Show 5 More Arraigned in h O V Bond Th Theft ft Recovered NEW YORK July 6 8 UP The UP-The The way half-way mark in the recovery of j in bonds stolen in Wall street a year and a half ago I was reached today as department of justice officials arraigned five notes in a suitcase checked in Grand Central terminal notes in a suitcase checked che ked in Grant Central terminal V The Tlc five men were arrested in i and around New York during the holiday week end and will wUl be charged with violating the national stolen properties law Their capture brought to 16 the tho number of perSons persons persons per per- sons apprehended in two robberies which have baffled police and federa federal federal fed fed- era eral investigators since early in 1935 The Tho recovery of worth of bonds brought the loot recovered to date to more than The arrests were announced by J. J Edgar Hoover chief of the bureau bureau bureau bu bu- bu- bu reau of investigation In Washington Washing Washing- ton yesterday The announcement said the 16 prisoners in custody are alleged to have actually stolen the bonds or handled them in the underworlds underworld's underworlds underworld's un un- un- un little exchange OffIcials Officials Off Off- dais admitted however that the stealing bond-stealing syndicate which is believed to be International in scope is by no means wiped out Among those last arrested was Morris 45 described as a aSt aSt aSt St Paul Minn hoodlum under indictment in the of or Wil WIl- I liam ham A. A Hamm Jr In 1926 he was arrested as an operator of ot the Twin City million dollar alcohol syndicate and in 1927 was kid kid- by Chicago gangsters and held for ransom Another of the tho five was Dave Burman 35 paroled from Sing Sing prison a year ago as a model pris pris- oner Tho The other three were Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Ben Ben- jamin Espy 50 CO many times arrested arrest arrest- ed but never convicted of disorderly condu conduct t and robbery Jack Greenberg Greenberg Greenberg Green- Green berg 28 arrested many tI times cs on minor offenses and arid Moe 42 also possessing a minor criminal record The first of the mysterious thefts which ne netted ted more than occurred December 14 H. 1934 when in treasury notes v vanished from the securities cage of the United States Trust company On January 28 1935 in bonds was stolen from the delivery rooms of a brokers' brokers twenty-fifth twenty floor Ioor office |