordle Jensen ha asked Baba Turner and Dick Backman snd Gloria Sorensen will turn out to the spree. Although some Slg Pis went to Boulder Robin Burt stayed in town for the week end to escort Pat Piatt to fun at a house party, Halloween Hulla-bello. Hulla-bello. Jack Nebeker and Sally Conroy will compare cleVer costumes cos-tumes with 8tan Johnston snd Lucille Bjorkland at this Saturday Satur-day night affair. Max EgU with Trt-Delt Pattl Whitney and Ross Watson with Florence Kolby of the Alpha Phi elan expect fun In the spooky Big Pi house. Between turns st the punch bowl. Perry Allen and Bus Shepard, Clair Hill, prexy. With date Mary Ann Hales will examine cute rubber Hoyo's . that these sharp fellow are distributing dis-tributing 'round campus. They look terrific on sutos something some-thing new In the decorative touch. Home Coming Ahead Many local tong member are spending this week end getting home-coming plan under construction. con-struction. Sig Nus can be seen hammering snd pounding away on frameworks for floats and house decorations to be displayed dis-played next week. Seems that every organization on campus is out to win sweepstakes this year. Must be that Centennial spirit, everything being bigger -and better. A D P are out to prove that decoration can be bigger. Rumor has It theirs is to reach top story and that' big in any man's language. Look as though every group on campus Is yearning for a double garag a th plea go out to their member for us of on to build their float. SAE won't have far to look. There on In their own back yard. Wearer of th stars and crescent searched th houses for hammers, pliers, th ever-needed extension eerda, lumber and nails, plenty of 'em. Saw Marge Woodruff calling for help as she struggled to open the Tri-Delt front door with a load of lumber lum-ber in her arms Peggy Watkina, Loyce Partridge and Pearl Butler But-ler will spend many an hour this week snd with sketches, material and tools working out Intricacies of the decorations. And an expectant sir hangs about the campus a everyone waits the battle of th trophies. Warblers Quartet tryouts held Wednesday Wednes-day proved the usual strain on Greek affiliates. Chi Omega quartet gala breathed a sigh of relief when chosen among finalists, final-ists, while Kappa happily planned new rehearsal to be in top shape for th week-end judging. Pi Phi, Alpha Chls, Dee Gees snd Alpha Phis also placed among lucky contestant. Overheard on Kappa Sig muttering mut-tering something about the fact that hts quartet placed, first time he hasn't sung in it And so it goes. Betas, 8igma Nus, PI Kaps, Sigma Chls plus the Ksppa Sig boys successfully squeezed Into the final play. Sound Uk a Horace Heidt show! Thla Saturday th Hslloween Ho Down In the Union building build-ing to the music of Stewart Grow will find tay-at-homer turning out In levls to celebrate the season. Promises to be a bang-up affair and Joyce Davis, chairman, say to expect any-thing. |