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Show Ex-S. L Couple Found Dead in Coast Home n John Bernard and Mussette Set-man Set-man McArdle, residents of Salt Lake City for nearly 40 yeara, died at their home la Lynwood, Cat, this week, apparently of suffocation. suffoca-tion. Cause of death win be determined de-termined by a coroner's jury. Death of the couple waa discovered discov-ered when a daughter, alarmed by not receiving a regular letter from her father, contacted neighbors, who had police Investigate. The couple had apparently turned gas heat up In their home without opening any windows when they retired. They had resided st 898 S. 1st West in Salt Lake City from 1B07 until IMS, when Mr. McArdle retired re-tired and they moved to Lynwood. Both were members of the Church ef Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter-day Saints. They were married la the old railroad town of Tucker, Wasatch county, la 10. M. McArdle was born in Tracy, CaL, in 1873. He had been employed em-ployed by the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. for 40 years before his retirement and had been a member of the Brotherhood Brother-hood of Locomotive Engineers for SO yeara. Mr. and Mrs, J B. McArdle . . . Couple dies la Calif emla. Mrs. McArdle was bora ta Pay-son, Pay-son, Utah county, Dec M, 1878. : Surviving are two children, Mrs. Ethyl Bender, San Francisco, and Kenneth McArdle, Crown Point. Ore, and four grandchildren. ' Mrs. McArdle Is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Ethyl Porter, Helper; Mrs. Martha Birch, and Mrs. Zioa Gull, both of Los Aa-geles. Aa-geles. ' A,1 |