Show t. t Telegram Golf School Opens Ope Four Night Sessions Monday Monda 1 Big golfers little mile golfers dub golfers and goodwill good gO 11 will all be on hand Monday night at o'clock at the W Wt Temple fairways 1954 South West Vest Temple street when the first session of The Telegrams Telegram's free links school opens Professors Alex McCafferty Tee Branca John Gee Harry Bor Borg Bill Willes Wiles Tom Torn McHugh and George Schneiter r are all aU ready to start the instruction I I a Mondays Monday's lesson will be devoted largely to fundamentalS fundamental including grip stance arid and swing Pupils are requested to bring wood clubs for the first class Tuesday night The Telegram will award a prize to to the largest family present and Wednesday night prizes prized will be given to the oldest and youngest persons actually participating in the Remember the school is free and everyone interested Ii golf gol is invited |