Show HOLLYWOOD Gene Fowler Writing N New v e Play B By SHEILAR GRAHAM HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD Gene Gene Fowler Fowler of of all aU people people Js Js writing the scenario of the next quintuplet picture Margaret Lindsay is 15 purchasing n a glider because ushe she considers gliding more thrilling thrilling and and more dangerous than than airplane flying flying- Beverly Bevery Roberts Is b acquiring perfect l posture by negotiating daily dally a wire tied two feet above the ground in her herback herback herback back yard ard Buddy Rogers makes his screen comeback in Paramount's Paramount's Para- Para mounts mount's In Your Lap Clark Gable h hero ro of ot a recent film tUan fight in which he be is suppo supposed supposed sup sup- po posed cd to have knocked knock 1 out a n sparring sparring sparring spar spar- ring partner ha hM been challenged to a n boxing duel by hy Edward Eduard Arnold now being conditioned for fight scenes In Come and Get It Our money Is 15 placed on Arnold whose right is reminiscent of ot that placed on the jaw of Joe Louis Joui by Max New name for foi certain studio publicity heads we know sup know sup press agents Romeo and Juliet scheduled for tor foran foran toran an early spring appearance will not be released to the public until Sep Sep- And Producer Irving Thalberg Thai Thai- berg is worried The picture will willdie willdie willdie die on us unless we send It out soon he ii in reputed to have told Louis B. B Mayer To comfort Mr Thalberg we would like to remind him that a good thing always keeps no matter how long or hot the summer Besides Besides Be Be- sides which William Shakespeare Shakespeare- In case casp you have forgotten he wrote the play some years ago ago Is Is still I very much alive in the minds of ot the reading and public so the few ew cw months or more before the picture pic pie t ture thre re is on the screen cant can't make much difference The privileged few who have seen the filmed Romeo and Juliet are unanimous in their praise A well known studio boss recently was awarded the croix for tor his service to France in screen glori glori- a great French scientist The French government apparently did not know that said studio boss strenuously opposed the tho making of the film on the grounds that people were not interested In medicine or germs Tallulah already already al- al ready eady has turned down offered offered of- of her by studios here Sure I want the money she told this writer but I want a satisfactory picture a little bit more Why dont don't they cast John Barrymore in inThe inThe inThe The Million Dollar Profile Marlene Dietrich according to her own statement receives the least fan tan mail mall of ot all aU the stars Not because she is unpopular On the contrary Marlene is listed with the first flight of surefire box office draws in the country Its It's just ono one of those mysteries Bing Crosby sends out autographed photographs a month at a cost of 50 cents a picture Mike Levee agent for Bette Davis Paul Muni Leslie Howard etc all of whom are under contract contract contract con con- tract to Warner Varner Bros is not al allowed allowed al- al lowed lower in that studio which must make business negotiations fairly difficult Four weeks ago Richard Dix went to o the hospital with an Infection in his lis left foot He returned home last ast week with his leg much better but nit still out of action He is hoping it t will heal within the next few days to o allow him to celebrate the second anniversary of ot his wedding There is only one person Buck Jones would like to beat in the yacht race to o Honolulu on the Fourth Lee Fourth Lee I Tracy who has never yet failed to I lead ead Jones home on the water Benita Humo Hunio is the latest to be bc test test- i ed for the of Lotus part In The Good Earth If you want to know what has happened to Wesley Vesley Barry freckle faced youngster of ot early silent films look for him in Paramount's Lad Lady Be Careful There arc are only three writers in Hollywood who work sol solely for one director Robert dIrector Robert who works for Cor Frank Capra Claude Claude- Binyon for Wesley Vesley Ruggles and Dudley Nichols for tor John Ford All three are under contract to their producer-directors producer as well as their respective studios |