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Show LIVESTOCK MARKETS OODB f IMsh . USD A Catll Re. relpts. 250, Includlnf 130 for markt nd 100 throu(h; very fsw new arrivals, mostly holdovsr offerings; bulk of supply low frad slaughter cattle and feeder offerings: ew early sales steady with Monday's ad-vanoa: ad-vanoa: killer steers abaent; add head common com-mon belters, 312.00 413 00: few cutter cows. $10.00 11.00; eommoa ta medium sausac bulla, 1 11 00 13 00: no malar offered early sonernoa to medium feeder steers. $1100 013 00, mostly dairy typa. Hogs Reretpta. 1263, Including 23 for market, 1000 through and 240 direct; nothing offered early: Indication $1.23 lower than Monday; goad ta cboM 180 to 230 poand barrows and girt uotbl 121.7V good tt) hoa sows quaubl $17 30 9 18.00. Sheep Recetpu. 230. all Utroagn: nothing noth-ing offered for sale early, market auotabl 25c higher on slaughter lamb; lugbler twet quotable 25c blghar In lis with nudwstrn market: guud to choice lugb tar lamb war auottd at $20.50 22.00; good to cMote killer ewe iigibs to bring .25T.00. NOarni SALT LA KB (Utah-USOA) Cattle Hacelpt. 140, all for market; mostly most-ly a elsaaua trad on low grade slaughter cattle and a few feeder, price steady with Monday' advaoc; common to md1ttm daughter steers, 811.30 a 18 00 ; omma t medium heifer. $11.30 17.50; medium sows, $12.00 914.00. cutter to eoausoa 9 73 011.73, caanera $4.50 08.50; common com-mon 4 medium sausage borf. $10 00 O 13.30; vaalera ware ; oommoa 4a medium feeder steer. $9.00 014.00: medium to good feeder heifers, $11.50 Ol 3.00. Hogs Rstsl pis. 2542, iDcludlng 244 for market and 2208 through; mostly $1.25 tower than Monday; good t ckoec 130 t 250 pound butchers. $21.73; fsw good to Choir am, 317.50 0 13.00. i Wieep Receipts, 43. all tar market; nothing waa sold VP ta the noon hoar; slaughter lam be ana swea war quotabls 25c higher; good to choice (laughter lambs salabl 320 50 22.00; goad to ctwic ewea, $a23T.OO. I nRMTKB. Dee. 31 (AP-USDA) Cnttl aelaole 800, total 1SOO; calve. aalabM and total, 100: about 40 per cent cows, 13 per cent stocksrs: cow steady, strong, eommoa ta good $12.5091373. canaers 39.00 910.30. shelly caoaar dow to $7.50: calve and vealer strong ta 30c higher, cull to choice $10.00 018.50; ether claaae steady: two load strictly good steer. $24.00. medium $18.2391323: odd lots eommoa to medium heifers. 312.00 0 17.50: stock carves, $1400: rrt-11-im ta good stock cows, $11.00 9 12.00. Hons Salabl 400, total 1300; only moderately act eve, all classes unevenly T3c to $1.30 lower; goon and choice 180 to 300 pound barrow and guts. $22.00 22 T5; good and choree sow largely $19.00 22.00. few choice light weight $19.30; dd feectlae Pig. $l$.0O. Sheep asiabl and total. 2500; anr ear not yst yarded: ao thing don early; top wooled slaughter lamb Monday, $2123. I CtnCAtlO, Dee. 31 ( AP-URDA 1 Hog: Salable receipt. 13.000: total 23.000: alow: welghu under 230 lbs. aneven. $1 to $1.30 lower; weight ovr 250 lb. $1.50 to $1.73 lower; good and choice 180 to 230 Is.. $21.50 9 22.00: practical toa. $23.00: few lead up ta $2125: good and choice 250 to 300 lb.. $21.00 0 21 50: sow $1 to $2 lower, fraa $18.00 01 73: few cholc llghtwdghts up to $19.00; lndlca-Uoa lndlca-Uoa poor clearance. Cart!: Salabl receipts. 55O0; total, 3500; aatabl catvea, 1000; total, 10O0: good and choice fee steer and yaarllng strong, active; top, 332 OO: prime long yearling held above $32.00; medium steer! steady at $21.00 dowa; largely $20,00 0 26 00 market oa steer; fed heifer steady, meetly $23.00 down: sow steedy; bulk beef saw. $13.50 9 13 00: casners and cutter. 39.754) 12.00: hulls strong to 25 higher; heavy Senear bull to $1$.30; beef bull t $17.23: vealer firm at $23.00 down: odd head $26.00; stock ant. U very caree. Rheep: galabe recetpta, txrOO: total 3000; slaughter lamb opening steady; three double good and choice fee) weatera woexed lamba. 323.83; some held higher: laughter ewe steady; small lot good and choice aatlvea, $7.30: two care madia to good waatern ewes, $7.25. LOS ANGELES, Dec si (API Cattle ralar.le, 500; fairly good clearance at generally steady price; e leers scarce; odd goad atr. $21.50; medium to good heifers, heif-ers, $14.50919.00: medium to good cow. $13.5O01$.OO; cutter to common. $10.23 913.23; cannon, $900 010.00; medium to good bull, $14 00HT00: cutter to oornmon. $11 00 0 13.50: lata Monday, good steer topped at $23.00: hellers at I19.T5 and good cow at $17.00. C!va Salable, 130: steady; medium to choice ughtr ealvsa, $17 00 019 50. Hog ReJahle. 80 : 50e to $1.00 tower; few good to cholc 2401b. truck-In topped at $23.23: 280 lb., $22.75: few to good ilaOoL 310 "" 2''; 004 DT7 |