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Show SOCIALLY SPEAKING Presidents' Unit Holds Luncheon With only one member absent. the Past Prealdente club of the Salt Lake district. Utah Federation Federa-tion of Women's Cluba, held a luncheon meeting Monday afternoon. after-noon. Beginning with 1931, the past presidents for each year present at the luncheon were Mrs. D. N. Straup, Mrs. W. T. Runxler, Mrs. E. R. Van Cott, Mrs. Lee Wright. Mrs. Hugh Ward. Mrs. Warren H. Keate, Mrs. R. E. Ganahl, Mrs. P. W. Milner. Mrs. Walter A. Kerr and Mrs. C G. Stein. Officers for the coming year were elected and they will be Mrs. Runzler aa prealdent. Mrs. Van Cott aa vice prealdent and Mra. Keate as secretary-treasurer. Winter Formal Tuna - Yellow chryaanthemums on each table were aet for member mem-ber of Sigma Chi and their dates arriving for the fraternity's frater-nity's annual winter formal held Monday evening at the Hotel Utah roof garden. Clever gray leather wallet favors fa-vors received ohs and aha from the gals . . . noticed Bobbie Jacobs Ja-cobs with Harvey Glade ... Helen Richards with Dick Crook and Bob Thomas with his pin-hung pin-hung gal. Marge Jarvla. Sue Felt arrived with date Cliff Curtis In time for the luscious dinner . . . and Ruth Hay was Orion Wright's date. Tom Felt was with Marilyn Covey. |