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Show County 0!;ehs Twice-Cul Budget for '47 Paring down tentative figures thst were already below totals for the current year. Salt Lake county commissioners Tueaday approved a 1947 budget of $3,068,743, a decrease de-crease of $162,900 from 1946 expenditures. ex-penditures. Reshuffling tentative department depart-ment allocations presented st a public hearing Monday morning, the commlasloners sliced $47,000 from the postwar reserve fund and added $3000 to the general fund for a total decrease of $42,000 from the tentative figures aired at the hearing. Commissioners slso rslsed the tax rate .3 of a mill to 7.6 mills to take care of a $61,000 allocation alloca-tion to the county recreation department de-partment This will bring estimated esti-mated revenues for the year to $3,115,605.58 based on a valuation of $296,382,941. Fund Reduction Reductlona In the county's postwar post-war fund included county parks sites cut $2500 to $22,500; East MM Creek park Improvement reduced re-duced $2500 to $500; repairs to county building, sliced $4000 to $11,000; remodeling of district judges' chambers decressed $2500 to $7500; remodeling of juvenile court reduced $2000 to $7500; Salt Lake county boat harbor, reduced $1000 to $5000; remodeling of county jail and sheriffs home cut $4000 to $6000; repairs to the Salt Lake General hospital, reduced re-duced $21,750 to $168,000; county roads and bridgea reduced $5000 to $25,000 and a $1750 tentative allocation for a coal chute hoist eliminated. County commissioners also slashed $3000 rom the fund for the venereal dlsesse. treatment hospital, leaving but $10,000 In this department, but hurriedly re-See re-See Page J, Column 1 COUNTY BUDGET Can tinned Irani Page Oae placed the 300 when a Telegram Tele-gram reporter called their attention atten-tion to the fact that the f 11,000 was ths yearly payment ta the government for purchase of the hospital Under tsrms of ths agreement entered Into a few days ago, the county is to make five yearly payments of $13,000 on the hospital. The $5000 increase to the general gen-eral fund Includes $1000 to the county attorney'a office, and 33000 to the county commissioners' fund. The addition to the County attorney's at-torney's fund is necessary for full operation of the office, Harold K. Wallace, county attorney, told the commission, explaining that if this Increase waa not approved, either one deputy attorney or Investigator Investi-gator would have to be refcaeed. The increase now gives the county attorney 133,400 for 1147, compared com-pared to $35,625 for the current year. Ante Purchases Addition to the county commissioners' commis-sioners' fund Is for purchase of two new automobiles on a trade-in trade-in basis. One of the new cars will be for Robert L. Cranmer, who will take office in the new year, and the other will be for whoever takes the cpmmisstonership left vacant by the recent death of Bar-hard Bar-hard A. Rasmuseen, wha died before be-fore he could assume office. Aa approved by commissioners the general fund for 1947 will be $930,731, a decrease of $74,003 from this year, and the postwar reserve fund will total $835,000, a decrease of $153,170 from the 194 figure. Roads and bridges will receive $374,804, a cut of $14,851, and aha county poor fund, only department depart-ment receiving Increased funds, will be $717,333, an Increase of $21,004 over ths current year. |