Show 5 i Borah Tells Em leonine one-man one political party was 1 heard from in a Fourth of July address at Filer iler before Twin Falls county residents As has been characteristic of him in more than a quarter-century quarter of conspicuous individualism in public life he left no doubts in th the minds of I those who heard him as to where he stands in inthe inthe the campaign Senator Borah's words were not only awaited in the G Gem state Every pa pair r of political ears in the tho country were turned his way S An eager listener was James A. A Farley re Farley-re- re recalling calling that in November mid-November of 1934 he vowed to begin a year two-year fight against his s reelection to the senate If that fight ever started few heard beard about it Right now Jim would like the dean of the senate to forget that he had ever mentioned it Perhaps more than any voice Farley Farley Farley Far Far- ley would like to have it heard across the land championing the Roosevelt new deal In Borah's Independence day speech there were no words which seem to have been specially designed to encourage the general John Hamilton Governor Landon and the New Dealer No 1 could scarcely regard the speech as committing dahos rugged political individualist to any cause but his own I w will ll have the opportunity during the next few w months to discuss the problems confronting this country country country coun coun- try more in detail And it will be my ray purpose to discuss these issues regardless of party lines regardless of party demands I pr propose pose to discuSs discuss dis dis- dis- dis cuss them as I see them and let the chips fall where they may He need not have said more than thi this The entire nation knows exactly what he meant in those few words Expectant ears were disappointed in that Senator Borah failed to reveal with any definiteness definiteness definiteness definite- definite ness that he would be a candidate for reelection Possibly some wiseacres may be able to draw an inference from one remark in his Filer speech speech- but it is as likely as not to be the wrong one After 30 years in the U. U S. S congress the senator senator sena sena- tor said one discovers there is something more important than merely holding office What is ismore ismore ismore more important is to do something for the people who have honored you If Governor Ross finds any anything thing significant in those few words he is of course at liberty to todo todo todo do so But if Senator Borah subs subsequently announces announces an an- flounces that he wants to wear his toga for another an another an- an another other six years year the Ross Borah-Ross bout bouto vill be not for Idaho alone the battle of the century Looking back back at the vote-getting vote records of T. the governor and the senator may or may notS not S shed light on the probable outcome of of this looming contest In 1930 Borah votes against Joseph Tylers Tyler's out of a to total total total to- to tal of votes cast In the same year Ross i received against McMurray's with wit witha a a. a total tota vote for governor of nearly nearly more votes being cast for governor than for fors s senator But in the Roosevelt landslide year when the president received Ross outran him in Idaho with to Defenbach's In 1934 Ross dropped back to against cast for Stephan In 1932 Idaho cast a record vote for president of Hoover garnering garnering gar gar- gar gar- nering ing a total of in that year Its It's nobody's damned business except my own and that can be quoted Frank Franl Frank N. N Belgrano former national commander of American Legion asked how he would spend bonus money |