Show I INSIDE N S 5 I D E s 5 STUFF T i U F F The By News PAUL Behind MALLON the News W WASHINGTON WASHINGTON- Another important important important im im- im- im governmental reform has hs passed away without benefit even of ot the usual obituary notice Coordinator Eastman who was to have set the railroads In order expired of officially tIel ally last June 16 of negation Congress not only failed tailed to extend his term as co coordinator coordinator co- co but neglected to pass passa a a. day 90 appropriation which would have permitted him to publish pub pub- lish the reports he has been writIng writIng writing writ writ- ing about railroad troubles The end came camo abruptly It has been generally understood on the inside that no one ono would object to the day 90 arrangement but near the end of the session with tho the senate semite involved in a filibuster filibuster ter everyone interested in Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coor Coor- Eastman was apparently looking out the window The inside fact is Js that congress failed to act by the unanimous consent of all concerned concerned President dent Roosevelt the railroads railroad railroad rail ran road labor and the interstate com corn mission Impossibilities These last three years have been bad for Cor all coordinators but es especIally especially es- es for Coordinator Eastman What happened to him was this The railroads were always against him because they were required to pay about 10 cents a a. amile mile to finance his investigations Railroad labor lost Jost interest in his activities suddenly after the tho consolidations agreement was reached with the railway executives executives executives tives guaranteeing the workers against being thrown out of ot work by consolidations of ot terminal fa fa- fa duties All AU his fellow commissioners on the I. I C. C C. C except one reached the unofficial conclusion some months ago that his coordinating was a nuisance nuisance- and interfered with their work To make it unanimous the co coordinator coordinator coordinator co- co is said to have had some sharp personal difference of ot ion with Mr fro Roosevelt at a WhiteHouse White WhiteHouse WhiteHouse House conference not long ago This just about left Mr Eastman himself as the only one favoring his a activities He suffered the tho exp experience and unhappy fate fato of ot all aU coordinators It marks the end temporarily at least of ot the tho railroad railroad rail rail- road reform program except such effort as may be undertaken by the I. I C. C C. C Weakness New deal lawyers are inwardly skittish about making a test of the Wagner Vagner labor act in the supreme supreme su au- su- su preme court One appeal assailing the act has already been filed tiled by an sm Arkansas lumber company but It involves technical grounds which may not furnish a constitutional 1 test Two circuit courts havo have decided decided ed against tho the government in big cases the Fifth circuit at New Orleans in the Jones and Laugh- Laugh un case and tho the Sixth at CIncinnati Cincinnati CincInnati Cincin CIncin- nati in the case Other circuit court decisions are coming comIng cornIng com corn ing along this summer But the lawyers here do not like these cases They would rather wait to see if It a better case develops develops develops de de- de- de during the summer The choi choice e will not be made until the probably about September Sep Sop 15 The truth is they do donot donot donot not feel any too sure of oC their po po- po- po Plugging It is beginning to be evident to the treasury tax taC men that there will have to be another new tax bill next year no matter who wins the election All the faults in this latest bill will not appear until it has been in force for tor a while but some are beginning to develop daily as regulations regulations regulations reg reg- reg- reg administering it are arc be bein being being be- be in ing composed The situation was best described by a senator commenting on tho the contention that the new corporate corporate corporate corpo corpo- rate tax theory is merely a tech tech- v plugging of ot the loopholes through which large personal holding companies have been escaping es escaping escaping es- es caping taxation Said he We Vo havo have plugged the loophole with a balloon Shy Latest ingredient in the alphabet soup is tho the unique B BE BEB E B. B It is unique because It is the only one of oC the new deal agencies which has so far avoided any publicity whatsoever o ver This beach Deach erosion board was set up under existing legislation dealing with rivers ind md harbors for Cor tho the purpose of solving beach ero erosion ion along the coas coasts Congress provided that the board pay not nut to exceed 7 73 per percent percent percent cent of the cost of its tion When the president si signed ned the bill however ho passed word woid privately down the line Une that The tho federal share be kept at 50 CO per cent Junkets Fagged congressmen u usually turn their thoughts to travel near the end of ot each session They put through a few resolutions appropriating appropriating funds fund enabling them to investigate such pleasant vacation spots as the national parks the Panama canal far eastern relations relations rea- rea rela rela- etc etc Last year half of ot congress went to the Philippines by way of ot Japan China and points east cast This year however the tho boys bors lost their imaginations When no one was looking near the end of tho session there thero was adopted a resolution resolution resolution res res- res- res merely authorizing a senate senate senate sen sen- ate committee to investigate tho the steamship service to South America AmerIca America Amer Amer- ica and South Africa An appropriation of ot only was authorized for that important purpose One explanation Is that the Investigating senators will re receive receive receive re- re their transportation more or orless orless orless less free Copyright 1936 for The Tele Telegram ram |