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Show Crowley Leaves Lush Jpb To Yoke ver Llocketis By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN CHICAGO, Dec. 31 (AP "Sleepy" Jim Crowley having foraaken the pot as commissioner of the All-America All-America Football conference to assume as-sume the title of (1) head coach, (2) general manager and (3) executive execu-tive vice president of the Chicago Rockets today said he and his associates as-sociates were ready to pump (230,000 into the outfit to get a winning combination. The Rockets, one of the less fortunate for-tunate All-America conference clubs laat season, both in attendance at their huge Soldier field home and in victories, were taken over lock, stock and barrel yesterday by Crowley Crow-ley and two of his wealthy old-time cronies who chummed with him ince grammar school days In Green Bay, Wis. The financial backers, who have slppers on their purses lnetesd of string, are William S. Toohey. Chicago syrup mar nate, and John Brosan, a Green Bay shipbuilding ship-building executive. Officials of the All-America conference con-ference eald there were no immediate plans to name a new commiaaloner to succeed Crowley, who had signed a five-year contract at aa annual alary of 828,000 and left four years of his term unserved. Toohey Uses the position as pre!- I (? "V V rt : Sleepy J Ira Crowley . . . resigns aa All-America, grid prexy. dent of the Rockets which' finished at the bottom of the Western dlvW ion of the new pro circuit hut season with five wins and three Use ' in 14 ' starts and Brogan aa sacra tary-tressursr. Crowley today promised reorgaa lsatloa throughout the club and per tonal selection of two new assistant coaches "at a later date." Undoubtedly a large amount ef the rebuilding cash will be set aside for the looming battle ef the pocket-book pocket-book with the Chieago Bears ef the rival football league. In the recent draft of oolleglate playara by the Ail-America confer ence. the RookeU received the rights to 10 players. Only ens ef them was alao selected la the National league draft. That was Notre Dame's all-America quarterback Johnny Lo-Jack Lo-Jack and the Bears were the eaes to nab him as a future replacement for their great f leM general aad "T" mastermind. Sid Luekmaa. Lujack has another year with the Irlah before thinking of professional offara. Hla name would be a tre mendous lure la Chicago and his price tag ahould be fanlaetle as the Rockets snd Bears vie for his signature. |